hellas verona win italian seria A and cup unbeaten amazing tactic

It's far too fragile in defence. Teams score very easily

with which club you play? I am working to improve the defensive system, and I have had great improvements soon post the version 2
with which club you play? I am working to improve the defensive system, and I have had great improvements soon post the version 2

I always play with Tottenham. Please don't take this as a criticism, it's more that I'm saying I like the tactic but it's just shakey in defence. I would try and give more helpful info as to why it's shakey but the ME is just so random I wouldn't be able to say
2 registas and box to box...off course is leaky in defence. You need someone to stay back or 2 to do a work instead regista(lazy *******). Just like juve midfield vidal pirlo pogba or barca iniesta biscuit xavi.
I always play with Tottenham. Please don't take this as a criticism, it's more that I'm saying I like the tactic but it's just shakey in defence. I would try and give more helpful info as to why it's shakey but the ME is just so random I wouldn't be able to say

like to hear opinions, and I want to thank you for your, suggestions are important, every tactic has its defensive fragility because the artificial intelligence of the game, where it was difficult to play it, what I'm trying to work on now is an improvement of the defensive system since the attack has been very well.
2 registas and box to box...off course is leaky in defence. You need someone to stay back or 2 to do a work instead regista(lazy *******). Just like juve midfield vidal pirlo pogba or barca iniesta biscuit xavi.

Yeah, I've thought maybe changing the regista for 2 DM? Or 1 DM (s) 1 DM (d) and could further the support by putting more forward runs on DM (s)? Or 1 player in DM position and 2 in CM position; DM (d) and then 1 CM B2B and 1 CM (d)/BWM. Obviously a few choices and even more. I'm not sure though that's the entire problem. I don't see why the CD's are BPD's. Can anyone explain this choice to me? I'm not sure the actual differences on the pitch between the different CD roles (logically the roles make sense but I can't tell specific differences in watching), but I've always favoured defenders being simple defenders for an all round tactic. The main problem though for me is how FB's/WB's act on this edition...no matter what instructions/roles they are given they ALWAYS come far too narrow and leave players unmarked on wings, or space, or players unmarked in the box. I've tried 3 CD's to force the shape of the FB's wider, stay wider instructions, different marking instructions and nothing seems to create the balance I want. I want them to sit half way in between the CD and the winger...has anyone achieved this?

I would go with one regista and 2 box to box or anchor with more advanced midfielders with attack duty.
2 registas and box to box...off course is leaky in defence. You need someone to stay back or 2 to do a work instead regista(lazy *******). Just like juve midfield vidal pirlo pogba or barca iniesta biscuit xavi.

is that part I'm working on, registas are important for the offensive part, I use them better on the defensive part, I am testing tactic with three defenders, or a defensive midifilder results have improved defensively, I'm starting a season with the Lausanne Switzerland, crappy players and preevisão to stay in penultimate soon postarie results with version 2.

how do I have to train the team in the pre-season?

Thanks in advance!
use the same training for pre-season and season, training is at post 1, defensive very high and att. mov.

Oh.. good t oknow - I thought you make some differences for pre-/season. Thanks!

I'll test the V2 with an german underdog team and let you know about my results.
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eu parei de usar, o fm nao deixa usar 1 tatica por varios jogos, tem que ficar mudando
View attachment 369108 struggling with v2 second season...in first season play with v1 won the league easily, maybe is the trainning because last year had team coehesion and def pos...with v2 traying Your defensive and att mov??
dont know meybe is just second season syndrome