Stegen is good but so is Krul; however Krul is a bit better in my opinion.
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All of them sucks. Almuila is a beast . (LOL joking there hhehe XD)
Stegen in fm and Krul in real life.

Krul is fast becoming one of the premierships top gk i hope we try and sign him when Friedel retires
Have you even been watching the premier league this season?

Newcastle have one of, if not the, best defences in the league, which is mainly down to how well Krul has been playing all season. Compared to Cech, who has looked shaky at best, it's a rather naive outlook to have to say that he is 'no way' near the standard of keepers mentioned above, who have much stronger defences in front of them.

Also, comparatively to Given, I would much rather have Krul. Granted, Given is one of the best shot stoppers in the world on his day, but Krul is also able to pull of many 'wonder' saves, again proven this season by the amount he has pulled off, and the games he has single-handily kept us in games shows how good he really is. Twinned with the fact that he is a pretty big unit and can actually control and command his area, which was the main issue with Given at Newcastle, while only being an inch or so taller.

Rather than dismissing a point as 'blinded by love for a club', it would be interesting to see the points you have that support your ideas that Krul isn't one of the best keepers in the premier league. Also, who would you rate above him? Personally, as a Newcastle fan myself, I wouldn't have any other keeper in the league above him on current form and potential, if he stays injury free, he could have another 10-15 years in him.

In FM terms, Stegen is better, I doubt Krul will be increased much, if at all, in future patches until he has had a full season or two playing to a similar level he is now, I imagine he will get some slight increases in the 12.2/12.3 patchs if he manages to keep this form up.

The fact we both have alot of like suggests that neither of us are right. At no stage did I say that Krul was not a good keeper, with good potential. But in my opinion to argue that he is up there with keepers that have consistently performed at the top level over a number of seasons is unfair.