mario's tactical domination 3-4-2-1 xmas tree winning CL and dominating league!


Nov 30, 2009
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It's a mariolicious xmas tree 3-4-2-1


I have played FM since the CM series when and i have always loved the tactical side of football. It is probably the reason i am obsessed with and enjoy Italian football so much. And the last six or so years i have played most of my saves online with a good friend of mine.
Since the start of this FM i have been obsessed with getting a 3 man defense to work, with mixed results, ave been able to make Foggia a very strong side in Serie A taking them from the lowest divisions, on an online save. Yet i never managed to dominate at the highest level.
Now it that was based upon the 3-5-1-1 formation that Guidolin at Udinese. I found myself lacking defensively as i was never quite able to get the wingers to act the way i wanted them to. I never managed to perfect this formation, but i am sure i will try again in the future.

The idea
I then started another online game with a mate, and after 3 years of tinkering i was able to really implement my ideas, and take a very average side, to play and act as one of the top sides of the league.

I based my tactics on ideas i have gotten from Palermo in 2011, Napoli under Mazzarri, Barcelona, the smart and solid defensive play by italian teams over the decades, and my own idea of how i like football to be played.

I wanted the dynamic trio up top from the xmas tree, with the idea of Miccoli, Pastore and Ilicic in mind. I wanted the attacking winger/wingbacks of Napoli and Palermo's Maggio, Cassani, Zuniga and Balzaretti. The pressure of Barcelona and my own preference of controlling the game with possession, but not the tikitaka or endless passes for nothing. I want my team to keep the ball smartly, not excessively. And i wanted a smart, solid defensive unit whom i would be able to sit compact with and ride out 1nil's if i felt it necessary.

It took me 3 years in game to perfect my ideas, and the results have been better than i could have ever imagined. But with a team of younger players mainly around the age of 23. With not a single player bought for more than 4.6 million GBP, i was able to win the league, and champions league 3 years after perfecting my tactic, this with Hellas Verona. I won this by creating a hardworking, well organized and extremely cohesive unit. Proving that you dont need to buy the greatest talents in fm to achieve success.


Champions League winning side. There are no world beaters in this team. No super regens, in fact no regens at all.

The tactics

It's a mariolicious Xmas tree!

I wanted a 3-4-2-1 formation where the wings are heavily involved in attack, and the front 3 can create and roam into space for each other. I want a solid defense and a controlling midfield. This is how i achieved it. (some of the tactical pictures are taken from other saves, but it is still the same tactic with a lesser team.)

I do have 3 different versions of the same tactic, one is with high pressure and very offensive as this is when i am chasing goals or i want to catch my opponents by surprise. And i also have the same tactic set up much more defensively for me to hold leads or to grind out tough draws as a lesser side. Principles stay the same however, pressure to win the ball back, it is more the extent to how much and where on the pitch you are to keep the ball and control the game for, that i have these 3 variations of the tactic.


This is how the tactic is set up however.
My side is rigid, as i want a side to do exactly as told. I want my players to have a specific job to do at all times and i dont want them to stray from this. Every single player on the pitch has individual instructions and almost every single player has a different job to do from the next. My team is told to be more disciplined.

I chose control, as i feel this is a good mentality quite balanced, and allows me to bring players forward without over committing. I also feel it is a more offensive mentality which allows me to win the ball back high enough up the pitch so that I can keep control.

In order to make my team pressure high, and pressure in numbers, like Barcelona are known to do, i have us hassling opponents, marking tighter. As well as all offensive players being asked to tackle harder and close down more. I will also very often select the entire opposition side in the opposition instructions, and close down more on every single one of their players.

If i cannot win the ball back high, or quickly, I have set my team to drop deeper. My two wide CB's are told to close down more. This resulting in them helping my wingers to close down opposition wide players, making it a 2v1 on the flanks, while the remaining two CB's and winger cover. Defending set pieces is a huge part of making a solid defense and i have set up a very specific zonal marking system which drastically decreases goals conceded by set pieces. My offensive midfielders will track back and often times follow the runs of opposition wide players making it 3 players on one out on the flanks. This is because they are asked to tackle harder.

