Kit Making With GIMP

I've just got the hang of it, I'll do a simple guide :)

---------- Post added at 12:26 PM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 11:59 PM ----------

Just made a guide:

Important rules to kit-making on GIMP:
Make sure the layers are the right size.
I would recommend the logo to be about 25x25 pixels and the sponsor to be 80x13 pixels.
For the sponsor, the example I used was 'Microsoft' although others may be smaller. Just experiment
and try and get it right.

I wonder if you have ever made any kits when you recommend to use 25x25 pixels for the logo :O I found that quite small, personally I use often between "35x35" - "40x40":P

This is how it looks with 35x35 on a kit which I made in 3½ seconds:

View attachment 50730
I think now it's best that people just zoom in and just carefully paintbrush it.
parkin, nice kit, did you use colourify for your LOSC kit? When I try and use the paint can my black actually turns grey

cheers mate.
not coulourify, theres one near the top of the colour option i think its called colourise, just set that i think it was to the bottom... if i try and **** about with the colours it usually goes **** up so keeping it simple atm!
Starting to get the hang of this now.. One more question though.. How do you like move images cos when i scale it down its just in the center of the jersey??
It's Ok. Your Liverpool one is awesome! I like your Man U one too but it's a bit pixelated........

Thanx man... I didn't really know wat exactly i was doing with the Man U Kits but i'm startin to get the hang of it..

Starting to get the hang of this now.. One more question though.. How do you like move images cos when i scale it down its just in the center of the jersey??

U need to select the Move tool from the Toolbars... Its the one with the double sided arrows that cross...
My first attempt at kit design using Gimp


What are your thoughts please???

Also what is the best way to change the kit colour i always right clck the layer go to image and color that way but it is an inaccurate way to do it

Here's my first attempt at a fantasy team

---------- Post added at 02:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:00 AM ----------

I also don't know how to do the coloring in thing..I had to use manual brushes to do that it took me forever! Is there a quick way to do it and keep the wrinkles in the shirt?

---------- Post added at 06:08 AM ---------- Previous post was yesterday at 02:02 AM ----------

Lol I got over Gimp...downloaded Photoshop CS5 on Vuze..took an hour to dload :D

So here's one I created on Photoshop - Btw it's like 10 times easier on Photoshop!

c\n someone please help me. when i drag the psd file into gimp, it loads EVERY single layer from each kit style.

I.e - If i go to the adidas psd and use it, it will load all 40 of the styles and throw them onto the kit making every layer visible. So this results in a huge list of layers..

This differs so much from photoshop, but can someone please help me out?
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I just gave GIMP a quick go for this purpose to see. It works ok, but changing the colours is a tad of a *****. Ok if you don't have PS I suppose, but not ideal.
I just gave GIMP a quick go for this purpose to see. It works ok, but changing the colours is a tad of a *****. Ok if you don't have PS I suppose, but not ideal.

How did you manage to keep all the layers from appearing :S?