1, I would definately try the DMC and MC's on hold up ball. In theory the three in the centre would hold onto the ball until the right option becomes available. Might help the possession some as well.
2, Combined this with the above would not rush any mistakes. Given the right amount of CF they would try and unlock the defence anyways.
3. I would have lower tempo for a 4-3-3 of this kind, I would say the lower normal end of the scale.
4. Narrow if you're playing with inside forwards. I think you already pinpointed the fact that they are too close to the touchline. The width should come from the fulbacks if playing with Inside forwards.
1, I would definately try the DMC and MC's on hold up ball. In theory the three in the centre would hold onto the ball until the right option becomes available. Might help the possession some as well.
2, Combined this with the above would not rush any mistakes. Given the right amount of CF they would try and unlock the defence anyways.
3. I would have lower tempo for a 4-3-3 of this kind, I would say the lower normal end of the scale.
4. Narrow if you're playing with inside forwards. I think you already pinpointed the fact that they are too close to the touchline. The width should come from the fulbacks if playing with Inside forwards.