Might and Magic™ by Raikan007 Fm13

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Feb 6, 2009
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A very good day to everyone! This is the new Might & Magic tactic for Fm13 I have been working on for the past couple of days or so (still in its BETA version though) but has played some lovely football, even with all the ME flaws and other things of that nature!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who downloaded the M&M for Fm12 making it the most downloaded Fm12 tactic on the site (48 200 downloads) and the 12th most downloaded item in the sites history in one FM, so thank you all, I do appreciate the support and feedback!

As you can see it seems to work pretty well for smaller teams as well! I am quite surprised by these results and extremely happy! I hope you are all getting similar results to what I have been getting!

All the best, good luck and enjoy!

Might and Magic™ FM13
(please click the heading above for download link)


Basic Formation & Instructions:

View attachment 280533

Touchline Shouts:

View attachment 280534

Opposition Instructions:

  • [*=center]None at the moment! will update if anything changes

Match Results, League Tables & Fixtures:
(Afc Wimbledon, United and Everton at the moment)

View attachment 280523View attachment 280531View attachment 280530View attachment 280529View attachment 280528View attachment 280527View attachment 280526View attachment 280525View attachment 280524View attachment 280532

Suggested Player types:

The background to the tactic:

An brand new version of last years successful Might and Magic

There were a few idea's etc rolling around and eventually I managed to integrate all the separate components I was working on being:

  1. The roles of the players i.e: The Carrick/Rooney/Vidic/Nani/Young/Hernandez and now of course RVP roles
  2. The style of football United played (when playing 442 and not diamond narrow, this tactic will follow)
  3. Operating defensively just as much as attacking which is paramount in all of my tactics
The new CM settings is an upgraded version of the Carrick Role I invented last year (which is now the DLP role) which is perfect for Scholes and Giggs as well! He will look to cover defensively alongside his CM partner and will look for a good pass when it is on but is not going to rack up dozens of assists or score many goals, this is not his responsibility!

The other CM is a more defensive type ball winner which is needed to win the ball back and get it upfield to the strikers and wingers to fashion out chances! I suggest looking to bring in someone like Fellaini/Bender/Naingollan etc to play in this role or you can edit it to box to box and add run with ball sometimes :)

The Wingers assist the midfield by dropping deep to pick the ball up and also help out on defence by marking the opposition tightly and tracking back effectively but not enough to tire them! You may ask why I have them on Attack duty and have them move into channels, the answer is simple, they tend to make better runs and they help defensively as well

The Stl is the primary playmaker role: The Rooney/Van Persie role, he will drop down in the pocket and link up the play with the wingers and cm's as well as looking for the killer pass to play the Str in (which the position does perfectly) He also helps out on defence alot and this is done so that if we get the ball back he is already quite far down the pitch to start the attack again or decide what to do with it! (I have taken off the playmaker in team instructions as at the moment it is counter productive to the tactic)

The new addition to this years tactic is the swapping of positions between the two strikers making it extremely difficult for the AI defenders to track the players.. Either Rooney or Van Persie will drop deep and link up play with short intricate one two's on the edge of the box and great off the ball movement allowing for high freedom between the two forwards as in real life!

When wanting to include Welbeck or Hernandez into the tactic, just take off player switching and set the role to Poacher while lowering creative freedom and run with ball often!

The full backs are not going to add too much to the attack as they don't need to! They support all area's of the team that they are needed! You can ask them to get forward and run with ball often and cross often if you have players like Dani Alves or Evra but you may get caught out on the counter!

The central defenders are set to remain together and hold the line! The Cbr is the Vidic role which he will just clear the ball and throw his body around trying to win everything while the Cbl is more the Ferdinand role where he will cover any danger and sweep up if the Cbr commits himself and fails, which is not often!

