I agree, Relapse was awful and Doggystyle is a good album. Another Album I like is Tha Bosses, which is a collaboration of Nate and Snoop Dogg songs with a few other artists featuring. Not sure if you have heard of Rakim (quality rapper) doesn't get the credit he deserves. An Old school style rapper and a lot of people reckon he changed the face of hip-hop with the way he raps. You should take a look at Rakim's wiki page and maybe download an album of his tooAfroman's best album imo is The good times, so try and download that if you can. The Seventh Seal is an album by Rakim, released just last year and it is top-notch.
Also Rakims wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakim
Yeah i've heard of Rakim not listened to many of his songs though but i will download those albums and let you know what i think off them i'm listening to Eazy E's Eazy duz it at the moment great album