Dec, if I've told you once, I've told you a million times, just because he used a method that is perfectly legal, but you didn't decide to use, (although I gave you the option to) to advertise his kits, (saying vote for me in his quote) Does not mean he is cheating, I've offered you the chance to write a quote at least twice, and you've ignored both of my offers, it does in fact, sound like sour grapes to me, and actually reminds me of a quote by freddyadu on one of the other threads:
Dec you are terrible at taking any type of criticism, and you sound like an extremely sore loser.
And now seeing it like this, I feel his point may actually be correct. I also find it fairly hippocritical that you say this after receiving a bit of criticism on your kits in the same thread:
Not to try and sway your vote but just because El_Wulfio's looks more it doesn't mean it is, I mean I had to decide to make them like that and put the effort in making them perfect but also this isn't an effort competition it is a kit one. However it is your choice
and El_Wulfio's are top kits.
Which, as freddy also mentions, does sound like slandering. You are basically saying "El_Wulfio's kits aren't great, just because he has a lot going on in them, vote for me, cause mine are better." I'm not an idiot, I can see this is the case. You've also tried to avoid criticism by adding "And El_Wulfio's are top kits" which I know full well you don't believe for one second, due to our recent Msn conversations.
Obviously, I'm not going to disclose information from there without being antatgonised because it's wrong to post a private conversation, but let me just say, if they did read them , there would be a lot of raised eyebrows.
If you still wish to resign from the competition, I will accept if you confirm on this thread, and the match will go down as a loss for you, and Ryanhobbs will progress to the finals.