Any chance you could make these new arsenal training kits into in-game fm kits? they look as nice as I could imagine a fantasy arsenal kit look.
here's a pic of it, then I've put the code with my slight colour changes at the bottom.
okay here is the coding.
Team's Unique ID: 602 (but config not needed, just the images)
Team's Name: Arsenal
Sleeve length: Short
Sleeve logo: yes please
Do you want the config file? no
Kit manufacturer: Nike
Kit sponsor: Fly Emirates (same as on picture)
Home Kit colours: right, if you could change the colours so that it's Got the red body and white sleeves like all home arsenal shirts, collar white as well please, with that same crest (it's the cannon from the current crest, lifted out of it so it's just the cannon) and the band on the left sleeve there to be red please, sponsors crest and kit maker nike logo to be white please
Away Kit colours: I have an away shirt for next season already so no need.
Third Kit colours: Just the white one as it is in that picture above but the band on the sleeve to be Blue please. and nike logo and sponsor to be blue aswell please

Cannon-crest again and to be red please
thank you so much if you can make these