Indictment Charges Megaupload Site With Piracy

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What are the Piracy Laws in Hong Kong?

I know the USA Gov't sent a letter to TPB's owner some time ago, who replied mocking their attempt. That was because it's server is located in Sweden (if I'm not mistaken), who has none/much less sctrict Online Piracy Laws.

Technically it's not stealing, it's copying.

Yup, TPB is untouched because of current Swedish laws, and they currently have no intention of changing them
Don't see how this will work though tbh. I don't condone piracy a jot........but surely with each site that gets closed another could potentially spring up within hours anyway such is the knowlegdge of programmers/web designers etc.

The pirates will get round it. Piracy is a service issue, you get round it by offering a better service than pirates.
Umm not sure how this is typical america? not as if this has stopped them from going after other criminals. And they were right to. You dont think the UK has global reach too? Or China? Or France? etc

Of course. Just wasn't aware you could arrest a foreigner in a foreign country for a foreign company. You learn something new everyday.

It's funny seeing the different opinions on some of the message boards I'm a member of.
On the current affairs forums the main opinion is positive, that the internet is finally being taken to task and facing facts that it can no longer exist outside common law and continue in the way it has progressed.
On sites populated by kids, it's all "f**k da government"... "Waaah Waaaahhh they tuk my free tings..." ;)

I suggest a bit of growing up.

I need to grow up? Hm, how ironic. Do facebook need to grow up? or Reddit? Twitter? How about Wikipedia?.. They all appose these laws as do thousands of others.

You're just the steroetypical uninformaed person that would vote for this. "EVERYONE WHO DOWNLOADS ILLEGALY IS CRIMINAL. THEY ALL NEED TO GO TO JAAAIIIIILLLL. IT'S NOT FAIR!" Look, I can quote things you didn't say to make you look stupid, too. The actual problem here is not because I won't be able to stream The Smurfs, despite what you seem to believe. This law is not about protection it's basically: censoring = money. At least, that's what they think.

Also, I'll tell you a secret; these "kids" that are "crying" because they can't downlod music illegally anymore, are the same ones who go out and spend the most on music. Oh isn't irony a wonderful thing.
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The reason why so many people dont like or want SOPA, is the language of the law, it allows them to do almost anything, way beyond the scope of piracy and copyright protection.
The reason why so many people dont like or want SOPA, is the language of the law, it allows them to do almost anything, way beyond the scope of piracy and copyright protection.

True, but if (seemingly) kids have the power/knowledge to take down a website such as FBI's, I wonder what real and experienced hackers can do. And what said action will lead to. Internet evolved to something huge, and it became life to some people.
True, but if (seemingly) kids have the power/knowledge to take down a website such as FBI's, I wonder what real and experienced hackers can do. And what said action will lead to. Internet evolved to something huge, and it became life to some people.

Hacking isnt an age related thing, indeed some of the best are teens. Those who do it are very very good. Also a lot of the very best work for the corporations and governments that hack, which makes sense. They hacked you so they know where the weaknesses are and how to defend them

There is also a difference between hacking surface pages, and hitting truly sensitive information
The act has to get pass Obama first, who is against it, so i don't see it getting passed.!!
A naive British student facing ten years in chains and how our half-witted politicians play poodle to America

Mr O’Dwyer set up the TVShack website in his digs which, American prosecutors allege, hosts links to pirated copyrighted films and television programmes. He made an estimated £147,000 in advertising revenue over three years.
However, he did not download copyrighted material himself, which explains why British authorities do not believe he has committed any crime and have evidently decided not to bring any charges against him.

Many will say that what he did was underhand or devious, but it was not illegal under our law. His actions were not, in fact, dissimilar to those of the internet giant Google, which has profited from advertising illegal websites selling unauthorised tickets for the 2012 Olympics.
In other words, like Mr O’Dwyer, Google effectively directed users to illegal websites, though that particular link has been stopped. Needless to say, no one is dreaming of prosecuting Google, a U.S.-based company worth tens of billions of dollars.

