dont be 'Krul' to get Stegen ;)

in fm, stegen is better . irl, its 'krulaity'
Forum > Football Manager 2012 > Football Manager 2012 Players > Krul or Stegen?
Casillas ;)
Drop this argument else I tell everyone about how much of a whiney ***** you were when you had to walk over a mile with a hangover. ;)

Woah hang about, Dunc was much unhappier. And remember i slept bolt upright. in a chair, on a kitchen table. And you had far too much energy skipping into town. Made me want to kill you.
Vanjagl:Casillas is not going to come to Tottenham! Still I want a young gk, that`s why I started this topic...
No offence but that is so, so wrong lol! Krul is a good keeper, there is no way he is up there with Reina, Cech or Hart (not to mention a few others)...

He's had a good few games, and for club like newcastle he is a great keeper. In my opinion he isn't even as good as his Given (massively underrated in my opinion).

This is not a personal attack, it's just very, very obvious that Krul is a good keeper, not a world class keeper :)

P.S I'm assuming you support Newcastle and are terefore blinded by your love for the club lol! Therefore I won't call you crazy lol!
Not YET a world class keeper!
Best 3 keepers in the league: Krul, De Gea, Reina
lol the fact that you put De Gea up here with the other 2 just invites ridicule

Krul is playing well right now but he hasn't before, Reina has been consistent for years, Hart has been consistent since last year, Cech is having an awful year, De Gea is still not showing what he can do.

imo IRL:

1. Hart
2. Krul
3. Scezney/Reina


Stegen > Krul by miles, there's absolutely no competition
Vanjagl:Casillas is not going to come to Tottenham! Still I want a young gk, that`s why I started this topic...
I was referring to Mike and GC and their silly argument. If you need sweeper keeper, buy Krul, if you want regular keeper, buy MAtS.
Who's better ? MAtS by mile.
lol the fact that you put De Gea up here with the other 2 just invites ridicule

Krul is playing well right now but he hasn't before, Reina has been consistent for years, Hart has been consistent since last year, Cech is having an awful year, De Gea is still not showing what he can do.

imo IRL:

1. Hart
2. Krul
3. Scezney/Reina


Stegen > Krul by miles, there's absolutely no competition

how about watching his performances and then going and looking at the stats for his saves, and then come back? Especiially when we are talking about the best keepers right now ie so far this season. De Gea has made more saves, less mistakes than either of those two. De Gea has the best save percentage of any keeper this season at 80.3%. It is close at the top, so for you to say De Gea isnt showing what he can do certainly invites ridicule.
Stegen is an exceptional keeper. I find it wierd no other clubs show interest when i try and buy him
lol the fact that you put De Gea up here with the other 2 just invites ridicule

The fact you think you can ridicule a statistically informed opinion invites ridicule. :)
And yet for your oh-so-exact data backed research of De Gea being a top GK you fail to mention the best GK in the Premier League statistically - Joe Hart
And yet for your oh-so-exact data backed research of De Gea being a top GK you fail to mention the best GK in the Premier League statistically - Joe Hart

on which point, because you havent actually given me a figure. Hart has a lower shot stopping percentage than De Gea, but is slightly better in the air, but has also made more mistakes, and is poorer at distributiing the ball from the back. Like i said its close, not sure why you ignored that. I am looking at the whole package. he is. They beat each other on certain points, but on the overall package I'd take De Gea. Another person would take Hart, and I can see why he would. But for you to say he still isnt living upto it doesnt hold up.
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Anyway back to the OP. get Stegen and set him to Sweeper keeper - Support.
And yet for your oh-so-exact data backed research of De Gea being a top GK you fail to mention the best GK in the Premier League statistically - Joe Hart

Statistically, Fabianski is the best GK in the league, I just don't feel like giving you the data to back it up.
on which point, because you havent actually given me a figure Hart has a lower shot stopping percentage than De Gea, but is slightly better in the air, but has also made more mistakes, and is poorer at distributiing the ball from the back. Like i said its close, not sure why you ignored that. I am looking at the whole package. he is. They beat each other on certain points, but on the overall package I'd take De Gea. Another person would take Hart, and I can see why he would. But for you to say he still isnt living upto it doesnt hold up.
I tried to find statistic for GKs, but i failed. Could you provide me a link ?
It does, but there's no GKs stats :(.
Thanks anyway :)
Stegen is beast hes much better then krul plus newcastle al ways sells him so he cant be that good
In my games iv seen barcelona buy him and a few other top teams buy him so he must be decent. He was playing well last season also IRL