Koflok's Goals Galore 2011

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My Story Part 1

Immediately I saw the authors results with this tactic, I jumped for joy. I immediately started a new game with Spurs to try it out. It started well enough, Defoe was scoring goals left and right (although missing alot also). I felt very confident when my next oppornent was Chelsea (away)... I was very wrong, lets just say i was given a lesson I would never forget.

NOW MY STORY BEGINS...... I took my time to read through everyones comments and suggestions. Found out my faults (which were alot) and realised the problem wasnt with the tactic but was from me. So I started the game again, not so naive with Spurs, but with Chelsea.
Below are my findings;

THE TACTIC: No matter the team you choose, as soon as you start the game the first thing you need to do is go and find good coaches. Its one thing having a tactic but your players need to be coached in that tactic. It usually takes me 30-45 mins signing staffs This helps the players blend well with the tactic

THE PLAYERS: if you use a team like madrid or barca then you already have the perfect players for this tactic. if not, you have to look at your team and choose wisely. The main, and i repeat MAIN player for this tactic is your centre forward. the rest are all secondary. make sure you get a decent enough (17+) CF. The rest are self explanatory really but it mostly depends on what you already have. dont kill yourself trying to sign players find a way to work with your best players.


So after tweaking (standard, man-mark etc) i found out that against stronger opponents,since the defensive line has already been pushed up, its best to
  • play a counter attack
  • play the offside trap
  • in defending corners, leave your CF and wingers on "Stay forward" duty and your attacking midfielder on the "Edge of the area". your FB's should "Mark the post" while everyone else should "Man Mark"

You can see where im driving at right? most of the goals i scored came from me counter attacking my opponent from corners. Turn defence into attack:D

See a youtube video of a counter against ManU Here (H)

Back to what i said about the CF, let me start by saying that Drogba in the reason my team is doing so well. Even with all the tweaks, there are some games (both home and away) that I had no business winning but he came up with a moment of brilliance. Just take a look.


not only did he win the World player of the year, but also he bagged the Striker of the year award also ;)


The rest of the team did play very well under this tactic and im sure it was down to the number of good coaches i was able to get. This is in January and this is how well the team has blended


And my stats have been....


with Drogba scoring 26 goals in 25 games and 12 assists .... Peter Cech also won the Goalie of the year :D


1. Barcelona is the only team (in real life and in FM) that will not change their tactics for nobody. for the rest of us, if you decide to use this tactic, just keep in mind that you can and probably will get beat by teams who play a different style (Direct approach and a wider pitch size). Hence have a backup tactic at hand for when you meet stronger teams. I tend to use the "Park the plane" tactic and even though ive only used it a few times, my team seems to really like it


2. This isn't a plug and play tactic... even with all my tweaks I still ended up being beat in an away game in the champions league by FC Kobenhavin... Shocking.

With all ive learnt, I think ill go back to the Spurs game and see what i can achieve by the 1st half of the season. Thank you all for your inputs, and i hope something in all i wrote would help someone.

btw when tweaking tactics, do you change the positions of sliders by 1 or 2 clicks or more? How do you know if the tweak is successful? i haven been much successful in my own tweaking.
btw when tweaking tactics, do you change the positions of sliders by 1 or 2 clicks or more? How do you know if the tweak is successful? i haven been much successful in my own tweaking.
You're succesfull when you are getting results.

Here's the league standing with Fortuna Sittard at the moment, the forecast with this team was place 17:


I guess you could say I'm succesfully tweaking... :wub:

I will share the tactic with Koflok anytime soon. The rest is up to him! ;)

---------- Post added at 08:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 AM ----------

Yes sir, yes sir. :)

THE PLAYERS: if you use a team like madrid or barca then you already have the perfect players for this tactic. if not, you have to look at your team and choose wisely. The main, and i repeat MAIN player for this tactic is your centre forward. the rest are all secondary. make sure you get a decent enough (17+) CF. The rest are self explanatory really but it mostly depends on what you already have. dont kill yourself trying to sign players find a way to work with your best players.


Whaddaya mean by 17+ CF? I'm going to try it with Blackburn, as for strikers, I have Kalinic, Biram Diouf, Leigh Griffiths, Araujo and Benjani (who I won't use)
Whaddaya mean by 17+ CF? I'm going to try it with Blackburn, as for strikers, I have Kalinic, Biram Diouf, Leigh Griffiths, Araujo and Benjani (who I won't use)

I don't know what is 17+ CF. Just buy some good CFs, someone like Kadlec or Hulk because he is the ideal CF for this plan (as Koflok mentioned) :wub:
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Well i played with this team its started good but after 6-8months I ****** up and left chelsea as none tactic was working wid me specially this went compl wrong 4 me :(

DMC Essien
AML Neymar
CM Hamsik
CM Lampard
AMR Hazzard *Really awesome
STR Luiz Saurez/Drogba all failed here

AMR and AML working really awesome 4 me.. then i left to city and won EPL with them they have sexy players except unhappy mario

when I use your tactic, yeah its cool scoring from counter attack but sometimes if my defenders can't mark my opponents (my defenders arent so good as terry and alex)

then boom, they're scoring again and again

just drew to rapied wien sk -_-
Hey Guys!

