Modern Warfare 2 DLC Coming This Month..

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I think the servers or something might have gone down because we cant seem to be able to play online because it keeps crashing.

I think most people would agree that Crossfire was one of the best maps CoD have made in both modern warfare series
something must be broken because you can't even do a privart match on the new maps
They've updated it BUT still doesn't work yet
So is it not up yet? haha and is it really 1200 MS ... i won't bother if it is, CODMW2 has been a big let down in my opinion :(
Fifa servers are down aswell which is just great...
What a fail, i knew summin like this would happen, meh FM it is :p
oh i heard it was 3, silly me jumping to conclusions
techincally if you dont have any micrsoft points you have to buy 1500 wihich comes to about £13 so were getting even more ripped of as i dont even know what to do with the 300 left over :(
You can update now but now when u get on cod it doesnt work
Apparently in the update there are changes to the One Man Army perk, do people know what the changes are?
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