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It's funny seeing the different opinions on some of the message boards I'm a member of.
On the current affairs forums the main opinion is positive, that the internet is finally being taken to task and facing facts that it can no longer exist outside common law and continue in the way it has progressed.
On sites populated by kids, it's all "f**k da government"... "Waaah Waaaahhh they tuk my free tings..." ;)

I suggest a bit of growing up.
Have you any idea what will SOPA bring ? Internet sites won't be free again. It's going to be like cable TV. You must pay certain amount of money to have access to certain online sites. There won't be anymore FM Base, unless enough people pay the money to keep it running. 2$ per month wont be enough.
Only sites that will survive are Google, Facebook and some other big sites who have the money to get included in 'online channels' you may choose to enter.
It's funny seeing the different opinions on some of the message boards I'm a member of.
On the current affairs forums the main opinion is positive, that the internet is finally being taken to task and facing facts that it can no longer exist outside common law and continue in the way it has progressed.
On sites populated by kids, it's all "f**k da government"... "Waaah Waaaahhh they tuk my free tings..." ;)

I suggest a bit of growing up.

They that give up essential liberty for a little temporary safety; deserve neither liberty nor safety.

- Benjamin Franklin


The difference between arresting kids for drinking and losing you liberty on the internet is huge. IIRC all of the biggest businesses in music have continuously raised profits, the issue is overplayed by old politicians who lack a thorough understanding of the internet. It's hardly worth losing our freedom to protect a few percentile points on their balance sheets. If they were any good as business people, they'd adapt and change their business model rather than try and force a nation to change to them. As Mike said, it's a service issue.
What's hypocritical about the law? Elaborate for us.

Where to start? I think, as I'm a tad hungover, I'll just point out the biggest, most glaring piece of hypocrisy in the whole thing.

SOPA/PIPA is being fuelled by Hollywood, that much is indisputable. Now, I don't know if anyone has a basic knowledge of the formation of Hollywood, but I've got a little excerpt here that should be able to inform you:

Over a century ago Thomas Edison got the patent for a device which would “do for the eye what the phonograph does for the ear”. He called it the Kinetoscope. He was not only amongst the first to record video, he was also the first person to own the copyright to a motion picture.

Because of Edison’s patents it was close to financially impossible to create motion pictures in the North American East Coast. The movie studios therefore relocated to California, and founded what we today call Hollywood. The reason was mostly because there were no patents. There was also no copyright to speak of, so the studios could copy old stories and make movies out of them – like Fantasia, one of Disney’s biggest hits ever.

So. It turns out Hollywood, the companies now screaming and crying about losing immaterial rights, were more or less the first large-scale circumventers of immaterial rights. They took other peoples' creative works without paying for them. They are now, of course, a huge force in the world and some of the richest companies in the world. This all came from them circumventing the rules regarding creative works. And now, they're trying to stop people doing exactly what they did?

They, and SOPA and PIPA, can **** right off.
But now there is. Hence, the point is moot.

Not at all. The point is about the legality of it, it's about the hypocrisy of the whole movement. My post, minus the last line, was neither in support nor against SOPA and PIPA, merely stating the facts of the matter. Just because there were no copyrights doesn't make it okay, particularly not when you're trying to stop people from doing the same just because they're big enough now to get jealous over it.

If you want to talk about the legality and effectiveness of it, perhaps we should think about how, actually, you can still access banned sites by other easy means such as IP addresses. All SOPA and PIPA will do is destroy communities on the internet.
Communities of what? Illegal file sharers?
So be it.

SOPA and PIPA could potentially close down Wikipedia, Twitter, Reddit, Facebook, hundreds of webcomics, blogs and sharing sites... the list is endless. These are communities of people just like this site, doing nothing wrong and doing nothing to deserve being closed down. How you can attempt to justify something that doesn't do its primary job but instead just inflicts massive collateral damage on those people who enjoy the internet and help to make it what it is is PAST baffling.
Life goes on.
I've never read a blog, I don't use twitter, F/B is a rare distraction, I don't use Reddit?, read comics nor do I share files with people on the internet.
I think you are buying into too much hype and if you honestly believe that this little altercation spells the end of the likes of Youtube etc??? Then you really need to get off the internet for a week or two and relax with a game of golf or something :)

Anyway... That's all I need to add to the subject. I hope it all works out for you.

P.S. The Matrix has you ;)
Life goes on.
I've never read a blog, I don't use twitter, F/B is a rare distraction, I don't use Reddit?, read comics nor do I share files with people on the internet.
I think you are buying into too much hype and if you honestly believe that this little altercation spells the end of the likes of Youtube etc??? Then you really need to get off the internet for a week or two and relax with a game of golf or something :)

Anyway... That's all I need to add to the subject. I hope it all works out for you.

P.S. The Matrix has you ;)

Speaking as a mod now, various opinions are welcome. Patroninsing peoople and dismissing them isnt.