Good old fashioned Keeper normal shot stopper etc
(Maarten Stekelenburg, De Gea, Cech)

Full Backs:
Good on defense and positioning, high work rate, good marking, plus: good at running with ball and passing/crossing (Schwaab, Fucile, Jonathan, Gabriel Silva)

Centreback: Left hand side:
Composed and determined, pacey and good anticipation is a must
(Ferdinand, Kjaer)

Centreback: Right hand side:
Big, strong, air machine, just defends! nothing else!
(Vidic, Papadopolous, Terry)

Centre Mid Right:
Good stamina, work rate, teamwork, passing and positioning, good old fashioned Centre mid:
(Jucilei, Javi Martinez, Carrick)

Centre Mid Left:
Good stamina, work rate, teamwork, passing and positioning, good deep lying playmaker type mid:
(Moutinho, Pirlo)

Quick, agile, determined good decision makers, high flair and dribbling and crossing. Good off the ball movement, teamwork, stamina are also very important.
(Valencia, Navas, Capel, Nani, Ashley Young)

Striker: Stl:
Playmaker forward, DLP, good at passing, high stamina, good at tracking back helping on defence and picking up the ball deep, he will drop deep and and pick up possession. Think Wayne Rooney currently.
(Rooney, Rossi, Van Persie)

Striker: Str:
Same as above really, creativity is a plus!

Match Prep:

  • [*=center]team cohesion until season starts

    [*=center]attacking movement against teams with weak/leaky defence

    [*=center]defending when up against the big boys

Important notes:

  • Pitch dimensions: Standard or Minimum (100m by 64m)
  • You can untick the playmaker (Stl) I have done this for the DEMO version!
  • If you don't have the right type of players for this tactic, buy them as players like Carrol wont work in this tactic unless you change many many things! If you want to get the best out of it then follow what I have said and suggested above
  • If you are playing away from home I can suggest dropping the Stl to the Amc position or even the 3rd Cm position as Advanced playmaker - attack to add a little more cover in the midfield, switching to counter will also work well
  • if you feel you are conceding goals from set pieces then tweak the set piece instructions to suit YOUR players!
  • if you feel you are conceding to many goals during open play then drop the Stl to the DM slot and change his PI's to suit his new position or play at a higher tempo and switch team instructions to Man marking instead of zonal and aggressive tackling

  • Please note that you will have to make slight changes to the team instructions and or formation for all of the teams you play with! I have made slight changes from the Utd one to when I have used it now with QPR but nothing more than a few clicks here and there! It is imperative that you buy the type of players I suggested otherwise it is not going to work properly! you cannot expect Grant Holt to play as the Poacher role and score for fun! Just remember a Manager has a set formation and style he incorporates into his team and sometimes the players he has do not fit into that formation hence he does not win games! You have to get the right players in to get the best out of your tactic

Tactic Disclaimer:

This tactic was made/updated on the DEMO version of FM13 with all the bugs and flaws.. If it does not work for you then don't be upset, its most likely the game! The game is rather unpredictable at present however this tactic has gotten me some pretty good results and consistency!
Once the full release has been out for a while come back and download the latest version and I am sure it will work out for you :)

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Looks great, but I have one suggestion. Move down your defensive line due high pressing and zonal marking. I bet your defenders are a lot out of their position.
Might and Magic™ Fm13 v2
(download link is in the OP above for both tactics, they are zipped using Winrar so you need to extract both tactics)

After playing Fm13 properly for a while and checking certain things in the ME and seeing how certain settings affect certain things I made a few changes to the original tactic above! Last year's version had a home and away tactic and a lot of people, especially with smaller teams got better results with the away tactic which was the whole point..

This tactic version should and hopefully will provide the same as well as using it when playing at home with bigger teams etc.. Just try them both out and see that works best for when! Just set this to counter if playing away from home or even at home against bigger opposition!

Formation & Instructions:

View attachment 281646

As you can see I have dropped the central mids down to a deeper defensive mid position, this really helps in providing cover for the buggy defending at the moment and assists in players being back to help in intercepting the "unstoppable" killer through balls when your defenders stand and watch the opp run past them and score!

The DLP is the Pirlo role! The type of balls I have seen him and the other Dm play have been close on out of this world, raking balls that switch the play, its incredible.. so having PPM's like switching ball to flanks etc is a good one to have for both!

A few settings here and there have changed as well as setting both CB's to cover to try and alleviate those dangerous through balls!

the players passing is also now mostly direct which works the best at the moment and is actually the original setting from the original tactic from Fm12!

I cannot guarantee this will work for everyone either, until the bugs and flaws are sorted out results can and will most likely be unpredictable!

