KevyMatts and Mike's Kit Requests (please read OP)

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I will not be doing anymore work on kits tonight, but will hopefully continue later.
Mike/kevymatts, I have only done JSmyth kits, no others, just in case you want to continue.8-|
Hello, I'm going to request some Cowdenbeath kits please. Just the pictures of the kits, I can deal with everything else.

Short Sleeve, and stuart you can do them if you want :P

Cowdenbeath Home: Blue, with white trim. Adidas. Style of the example template, sponsored by fly emirates.

Away: Something funky, Yellow with green trim. fly emirates and adidas.

Just to clarify, I need no config file so you can jsut post the kit pictures up please guys. Remember, Mods First ;)
Could I have some kits for the FM-Base £80 million challenge?

Home kit- Green with white and black trim
Away kit - Black and green
Third- Dont mind

Short sleeves please
Dan, you could use the ones that were made for the FM-Base Dragons?

Link Here
I'm just finishing a couple of things now, won't be long then I'll start on the kits. (A)
Can I have a Man Utd Goal keeper jersey.

Green Sponsor dolce and gabbana

Team's Unique ID: (Not sure, not on the game)
Team's Name: Wolfsburg

Kit manufacturer: Nike
Kit sponsor(s): Wispa Chocolate ^^) (

Home Kit colours: Mainly Green, and some White
Away Kit colours: Mainly White, and some Green
Third Kit colours: Flourescent yellow, Black

Short Sleeve please.

Cheers guys, if possible can somebody PM me when it's done? :)
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Frankie I have those kits for FM Athletic! How can I get them into my FM Base FC Game?
I'd love one for my local team but I've not started a season with them I'll speak to you lot then in a few months if your not swamped.
Well I will continue now tomorrow, as I have finally got myself a arcade champion position<------Chansey!:D
I am just about to start on the kits. (A)
Please could somebody make me ... :D

Team Name: F.C. Barcelona
Team ID: 1708
Kit Sponsor: Virgin
Kit Manufacturer: Nike
Kit Colours: Up to you, be creative
Away Kit Colours: Flourescent Orange/Yellow
Third Kit Colours: Black/Blue Hoops
I never request things like this but if it isn't too much trouble guys but...

All long sleeve please.

Team Name: Brentford FC
Team ID: 2062022754
Kit Sponsor: Apple
Kit Manufacturer: Nike
Kit Colours: Red with a white sideway strip that runs through the chest/torso
Away Kit Colours: Black with a pink sideway strip that runs through the chest/torso
3rd Kit Colours: White with a red stripes

hope I explained that okay lads. many thank yous in advance
Could you do me a West Ham kit

Colour same as West Ham colours but could i have like a stripe like Deano
kit sponser: Fly Emiretes
Kit maker: nike
Id 1394654503

Thank you for your time
Can you make me these short sleeve kits?

Team's Unique ID: 1952
Team's Name: Partizan . I will give you this logo to make you easier View attachment 33338

Kit manufacturer: Kappa
Kit sponsor(s): I would like to have 3 sponsors on kits, MSI on the front of the kits, These logo would be great View attachment 33334
Renault logo on the left sleeve like this oneView attachment 33337
and on the right sleeve I would like JSL logo, this one View attachment 33335

Home Kit colours :
Black and white like that one on the picture View attachment 33339

Away Kit colours : Black like this one View attachment 33336

Third Kit colours : White like this one View attachment 33333

I hope that I sufficiently explained what I want. Thank you very much guys in advance.
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Hi I would be enormously grateful if you could supply me kit designs for my part time amateur level 10 team, the details I would love are:

Team's Unique ID: I am sorry, I have no clue as they are not on the normal fm10 game.
Team's Name: Birtley Town FC

Kit manufacturer: Adidas
Kit sponsor(s): VW

Home Kit colours: Purple and silver stripes with the manufacturer and team badge in the middle of the strip please.

Away Kit colours: I would love Black and Silver stripes for the away kit with the same location for the manufacturer and team badge please.

I dont need a 3rd kit but thanks for offering it anyway, Ive tried to make my own for ages with no success at all! I just need someone to help me with a team badge now and I would be sorted! Thanks again!
Sorry Mike, that i wasnt about last night, i as wrecked and had an early night:P. ill get started on them soon:). Thanks stuart for helping:D