Have chelsea signed anyone yet or planning to?

Yeah they signed Alexandre Pato, Beckham and Paul Lambert. Didn't you hear?

Also, heard they are lining up bids for Wayne Rooney, Carlos Tevez and Danny Shittu.
nope nothing yet, Tomas Kalas has come back off his loan from Sigma but thats about it. Roman has come back from his holiday today and will meet with Carlo some time this week so i expect things to be done next week.
Yeah they signed Alexandre Pato, Beckham and Paul Lambert. Didn't you hear?

Also, heard they are lining up bids for Wayne Rooney, Carlos Tevez and Danny Shittu.
GTFO im being sereious:mad:
Hold up, let me ring Carlo personally and I'll be back to tell you in a few minutes.
nope nothing yet, Tomas Kalas has come back off his loan from Sigma but thats about it. Roman has come back from his holiday today and will meet with Carlo some time this week so i expect things to be done next week.
Do you think the sign someone this january
Someone else has escaped from the Looney hut again.
Do you think the sign someone this january

Yes i think we have too, i would put money on one of either Gary Cahill, David Luiz, Ashley Young or Steven Pienaar to join us atleast. Just from what i have heard.
The Piennar rumour is getting stronger apparently. ****** :'(
Sadly I lost my sheet of future transfers earlier for Chelsea! :(
The Piennar rumour is getting stronger apparently. ****** :'(

He is an excellent player mate and if it does happen i pay full respect to Everton and Moyes for making him the player he is today. Chelsea need a right winger because quite frankly we have none at the moment lol.
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I hope we do sign at least one, we defo need a CB and i'd like a striker or give sturridge a chance.
I hope we do sign at least one, we defo need a CB and i'd like a striker or give sturridge a chance.

I think we should just pay the 20million for Gary Cahill mate, imagine a back 4 of Cole, Terry, Cahill and Ivanovic.
is the Gary Cahill rumour dead? I'm guessing Chelsea won't get desperate enough to fork out £20 million for him.
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Sorry moderator.. oh wait.

But no. Chelsea haven't signed anyone but there are strong links with Pienaar.