Hmm tweaked only with OI that mara.sustai suggested. And gone to "standard" style after I scored the penalty goal then usually counterattacked Real Madrid and scored some goals again...
But in league matches I rarely modify depending on opposition players.
Tactic works just fine with adequate players I think.
Hmm okay thanks for the info man.
Good stuff!
Yeah adequate players are enough as long as they fit their roles into the tactics.
If you play narrower the wingers will become a bigger threat to the goal themselves, if you play wider they will tend to make your striker a bigger threat, i'm not sure which one of these are the way you want the tactic to work.
Can you think of a team which could be ideal for testing this?
Hmm thanks for this info. Probably it's true I will take a look at that.
I will have to choose make striker the bigger threat as it is now. Because the wingers are on roaming so occasionally they will come inside themselves anyway.

Thanks, Im doing okay at home but been struggling away, Im playing as Rangers so should be beating most opposition? Should I set to standard from 1st whistle or set to counter after I score? Thanks again
Hmm okay.. seems like youre Rangers so you should play attacking always.
How many games into the game have you played? Has it been fluid enough and with the right players?
Mind showing your line up and a screenshot or two of away matches match stats. That way I can analyze a bit better.