List of Match Engine Exploits

  • Thread starter Thread starter W4NKER
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a lot of people wont update the game because its easy win games on 12.0.4 patch with tactics like "devasto"

No, alot Of people use 12.0.4 because they are pirates. I actually dont know anyone that went offline from STEAM between the time they downloaded 12.0.4 and the release Of 12.1.
Is it just my games where the near post corner technique doesn't work anymore? I was getting 20 goals a season with Chiellini but now I'm hardly getting any at all on that save or any of my others. Happening with anyone else?
Is it just my games where the near post corner technique doesn't work anymore? I was getting 20 goals a season with Chiellini but now I'm hardly getting any at all on that save or any of my others. Happening with anyone else?

it requires to be set up in a specific way

for a 442 formation with the ML taking the corners, Adjust to your tactic but keep the same set up if you know what i mean.

DL - Stay back
DCL - Stay back
DCR - Challenge GK
DR - Stay back

ML - Forward - Corner taker
MC - Stay back
MC - Attack ball from deap
MR - Short Option

Have your best forward Regerdless of heading set to Attack near Post
then use the 2nd forward Lurk outside area

you should score about 30 a season on average if set up like this.
If less people are in the box the Computer thinks it doesnt need as many in the 6 yard area to defend so they are more spread out across the Pen area. leaving the Attack near post to get like 3 to 6 shots on target each game from a corner.

Plus if you have your DC on challenge GK the Oposition Defenders will have the mark Tallest set to him leaving your Average Forward to nip in and grab the goals, Notice how he Doesnt always head them in, He takes it down and Kicks them in meaning having a Forward at Attack near post means you will score more as he has better First touch, Technique and finnishing then the Classic Defender Corners exploit.

If you leave the Free kick attacks to Default and dont touch them the corner tactic Kinda take effect there aswell, just make sure set the same 4 players to Stay back from the Attack Corner and set the Delivery to near post.
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if you make a tactic that is invincible. I would like to play with it to.(H)
No, alot Of people use 12.0.4 because they are pirates. I actually dont know anyone that went offline from STEAM between the time they downloaded 12.0.4 and the release Of 12.1.

I play in offline mode always tbh. And when I am notified of a new patch being released, I go online and let Steam download it.

I like to be in control of which applications access the internet and what they do, run a tight ship! :)
I play in offline mode always tbh. And when I am notified of a new patch being released, I go online and let Steam download it.

I like to be in control of which applications access the internet and what they do, run a tight ship! :)

Yeah, I use offline mode to since My internet connection on My FM-comp is somewhat unstable. Its just that I am tired Of hearing about the " I dont like the 12.2.2 and I also knew in Advance that it was going to be more difficult" so I decided to stay on 12.0.4 and went offfline in time.
Yeah, I use offline mode to since My internet connection on My FM-comp is somewhat unstable. Its just that I am tired Of hearing about the " I dont like the 12.2.2 and I also knew in Advance that it was going to be more difficult" so I decided to stay on 12.0.4 and went offfline in time.

Agreed, anyone who says this, is patently lying. Because the big argument about it was thread that came post release of 12.2.2 where people were asking why did it fell like it had got harder? The only people not inside SI who had any inkling, where those involved in the detabe about morale on a huge thread in GD on the SI forums, and there cant have been more than 100 of us who posted. And even then we didnt know for certain it would become harder.
Why would anyone want to play with a tactic that you know will win you every match through exploiting weaknesses in the game, Seems pointless
Why would anyone want to play with a tactic that you know will win you every match through exploiting weaknesses in the game, Seems pointless

Although i agree to a certain point its more of a challenge then anything else to see who can create the most Impressive unstopable tactic, there has been 1 in almost every Fm series and thousands enjoy the prospect of Winning over and over. Its how humans work. But on the other hand for some people it will ruin the game for them, so my advice is that if you dont want anything to do with Exploit tactics ( although the only actual exploit in the list is the near post corner goal ) then Stay away from the thread which is named Above.

In theory tho this is how fm works, you find what works and you use it to make the best team and tactic combination. Fm in a nutshell tbh.

About to upload some pictures of My Inter milan Testing shortly. Like i said the list above is not exploits imo just the near post corner goal which has been Insane in my testing so far getting about 40 to 50% of all my scored goals.
On Topic:
Narrow formation, slow tempo, loose zonal marking, focus play through the middle, counter attacks, 3FC, corner exploit, High press, hard tackling = an exploiting approach. Thats it really.
loose zonal marking?
Why would anyone want to play with a tactic that you know will win you every match through exploiting weaknesses in the game, Seems pointless
Well we paid £40 for the game so we can do what we want.
From what I have heard from a few people over at the SI forums, using the classic set up and having three central strikers is being classed as an "exploit" The most central of the three never manages to get picked up by defenders.
Are there any particular formations that confuse the match engine/AI? I know some people are saying that 3 Strikers is but what about others, like 3 Centre Backs?

For example, there was a tactic in CM01/02 that destroyed teams and it looked like so...


Although i agree to a certain point its more of a challenge then anything else to see who can create the most Impressive unstopable tactic, there has been 1 in almost every Fm series and thousands enjoy the prospect of Winning over and over. Its how humans work. But on the other hand for some people it will ruin the game for them, so my advice is that if you dont want anything to do with Exploit tactics ( although the only actual exploit in the list is the near post corner goal ) then Stay away from the thread which is named Above.

In theory tho this is how fm works, you find what works and you use it to make the best team and tactic combination. Fm in a nutshell tbh.

About to upload some pictures of My Inter milan Testing shortly. Like i said the list above is not exploits imo just the near post corner goal which has been Insane in my testing so far getting about 40 to 50% of all my scored goals.
Looking forward to it