KevyMatts and Mike's Kit Requests (please read OP)

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Team's Unique ID: 5603779
Team's Name: Wacker Innsbruck

Kit manufacturer: Nike
Kit sponsor(s): Armani

Home Kit colours: Green and black please.
Away Kit colours: White and gold.
Third Kit colours: Flourescent orange.

No specific patterns, feel free to be creative! All shirts long sleeved. Hope you can find time to do them, if not then no worries.

Thanks in advance :)
Okay, I'm gonna take KingEric's advice - we've had plenty of requests so this is now CLOSED until they are done :)

Keep checking back!
Hello, I'm going to request some Cowdenbeath kits please. Just the pictures of the kits, I can deal with everything else.

Short Sleeve, and stuart you can do them if you want :P

Cowdenbeath Home: Blue, with white trim. Adidas. Style of the example template, sponsored by fly emirates.

Away: Something funky, Yellow with green trim. fly emirates and adidas.

Just to clarify, I need no config file so you can jsut post the kit pictures up please guys. Remember, Mods First ;)

Frankie i know you wanted stuart to do them:P, but i had a go anyways if you don't like them just say and im sure we can change them:)

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View attachment 33368
Hi Boys forget about my FM Base kits! Sorry to cause any inconvenience

those brentford kits are awesome! particularly the away one;)
Yeah Coach I'm getting them up now. (A)
Please could somebody make me ... :D

Team Name: F.C. Barcelona
Team ID: 1708
Kit Sponsor: Virgin
Kit Manufacturer: Nike
Kit Colours: Up to you, be creative
Away Kit Colours: Flourescent Orange/Yellow
Third Kit Colours: Black/Blue Hoops

Just a reminder :)
Sorry Mike, that i wasnt about last night, i as wrecked and had an early night:P. ill get started on them soon:). Thanks stuart for helping:D

NP mate, I will stick around still, give you guys a hand whenever I can:)

Mike did you get the kit templates? Also some excellent templates that were requested aswell.

---------- Post added at 07:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 PM ----------

Just a reminder :)

I know that you want your kits done, but please dont re-post or ask about yours. there is a waiting list, and I am sure Mike and kevy(and me, when I help) would appreciate you not re-posting your request. This was one of the main reasons me and Hunter26 stopped our thread. Thank you very much:)

Also, any bugging, Private Messages etc will result in your request being put last, so please respect the very simple rules.(H)
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Excuse my language lads, but those are
******* B-E-A-U-TIFUL!

Thanks very much :D