i use this tactic and my defender just heads over the bar! must just be me by the sounds of it

no im the same but to people calling it a cheat etc it is just common sense teams do this in real life all the time just a shame that on the game its not balanced maybe they will adrress it in the next patch
it is common sense but last season ryan shawcross got me 24 goals lol so yeah needs to be more balanced
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Guys if you wanna keep scoring some goals from corners but still don't wanna use this bug, try setting corners to near post and your best header player on near post :)
The corner setup itself isn't a bug, it is just a quite good and realistic setup. The problem is the ridiculously consistent delivery. Generally when I don't score from a corner it isn't because of the poor delivery, it is because my player is just kept from reaching the ball.
I set up individual instructions for all the players and leave it on mixed to make it realistic. However i wouldnt see it as cheating rather exploiting the game and as someone who likes to play as realistic as possible (attibutes masked, no transfer at beginging of the game etc ) I dont want to exploit it.
That just seems so.. bland. I wish they'd fix it so you could use a regular tactic without feeling like a cheat. :S

Indeed, although with seasons of corner bugs from FM its one of those things I am used to. I still get 5/6 goals a season from corners, so it's not like they're 100% wasted. However if SI did fix it, it would be great to sort a corner setting out that'd get you 8 goals a season eh:(
on a serious note i must be missing a trick here because my corners are set to far post and my best defender attacks far post and rarely scores! Obviously SI have fixed the bug on my machine lol! in disbelief reading everyone elses posts
Bad choice of words I reckon, but its not cheating, I used the same tactic last season, I was using Sunderland, same corner setup, Turner scored about 5 and Bramble 3. So it doesn't seem like a cheat, Shawcross is just better at it .

It's "incredible" (by definition, defying credibility) and Shawcross has 9 goals in 5 games... so you DON'T think it's a cheat?

This is definitely a bug, and in my eyes using it is cheating.
Neil Trotman used to bang them in for me from corners.
Steven Taylor scored 8 for me in a season, all from corners, ive sold him now, but i beat ballymena 6-0 in a friendly and coloccini got a hattrick from corners.

Not a bug, just a good tactic that teams cant defend
Best player for this tactic is Chris Samba of Blackburn he was PL top scorer for me and every goal 26 in total was a header
i had per mertshack (sp) score 20 goals for my arsenal team which is nice
I don't think it's a cheat or bug. Even in FM 10 Albiol scored something like 15 goals in one season..
IMO this is a bug and to take advantage of it is exploitation - more than ~10 goals a season for a defender is unrealistic. Until SI get around to fixing it, I'm going to leave my corner delivery on mixed :)
IMO this is a bug and to take advantage of it is exploitation - more than ~10 goals a season for a defender is unrealistic. Until SI get around to fixing it, I'm going to leave my corner delivery on mixed :)

2.Ronald Koeman – The Dutchman holds the record for the most league goals for a defender (193 – 11 more than Passerella), including 21 in one season for PSV. A free-kick specialist, he scored in the European Cup Final of 1982 for Barcelona

3.Steve Bruce – The current Sunderland manager holds the English record for the most league goals in one season by a defender – 19. An aerial threat, Bruce was best known for his time at Manchester United, where he chipped in with 36 goals in his stint at the clu

just found this so its not unrealistic just very rare

2.Ronald Koeman – The Dutchman holds the record for the most league goals for a defender (193 – 11 more than Passerella), including 21 in one season for PSV. A free-kick specialist, he scored in the European Cup Final of 1982 for Barcelona

3.Steve Bruce – The current Sunderland manager holds the English record for the most league goals in one season by a defender – 19. An aerial threat, Bruce was best known for his time at Manchester United, where he chipped in with 36 goals in his stint at the clu

just found this so its not unrealistic just very rare


The first guy was apparently a free kick specialist, so I don't know if he really counts. A couple of the guys on that list where also either free kick takers or penalty takers. Anyway, these are rare cases, but in FM it is really easy to do...
Steve Bruce was a very good header of the ball and a penalty taker also.

Just had a friendly against RB Salzburg and out of 9 corners they scored 3 against Arsenal using that tactic. All 3 identical.

To say to put your best header at the back post (or anywhere in the penalty area) is a tactic is true, to average a goal every 3 corners is totally unrealistic. For a player to score the same type of goals time after time against different opponents is totally unrealistic. Can people hand on heart claim they've seen a carbon copy of a goal scored twice by the same player in real life. Maybe in a season, but to do it 26 times? No. To score a hattrick of identical goals? No.

If people want to score cheap and unrealistic goals, that's their choice. Others like to keep the game as realistic as possible.
IMO it's a bug, but its up to you whether you exploit it.
so what is the real bug then?
where do i set my corners for this and where do i put the players?