Kris the Plagirist

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I understand why CvK is a bit annoyed, but to say you're dissapointed in Kris is a bit weird dont you think? Your acting like he's cheated on your missus or robbed a bank, but all he's done is forgot to credit CvK for making it.
It's stupid, it doesn't matter, now lets get back to normal and commenting on my story (I wish!) :L

It's not just 'forgetting to credit it' though. He claimed he made it.
Yeah well done YOU must of spent ages on it.
People are right, if this was anyone else (like RYAN21 for example) they'd be getting absolutely raped. So why isn't Kris being raped? We didn't give Ryan a chance to explain so why not do the same for Kris.

(I might not necessairly mean this, I'm just playing Devil's Advocate to see what people say (6))
As much as im careface about FM these days I feel for CVK.

He's clearly put a lot of time and effort into this and it appearts Kris has reposted it as his own.

On behalf of fmbase, soz bru :(...even more sorry for the respones you got, but thats fmbase these days, a load of easily offended but quick to abuse others kiddlywinks.
As much as im careface about FM these days I feel for CVK.

He's clearly put a lot of time and effort into this and it appearts Kris has reposted it as his own.

On behalf of fmbase, soz bru :(...even more sorry for the respones you got, but thats fmbase these days, a load of easily offended but quick to abuse others kiddlywinks.

Well said!
As much as im careface about FM these days I feel for CVK.

He's clearly put a lot of time and effort into this and it appearts Kris has reposted it as his own.

On behalf of fmbase, soz bru :(...even more sorry for the respones you got, but thats fmbase these days, a load of easily offended but quick to abuse others kiddlywinks.

No need to be, we did that on our own. Thanks for your concern anyway Gregor :)

EDIT - Admittedly though, you are right and I would like that if I had likes left like Max said.
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As much as im careface about FM these days I feel for CVK.

He's clearly put a lot of time and effort into this and it appearts Kris has reposted it as his own.

On behalf of fmbase, soz bru :(...even more sorry for the respones you got, but thats fmbase these days, a load of easily offended but quick to abuse others kiddlywinks.
Got no likes left, so yeah, I'd say that's about right.

I took a long look at both threads and I failed to see Kris give any credit for CvK's work. Yes Kris is in the wrong but my opinion of him has not changed. All we need is for Kris to explain himself and we can all move on from this
People are really going to hate Kris after this. :(

I still love you Kris :wub:
Really guys?
I know that Kris has copied this fellas **** but can we not be sensible about this instead of acting like schoolboys?
CvK if you got problems with someone do what a normal grown up would do and approach Kris and find out whats going on? Another thing people why abuse this fella if it's his work thats been stolen? I'd be ****** if it was me?

So there was a few bad apples on these forums? Doesn't mean you have to tar the rest of us with the same brush though does it?
It makes it look worse being a mod that has done this. All it would have taken is about 4 words - 'All credit to CvK'.

I would be ****** off too.
That is a pretty lame thing to do :/

Should apologize because it's hard to think of any possible excuse for doing this.
Can we just close this thread now? Everyone has had their say, including mods so can someone close it. Because even then Kris can still comment and explain?
though if you read the thread of Kris's, basically Kris has took all the credited, even the logo's just read the thread then you will understand why he would be annoyed, i would certainly be too with amount of time cVk put in, great file anyways mate.kiu
I hate people stealing other peoples work as much as anyone but I think you should all give Kris the chance to defend himself before judging the bloke finding him guilty and executing him.

Kris isnt stupid,he knows you cant do this sort of thing without someone spotting it.
I've got a conspiracy about this but didn't want to start a thread about it because I thought I might get infractions and who knows I proberly still will. I think there is quite a lot bias towards the mods and people who have been members for a long time and help people etc. Well whenever one of these people do something wrong loads of members instantly jump in their defence. But then if a normal member who's hasn't been signed up for long does something equally as bad they get absolutly slaughterd especially if the mods have said it's bad. I'm sorry for the rant but it's just what I've been thinking recently.
I've got a conspiracy about this but didn't want to start a thread about it because I thought I might get infractions and who knows I proberly still will. I think there is quite a lot bias towards the mods and people who have been members for a long time and help people etc. Well whenever one of these people do something wrong loads of members instantly jump in their defence. But then if a normal member who's hasn't been signed up for long does something equally as bad they get absolutly slaughterd especially if the mods have said it's bad. I'm sorry for the rant but it's just what I've been thinking recently.
People have already made that point
The thing is though, because kris is a mod all that'll happen is he'll get a slap on the wrist and told not to do it again, but if it was anybody else they'd be getting *** raped.

Yeah i think kris needs to explain his reasons but there is no excuse for stealing somebodys work and passing it off as you're own it is kind of low.
On the funnier side of things kinda makes Kris look like John Terry don't it?

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