In order to keep possession and to strengthen my defense I play narrower, while retaining possession, passing it out from defense and short passes. We also play with a higher tempo, to keep the ball moving at all times, i only want players who are asked to keep ball, do so. My keeper is told to distribute to defenders and in order for my defense to be able to keep ball i have a central BPD, with the wide CB's asked to pass shorter. My two central midfielders are set as deep lying playmakers. One set to defend and the other to support. Both have instructions to close down more and to tackle harder, this is because i then get the behavior of ball winning midfielders, as well as the movement of the DLP's, whom both roam towards the ball, creating lots of passing options while a defender is on the ball anywhere on the pitch.

My wingbacks, are set to complete wingbacks, they are told to push forward more and close down more. For the reasons i want them to be like out and out wingers when attacking, and i want them to help get the ball back quickly.

My AM's are the main source of my attacks. And every AM and striker in my team is required to be able to play one-two's. This is so the attack can be as dynamic as possible and can penetrate any defense. My AM's are told to roam and shoot more, and one is told to get forward more often.

My striker is set as an AF, but is told to roam more, which makes him act kind of like a more goal-scorer determined trequartista.

This is how the formation looks when put to use.

How does it work?
I want my team to act like a machinery. It is one unit, where every single part has its own job and role to play. I dont need world class players, all i need is the right parts. And i base my teams on cohesiveness. The way I do this is by never changing up my roster too much. I will never play more than 2 new players at once, new players are slowly integrated into the team over the course of an entire season. Which allows me to train new players in the different PPM's I feel is necessary for certain roles in my team. I wont be going into specifics on all PPM's i like for each position, or all PI's or OI's. (not right now at least.)

We pressure high up the pitch, forcing mistakes and clearances. We will more often than not win the ball high.


- forcing the clearance


- winning the ball high

If the team is unable to win the ball high, my high pressure assures me that wherever the opponent is on the pitch, he will have at least two men pressuring him at all times.


- Here the AM(S) and the DLP(S) are both pressuring, and in this scenario will win the ball by interception. Players marked green are all standing by ready to pressure depending on where the ball might be played.


- In this picture the AM(S) is chasing down the RB pressuring him all the way into our own defense. The CWB comes to double up on the pressure.

- Now the ball is played forward, and immediately the LCB comes to pressure with the CWB. We win the ball back by forcing a bad cross into our DLP(S).

We defend narrow, as a unit, clogging up the center of the pitch forcing the opponents wide, where we can double up on pressuring to win the ball back. One of the CB's will always come forward to pressure while the other two cover for him.


-Here you can see how compact, and how many we are behind the ball, forcing our opponent wide.

Going forward the CWB's are my only source of real width. They are asked to go further forward, and act throughout a game more as wingers than defenders, which is the point. They help us keep possession as they are always available to receive. All though my AM's and AF also drift wide on many occasions creating 2v1 situations for us on the wing. When in possession there is always an open teammate, and with my attacking players all able to play one-two's i am able to get through tight, and tricky situations.


- here is one example of the amount of triangles there are at all times. The examples are many but here is one.

Now I have my defenders dropping deeper, this is to limit the over the top balls, and all though one might think it contradicting to the high pressure i play, it really is not. The 3 defenders are very rarely called into action having to pressure opponents in their half as everyone ahead of them do a great job of it already, and if they are, more likely than not it is to win a cleared ball from opponents defense, this giving them time to push a little forward to win the header. My two DLP's are both told to close down more and tackle harder, just as my AM's are asked to do, this means that once the ball is cleared up field or opponent manages to break free and counter, the entire midfield is sprinting back.


- That is 7 players in close proximity of the ball and opponents. While my AM's are on their way too.


On the picture i am set as Juventus, but i only took Juventus now in 2021. After getting fired at Verona due to internal issues between me and the Chairman.


