- When i am on the tactics screen, i need to press the 'tactic' button to go to the actual tactic itself. We either should have the option to or click the name and go to the tactic (currently clicking the name will fold out the name if it's long), or press the graphical formation to go to the tactic aswell. I prefer the last one, clicking on the picture. Keeping the 'tactic' button obviously.
- Since there is a graphical formation, we should have the option to 'filter' formations, if i was to look for a 4231, i could filter into 4231 and only have those show up.
- the dark version looks better imo. it's so much softer on the eyes.
- is the star rating relative to the other ratings?
- it's honoustly amazing that this is all automated! and you guys are amazing for making this. don't take any of my points as bad, because i'm just trying to push it to being even better than it already is.