Joseph Kony

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.....It's not worth campaigning about.....
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Follow my twitter for London based info @KONYldn
Kony is evil in the purest sense of the word, but this video is flawed. The Ugandan Army is just as murderous as the LRA. Sending money to them is a horrendous idea. Museveni himself used child soldiers in coming to power, and his forces are responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of deaths. Not that is even new, the LRA have been killing like this for 20 years. And Africa is full of men like Kony, half of them are actually in power.
Kony is evil in the purest sense of the word, but this video is flawed. The Ugandan Army is just as murderous as the LRA. Sending money to them is a horrendous idea. Museveni himself used child soldiers in coming to power, and his forces are responsible for the deaths of thousands and thousands of deaths. Not that is even new, the LRA have been killing like this for 20 years. And Africa is full of men like Kony, half of them are actually in power.

It's strange how in hundreds and thousands of comments on this subject that hasn't come up, but I agree :S
It's strange how in hundreds and thousands of comments on this subject that hasn't come up, but I agree :S

People have seen the video, and jumped on it, and are angry, which is right. But the video itself doesnt tell the whole story. **** if more and more people knew that this was just the surface, they'd be even angrier
‎"Theres ALWAYS two sides to every story. This viral film has caught the attention of heaps of young folk but you are all far too late. Watching that Kony video is essentially watching old news. They started filming in 2003, and northern Uganda has been free of LRA violence and war for over five years. In fact, the LRA have signed a peace accord! They are rebuilding and are restoring the peace.
Yes the leader is still out there however the recruitment of children has decreased 80%. This isn't due to the Invisible Children organisation, its because Ugandan military and the ICC have intercepted. The Invisible Children group are trying to pass a bill that allows America to militarise the region... They are providing misinformation to woo idealistic followers. The group have combined multiple regional conflicts to make it appear that this is one rapidly increasing issue. When confronted about their dodgy tactics, the head spokesperson stated;
“I agree with you that leading people to believe that the war is still happening in Uganda is not ethically right. It's something we've been addressing internally, focusing on getting all staff and supporters on the same page (of communication)."
If you read the news, or even had an ounce of interest in the on-going unrest in Africa you would already know this and not be fooled. Yes, awful things happen to people in 3rd world countries but this has been occurring for centuries, it isn't a recent occurrence.
I think its only fair if I am to make such comments I provide sources (unlike the people over at Invisible Children...)
Michael Kirkpatrick, a long-time Independent Global Citizen, he has resided in Uganda and other regions of Africa. He has no political, religious or financial agenda. He wrote this article and gave an in-depth insight to whats really going on. He also questioned important members of Invisible Children about their motives. [1] [3]
Charity Navigator is a website that breaks down the proceeds and donations given to Invisible Children and subsequently shows what percentile of that is REALLY going towards these impoverished kids. A measly slither of what is going into the founders pockets. [2] [4] Charity Navigator Rating - Invisible Children
I've read an interesting passage from Northern Ugandan man however it is not 100% verified - he has advised the Northern Ugandan parliament have listed IC as their main priority on their "fraudulent activity" list. (See 2nd comment, username Livingstone). [3] [5] Martin County students help Ugandan children - Topix THIS article asking Invisible Children why they were pressuring poor AND illegal piece of legislation has since been removed and deleted. [4] [6]
ADDITIONALLY - There were members of Invisible Children were saying what their "allowance" could purchase them, it was on a forum on the official website, and this has also been REMOVED. [5] [7]
Also: [6] [8] The Gauntlet News - Barry from Look What I Did responds to Invisible Children Organization.html"
‎"Theres ALWAYS two sides to every story. This viral film has caught the attention of heaps of young folk but you are all far too late. Watching that Kony video is essentially watching old news. They started filming in 2003, and northern Uganda has been free of LRA violence and war for over five years. In fact, the LRA have signed a peace accord! They are rebuilding and are restoring the peace.
Yes the leader is still out there however the recruitment of children has decreased 80%. This isn't due to the Invisible Children organisation, its because Ugandan military and the ICC have intercepted. The Invisible Children group are trying to pass a bill that allows America to militarise the region... They are providing misinformation to woo idealistic followers. The group have combined multiple regional conflicts to make it appear that this is one rapidly increasing issue. When confronted about their dodgy tactics, the head spokesperson stated;
“I agree with you that leading people to believe that the war is still happening in Uganda is not ethically right. It's something we've been addressing internally, focusing on getting all staff and supporters on the same page (of communication)."
If you read the news, or even had an ounce of interest in the on-going unrest in Africa you would already know this and not be fooled. Yes, awful things happen to people in 3rd world countries but this has been occurring for centuries, it isn't a recent occurrence.
I think its only fair if I am to make such comments I provide sources (unlike the people over at Invisible Children...)
Michael Kirkpatrick, a long-time Independent Global Citizen, he has resided in Uganda and other regions of Africa. He has no political, religious or financial agenda. He wrote this article and gave an in-depth insight to whats really going on. He also questioned important members of Invisible Children about their motives. [1] [3]
Charity Navigator is a website that breaks down the proceeds and donations given to Invisible Children and subsequently shows what percentile of that is REALLY going towards these impoverished kids. A measly slither of what is going into the founders pockets. [2] [4] Charity Navigator Rating - Invisible Children
I've read an interesting passage from Northern Ugandan man however it is not 100% verified - he has advised the Northern Ugandan parliament have listed IC as their main priority on their "fraudulent activity" list. (See 2nd comment, username Livingstone). [3] [5] Martin County students help Ugandan children - Topix THIS article asking Invisible Children why they were pressuring poor AND illegal piece of legislation has since been removed and deleted. [4] [6]
ADDITIONALLY - There were members of Invisible Children were saying what their "allowance" could purchase them, it was on a forum on the official website, and this has also been REMOVED. [5] [7]Dear future, I’m here. Nice to meet you.
Also: [6] [8] The Gauntlet News - Barry from Look What I Did responds to Invisible Children Organization.html"

Good, glad at least one person today is actually looking past the video. It's all over my facebook, and no one actually has a clue apart from just following this video, its making my blood boil
I was going to watch the video but the first sentence in the description put me off.

KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.

Just say infamous/notorious then you don't have to write such a clumsy opening.
My love of Football Manager has brought me to an oasis in the desert of ignorance and the over use of social media.
trying my best to educate facebook but it's a losing battle
Has anyone who's posting on facebook and retweeting this actually donated ? ...i doubt it, no-one will be talking about this next week something new will take over
trying my best to educate facebook but it's a losing battle

Don't you know, just by watching that video, everyone on facebook and twitter are experts in everything that is anything to do with Uganda, children, wars and 'PUTTIN UP POSTARZ!!'.

Ridiculous. I suppose the fact that in 2006 massive reservations of Oil were found in Uganda..

I mean, the United States have never made anything up to go and invade another country have they? I mean.. Iraq had so many WMD's.
He has updated his tumblr slightly with a couple more interesting points
But, what happens if he is captured? Do they extradite him to the United States and imprison him, or do they just kill him?
I'm not fully sure what to think at the minute. The director/whatever that was in the film seems to me to be genuinely trying to help but I think even he is not fully aware of the story and consequences. My main flaw with the entire argument is the idea that too free these child soldiers we will have a war with an army made up of these child soldiers. Its boomed now anyway so there is no stopping the movement.