- Here are my achievements at Verona.

Now, this formation was originally made for my Hellas Verona side, on an online game with a mate of mine. Hellas Verona are a newly promoted side when taking them over in 2013. It took me 2 years to get somewhere with it, but i managed around 13th for the first two seasons with the players at my disposal. At the end of the 2nd season I had found my way. And by the third season i was finally able to bring in a side that was capable of playing the way i wanted them to. Now, this were a lot of young players, at this time around their 20's but i was determined to playing them together building a cohesive unit over the next years.


- The 2016/17 season i was able to finish 4th, qualifying for my first European experience in the Europa League.


- The following season i bettered myself a little, and i got my first taste of Europe, where i would lose to PSG over two games, managing one draw at home, in the first elimination round. PSG went on to win it. And second place finish would ensure me a spot in the Champions League.


- With the addition of 3 players raising the standard in the team from the last year, i was able to better everything. My first time playing Champions League football. I won the league, and i won the Champions League with this side. Not a single player bought for more than 4.6 million GBP. I would like to add that my star player and the only one at that point i had bought for more than 4.6 million was Jorginho whom i had bough back from co-ownership with Napoli, left on a bosman at the start of this season, to rivals Chievo(the other human manger), wanting to play at a higher level.


- The champions league winning season fixtures.


- The game.


- The side that won it. No world beaters.


- After the winning the Champions League and League in 2019 i then won the league again in 2020, i also won the Italian cup for the first time, as well as the supercup in italy, and the supercup in Europa vs Bayern. Came second in the WC for clubs to add. I went out in the Champions League in the second knockout round to Marseille, who would go on to win it.
I did this with an unchanged side what so ever from the season before, and my defense bettered it self tremendously.

In 2021, i was fired from Verona after disagreements with my chairman, i had one loss in the league and one in the cup after 24 games, cruising the league in front of 2. place by 7 points. Shocking decision by the Verona chairman, Verona would go on to win nothing. - Season up until my firing. - Verona's season after my firing.

Now i am currently managing Juventus, planning on winning the league and champions league, for me then to journey to another country and do the same hopefully. My tactic stays the same as with the best players in the world nearly i am cruising, and no one are really able to touch me. And as the pictures show, i am well on my way.


- Current league standing


- Fixtures til now

And ill add here some pictures of the stats from some games with different teams using this formation - verona - verona - atalanta - atalanta


"You have broken FM". Is the quote from my mate whom i play these online games with, i dont think its quite so drastic, but i have however found a tactic that is able to get the most out if its players, make them work as a strong cohesive unit able to take on any side in the world. Given, you have the right type of players. It is a tactic that works for lesser sides without the need for fantastic players around the pitch to dominate for you. Which is something i feel is not really around anywhere. Maybe i have not looked well enough for it just.

It does work as a plug and play tactic as i have now entered into multiple online games with strangers where this tactic is proving fruitful. But it is not the reason i posted this. I am proud of it, and i wanted to share my ideas and thoughts. And hopefully give others some ideas like i have been given reading threads like this in the past.

Download link added for anyone who wants to try:

its a mariolicious xmas tree 3-4-2-1.tac - Speedy Share - upload your files here

its a mariolicious xmas tree 3-4-2-1

Let me know how you get on!

Offensive version:

Its a mariolicious xmas tree offensive

Defensive version:

its a mariolicious xmas tree defensive

mario milanista.
And here are some pictures and results from an online save with 7 managers

Ok so, i had a very slow start to the season, i had a lot of new signings and my team struggled getting tactical familiarity up because of this. So results where a bit all over the place with me wanting to implement new players etc causing me to go outta COC in the first round, I knew if i wanted to make a stand for myself and my tactic i would have to do well in my upcoming games vs Newcastle, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man Utd and Everton, with the 3 latter clubs being human controlled managers. We are playing both fantastic and horrible at the same time. Wilfred Bony is struggling big time, so much so that i am 120% convinced Michu has stopped passing him the ball all together, the striker had scored 1 goal in 14 games for me this season being completely rubbish. But at the end now he's gotten 2 goals so hopefully he's getting he's confidence back.