Touchline Shouts:

Only really use:​

  • [*=center]Work ball into box
    [*=center]Pass into space

Match Results, League Tables & Fixtures:

View attachment 281649View attachment 281647View attachment 281651View attachment 281648View attachment 281652

I hope that you can see a difference in the game as much as I have seen recently :)

Good luck!

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Glad to see you're back playing Raikan,

I'll give this a go tonight and give you some feed back.
Glad to see you're back playing Raikan,

I'll give this a go tonight and give you some feed back.

thanks Tom :) I must say your pep talk snapped me out of my mood yesterday :) thank you for that! As I said, I was just really disappointed and I apologize.

having actually played the game properly and watched the ME and seen how it works I have actually realized its not as bad as I thought, yes there are still some seriously epic flaws but they will be phased out no doubt!

just beat West Brom 2:1 sitting pretty at the top of the table with Everton but have 3 very hard games coming up.. City/Spurs/Arsenal!

View attachment 280536
Hah, not to worry. Just glad to see you back enjoying it again.

Out of interest, judging from your screenshots, this is on challenge mode? Which one are you doing? .
Hah, not to worry. Just glad to see you back enjoying it again.

Out of interest, judging from your screenshots, this is on challenge mode? Which one are you doing? .

this is the normal Demo mode, not the FMC either, the normal game..
oo, the skin looks a bit different then, the challange mode skins are different to the normal mode in the beta.
Tried this quickly with my Chelsea team, 5-0 and 5-1 victories in my first two games, both away, at Newcastle and Shakhtar. Wow.
Tried this quickly with my Chelsea team, 5-0 and 5-1 victories in my first two games, both away, at Newcastle and Shakhtar. Wow.

Not bad at all mate :) nice victories! hope it continues to string together good results!

just do not be bleak when you lose 5:0 to some crappy team :) hahhaa, its the game not you I promise! it should be better in the full game :)
Not bad at all mate :) nice victories! hope it continues to string together good results!

just do not be bleak when you lose 5:0 to some crappy team :) hahhaa, its the game not you I promise! it should be better in the full game :)

That's only with ~70% familiarity as well :)

I've had my fair share of those results haha, I've come to that conclusion as well :P

Hopefully :) Can't wait to get the full version of the game!
Hey man always nice to see you making some new tactics :).....anyway what i wanted to ask you is this for classic mode tactic and if yes witch it seems so why are you playing classic and not regular mode.....i am just curioous about it wheater to play one or another :)....bit ot i believe hope i get my answer here :)
Hey man always nice to see you making some new tactics :).....anyway what i wanted to ask you is this for classic mode tactic and if yes witch it seems so why are you playing classic and not regular mode.....i am just curioous about it wheter to play one or another :)....bit ot i believe hope i get my answer here :)

hey bud :)

this tactic is made in and for the real football manager experience mode.. can you not only import this type of tactic (the modern creator) into the FMC mode? I don't think you can import the classic version (the one with yellow arrows) into FMC..

you can download the file then convert it yourself if you like :)

am I getting what you were trying to ask? :)
oooooo i get it now sorrry for intruding with stupid ot questions....ty for answer tho you can delete my messages :)
Hey Raikan , your Raikan007 31222 CCC Heaven tactic for FM12 is a beast in FM13, tried around 25-30 tactics, but this one is a killer , the attack is pure madness, used it in a few friendly games against the best EPL teams and outplayed them, this is one of them:
View attachment 280567View attachment 280568

Maybe you shoul take a look at it, i think tactics with 3 central def are working well in FM13.
Hey Raikan , your Raikan007 31222 CCC Heaven tactic for FM12 is a beast in FM13, tried around 25-30 tactics, but this one is a killer , the attack is pure madness, used it in a few friendly games against the best EPL teams and outplayed them, this is one of them:
View attachment 280567View attachment 280568

Maybe you shoul take a look at it, i think tactics with 3 central def are working well in FM13.
hey bud :)

I was planning for this and the new Attacking possession would be able to work on Fm13 :) glad to see that one of them is so far!

Once I have properly sorted out the M&M I will finalize the attacking possession then the 31222 CCC heaven :)

thanks bud, have a good evening
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