I have read the tweaks but still more of the same.

Love the tactic so will keep at it.. advice appreciated.

Haha thanks mate for sticking with the tactic.

Honestly I got no advice so far other than do the tweakings which have been recommended here such as normal d-line, drill crossing, untick defender's mentality settings, and maybe a bit time wasting.

OK good tactic I have made changes to improve defence, gain more possession while still scoring the goals which the tac is all about!

FB-automatic-tackling-normal-close down own half only

CB-Close down own area only-defensive minded

DM-Close down own half only

CM-No changes

RW/LW-Drill crosses-long shots sometimes

Whole Team
Move up defensive line to normal
Team a little wider
Not lost since!!

Wow nice input. Especially on the closing down.
Exactly what was I'm currently working on.

Immediately I saw the authors results with this tactic, I jumped for joy. I immediately started a new game with Spurs to try it out. It started well enough, Defoe was scoring goals left and right (although missing alot also). I felt very confident when my next oppornent was Chelsea (away)... I was very wrong, lets just say i was given a lesson I would never forget.

2. This isn't a plug and play tactic... even with all my tweaks I still ended up being beat in an away game in the champions league by FC Kobenhavin... Shocking.

With all ive learnt, I think ill go back to the Spurs game and see what i can achieve by the 1st half of the season. Thank you all for your inputs, and i hope something in all i wrote would help someone.


Sorry i have to cut the post. Thank you for the input man. Very thorough.

Yes the Striker position have been very crucial in this tactic. My Kadlec says it all. 60% of the goals comes from him alone

You're succesfull when you are getting results.

Here's the league standing with Fortuna Sittard at the moment, the forecast with this team was place 17:


I guess you could say I'm succesfully tweaking... :wub:

I will share the tactic with Koflok anytime soon. The rest is up to him! ;)

---------- Post added at 08:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:04 AM ----------

Yes sir, yes sir. :)


Woah share share! That is awesome result.
You're really good at the tweakings :D
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Whaddaya mean by 17+ CF? I'm going to try it with Blackburn, as for strikers, I have Kalinic, Biram Diouf, Leigh Griffiths, Araujo and Benjani (who I won't use)

I don't know what is 17+ CF. Just buy some good CFs, someone like Kadlec or Hulk because he is the ideal CF for this plan (as Koflok mentioned) :wub:

Im sorry for that...... what i mean is that your Centre Forward should at least have a Finishing of 17 and above. I have had a lot of one-on-one chances and if Drogba wasn't playing in that position this wouldn't have worked
Okay guys so I would like to share what I've been testing so far.
Up until 2 days ago I was pleased with the 'latest' version. But now there is 3 versions for the next update.

Version 3.0
Drill cross
Normal d-line
Rarely+1 time wasting
Mentality defender (like standard mentality)
More Creative freedom wingers
Man marking fullback - no tight
Man marking central defender - tight

+ Less crossball for winger

Version 3.0, if you notice, is basically all the most-known inputs I have gathered here.
Other than less crossing for the wingers.
I would like an analysis if possible on how is your inside forward's crossing. Has it been assisting or just wasting chances?

Version 3.3 = 3.0 +
Hard tackling on midfielders - to win possession on the midf
Run with ball - playmaker mixed, attacking midf often - to reduce long shots
Mixed through ball attacking midf - to make him score more and increase possession and pass completion

Ok so this is what I got to up until a couple days ago. Hard tackling has been very useful for me to winning back possession in the midfield.

Also I've noticed a lot of long shots from the midfielder - which possibly caused by 'not knowing what to do other than shoot'. Therefore I make them run with ball a little bit more. Playmaker from rarely to mixed and deep attacking midfielder from mixed to often. I also lower down his through ball as his job really is to pop up a surprise shot from deep.

Version 3.5 = 3.0 + 3.3 +
Time wasting just before sometimes
Mentality tweaking (making it more 'compact' and less gap)
More roaming (this affects the 'deep' attacking midfielder only')

Changing back deep attacking midfielder run with ball to sometimes

Crosball to winger back - thought would give it a go again
Winger man mark - marking opp fullback's so they can't cross

Wingback close down half only - as recommended and read on forums
DMC close down half only - as recommended and read on forums

(Zonal marking fullback - no tight
Zonal marking central defender - tight)

I'm still on the edge about man marking or zonal marking though.
What I'm noticing is if your defender is *****, they can't man mark well.


So what I'm gonna do is probably later today I'm gonna PM some of you guys who have been very helpful with the links to my tactic to test the tactics out. The problem is it is limited so not all of you might be the unlucky ones to help me out :P.
(Please don't PM me to test the tactic, I hate clearing out my inbox everytime I logged into here)

I'm not saying the tactic versions restricted to that setting so I really encourage to tweak it around. Like adding some tweaks or even remove the changes back to 'current version' or mix it around. 'Whichever that works best.