I have been extremely solid at the back, and i have been very good going forward and creating numerous great chances, having mostly around 4-5 ccc's a game, yet to no avail any goals. Most of my games this season feature only one goal despite a lot of great chances, now this is not down to the tactic but rather individual abilities and performances.

Going into those 5 big games for me, i was not playing well, and my tactical familiarity only reached an acceptable level after chelsea game. Which shows in the results, Newcastle had one shot on target which was an FK, and i could not convert my chances. But going into Chelsea game, Bony got he's first (open goal tap in) and we were on our way. The next match vs Arsenal proved a very tough one. Arsenal on top of the league playing in a strikerless formation is a completely new thing for me to deal with i however managed a goal, my high pressure game and wanting to win the ball kept drawing my defenders out for him to overload us over the top. After getting a well worked goal early on i switched to sit deeper so that he was unable to get so many players running through, and it worked. We did not play very well in this game but still got out with a win. Next up vs Man Utd, we started poorly and conceded, but we took control over the game after that for the most part and creating an ok amount of chances, one of whom resulted in an equalizer. Had Bony been anywhere near acceptable level, we would have won as he could have converted he's chance or Michu might actually have passed him the ball.. once.. Everton proved a decent game, we controlled it, didnt play very well but won it by playing solid at the back keeping the ball and controlling the game as i want. We were still not scoring how i like us to however.

This is my side more or less, i think i prefer De Guzman to Shelvey for the most part however.


And here are some pictuers of the fixtures and league standings.





Upcoming matches VS City, Fulham and Tottenham, all human managers, will be tough, but possible. I need to get Bony scoring and my team more effective however. As i have only scored 20 measly goals all year in the league.

Now, all opponent managers are using downloaded tactics from either this forum or others, and so far, with a lesser side than them, my tactics have proved very strong. Hopefully it will continue and ill try and keep updating. If there is any interest at all.

The Human controlled teams are:
Man City
Man Utd
Swansea ( me )
hey interesting in this trying it for an online save am in where in 3rd season atm am PSG won league last year na frecnh cup with a strikerless tactic i made but this will do well for my strikers i think just a couple of question

what patch is this tactic made for 14.3.0 an do you use OIs an whats training pre season an season please
This is made for the latest patch. But ave used it on previous ones to equal effect.

Ill repost the answers i gave to some of those questions on another forum, hope it is helpful Eternal Cynical.

In the offseason, and during the christmas break, i always train, teamwork (or is it team cohesion it says cant remember) very intensively. As I would like for any new players to get integrated as quick as possible into the group, and the quicker they are comfortable the better. Match training is fully on the tactic. I have it set all the way to the left side on the bar (50%) for my team to gain familiarity. I also remove a day of rest before the friendlies. Once the season starts i have less match training, and i usually switch between defensive options, as i like my teams to be very strong defensively. However if i have no new defenders that season or its not the first season i am at a club i will train offensive set pieces. I usually switch inbetween these options.

as for OI's i mentioned in the article, that i often select the entire opponent side, and tell my team to close down more. on every single player including the keeper. wide players i will also add pressure to weaker foot. But this is always on a game to game basis. if i am up against extremely technical speedy wingers, this might be a problem. And if a winger poses a certain threat i might ask my players to never pressure him and just win the ball in numbers. If an opponents defender is particularly weak at passing and the other is very good, i might choose to man mark the best one, and never pressure the weak one so that my opponent if they are a possession based side would be forced to play through the weakest defender on the ball, thus making my chances of intercepting passes and winning possession higher up the pitch higher.

As for ST's i can mark tighter, close down more and pressure to weakest foot if it is a slower opponent. I never mark tighter if it is a very fast striker, but i do like to close him down, and to pressure to weakest foot.