While doing it I'm gonna release version 3.0 which basically is just accumulated tweaks so far. That way new users does not have to read through the topic and tweak everything themselves.

After I got some feedbacks from the testers, I will upload it to the server and release the updated tactic - which I assume would take 2-3 days + 1 day for me to test their tweaks.

How's that sound?
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when I use your tactic, yeah its cool scoring from counter attack but sometimes if my defenders can't mark my opponents (my defenders arent so good as terry and alex)

then boom, they're scoring again and again

just drew to rapied wien sk -_-

Mr. bla bla, well I seldom use this settings except for when im playing ManU, Arsenal, ManCity and Liverpool (Home and away) because i expect them to attack me but ideally a CB should be tall. try investing in some good defenders, there is a guy at villareal that is very good and a kid at Liverpool who will develop into a world class defender (so my scouts tell me) and get a good defensive coach. good luck

---------- Post added at 12:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

Okay guys so I would like to share what I've been testing so far.

I would like an analysis if possible on how is your inside forward's crossing. Has it been assisting or just wasting chances?


Sorry i cut your post..... I noticed they waste chances, im almost in tears when i see them cutting inside because i know if the get out numbered their crossing is going to be poor. With that said if they are good in dribbling they either get DFK's in very good positions or the occasional penalty.

IMPORTANT: Change the GK distribution to "Defender collect" it will help the team alot, even Peter Cech was rather useless with his long kicks.

---------- Post added at 12:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:36 PM ----------

So what I'm gonna do is probably later today I'm gonna PM some of you guys with the links to my tactic to test the tactics out.
I'm not saying it's restricted so I encourage to tweak it around. Like adding some tweaks or even remove the changes back to 'current version' whichever that works best.

How's that sound?

Music to my ears
alakija, could you post the hole instruction how to set up this tactic in one post, subscribing all moments and nuances? Also it would be very good if you attached your tactic.

will try it later, thanks for advice


emm "mixed" it means sometimes or unchecklist?
alakija, could you post the hole instruction how to set up this tactic in one post, subscribing all moments and nuances? Also it would be very good if you attached your tactic.

No worries mate.... I guess i went on and on in my first post.

1. Im sure im not the only crazy guy that does this but take your time to look for good coaches, sack anyone who you dont feel comfortable with.

2. Have a Centre Forward with a Finishing of at least 17, I know koflok said a lukaku-like or Babacar-like striker wouldnt fit this tactic but i hope to prove him wrong in my 3rd season. What you shouldn't do is buy a wonder kid e.g Neymar and hope he shines in that position. He wouldn't. You need experience.

3. after doing all the tweaks that have been mentioned by the good folks here, set your team to counter and play the off side (when i play weaker teams i do not bother, but if you are using an average team you might find this helpful)

4. when defending corners, leave your wingers and CF on "Stay Forward" duty and your play maker on the edge of the area. youe FB's should "stand by the post" and everyone else should man mark.

5. Change your GK's distribution to "Defender Collect" this will help you retain possession and not give the ball away cheaply.

6. In attacking corners, i set it to "Far Post" and my tallest CB to attack the far post, John Terry has scored 4 goals from this, and has wasted a lot of chances

That's all I have come up with, when I find out more, I would post with results
For me Almeria 1 season 6 th in Primera Division. I play Euro League :) Nice tactic :)
I read that someone said about own goal.. Yeah.. Im also meet that problem.. its something about the set piece in corner defense.. perhaps you want to look at that..
This tactic work well.. however there is a problem in away match..
I win a lot in home match like beating chealsea 4-2, man city 2-1, man utd 3-2 and for others team like... well goal galore (I use aston villa) but the problem is i lose away match a lot like not forest 3-0.
It conceade a lot of goal in away match
Try tweaking with mentality but no luck....
Any suggestion..
thank you! And one more question - what do you think about 4-1-2-1-2 tactic like this and this.
I want to select the mostly powerful tactic with tens of scored goals and less of conceded ones
Well i played with this team its started good but after 6-8months I ****** up and left chelsea as none tactic was working wid me specially this went compl wrong 4 me :(

DMC Essien
AML Neymar
CM Hamsik
CM Lampard
AMR Hazzard *Really awesome
STR Luiz Saurez/Drogba all failed here

Ha! you basically have a new team, give the players time to settle i guess. Drogba is a MONSTER in my game, will send my scouts to check saurez out

---------- Post added at 01:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

thank you! And one more question - what do you think about 4-1-2-1-2 tactic like this and this.
I want to select the mostly powerful tactic with tens of scored goals and less of conceded ones

I like the park the plane tactic... I used that through out FM09 and i only conceded 4 goals all season I think. But like i said i only use it in very difficult away matches, and before using it I always check the pitch size of the opposition team. If the pitch is short then I dont bother, if wide and their style of play is a direct approach then as the tactic implies I "Pack the Plane"

I also love attacking football, and koflok's tactic gives me just that. Its nice when you switch tactics, before when i was just using one tactic I remember in my spurs game Ancelottic mocked me that He already knew how I was going to play. lol