It is hard to say, but there are some ideas of what you can do. I dont think there is a set way of doing OI's for every type of game but if i was to choose one set way of doing it for this tactic it would be:

Close down - EVERYBODY
wide players - pressure to weakest foot
STs - pressure to weakest foot, close down more, and +/- mark tighter depending on speed of the strikers in question.

Also. The tactic without OI's work in the exact same manner, and all thought it will be a more general, the team still does exactly what i want from them, they close down in numbers, they win ball high, and they limit opponent chances.

team talk is hard to say as that is directly influenced by whom i am playing, where i am playing, are we coming of wins, losses, do i feel we are doing bad, what do i want out of this etc. however i can find an article someone else have written about this. if am not allowed to post links of other websites, an admin just remove it and sorry in advance

I dont follow that article to the fullest, but it is what gave me the knowhow to get the right reaction that i want from my players. Its a very good read.

EDIT: I would just like to add that until your tactical familiarity is up at a decent standard, you should not be using too many OI's as it seem to mess up what we are trying to do. However once tactical familiarity reaches an acceptable level i like to select close down more etc on everyone.
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thanks mate perfect just needed to know the above i hopefully will intergrate this tactic to my psg side at some point through the season i got it in one of the slots but will wait till its fully fluid before i use it since atm am on a winning streak an been unbeaten since last season 21 games but it looks nice an i think i probably will be able to get the best out for my strikers this way ie balotelli since i sold ibra as hes 33 now
Played the 2013/14 season using these three tactics with Newcastle United. I always started on the original tactic, and only switched with 20 minutes to go to either the more offensive (if I needed a goal to win) or defensive (if I was already winning). Used your recommendations for pre-season training, then turned to Balanced (Average) and Defensive Positioning at 30% for the rest of the season. I didn't make any signings in the Summer window and made three during the Winter to help the squad, but no real World Class individuals purchased (Siem De Jong, Yoann Gourcuff and Victor Ruiz). I'm happy somebody has finally replicated Walter Mazzarri's Napoli side on Football Manager because I loved the way that side played. Even better that this tactic was so successful, and it wasn't completely fluid at the end of the season either. I was unbeaten during the 2nd half of the season in the league after I made those signings to boost my squad, and only finished 1 point behind Liverpool. Great job man. :D

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Dude, you need to move this thread to "Share & Download FM14 Tactics" sub-forum, so more people notice and try it. Great tactic by the way. Thanks for sharing.

How do I move it, is that not something an admin or mod has to do?
Really interested in trying this out with my newcastle save.

What other ppm's do you use besides the play one two's for the front three players?
Flipstick, Ok there are are a couple of positions where i like to have some specific ppms and thats in the two cm roles, wb roles, the am roles and cb's.

However, i feel as if only the one two's on every forward player are the only real must have PPM's.

There are always ppms that can compliment roles, like having dribble more for the AM(A) or run with ball etc, but for wingbacks for example, i like them to have gets further forward, or dribble downs set flank. Also if you can find one who has gets into opponents box that is excellent. Alexandru Matel whom i had at Verona had this PPM and scored lots for me. And i believe that PPM can only be taught from player to player.

The CM's i like to have drop deeper to get the ball. I like to have this on both, as i want to make sure the defenders always have options. The DLP(S) should be able to control the tempo of the game also.

CB's who have the trait, tries to pass out of danger or whatever it is called is absolutely brilliant. However, it is not a necessity, and the defenders do as they are told regardless, more or less.
After reading your excellent OP i decided to give this a test for you with a newly promoted Middlesbrough.

Squad is quite weak and a media predicted finish of 19th.

After a slow start it really picked up and managed to finish a very creditable 6th. My team became very difficult to beat. The tactic is solid and possession is dominating. Once the players are used to the system it is extremely efficient. The opposition instruction of all players closing down is essential and really helps dominate the opposition. Due to the high closing down i use fitness training for general training and defending set pieces for match training.

Im looking forward to bringing in some better players and hopefully improving next season. Well done on a very solid and effective tactic.

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