Modern Warfare 2

I might get the new map pack because the current maps are just getting so boring.
But seriously though 1200MS points is £10.20...... way too much for only 5 new maps (well technically 3 maps because 2 are Crash and Overgrown from CoD4).

Yeah and if they bring out 3, like the WaW people did, then that would be 30 quid we would have to pay. :S
Me and some mates have an agreement that we will split the cost and use the install on all of our PS3s. So if there is 3 of us then we will only pay around 3 quid each, buy it on my account and then install on all 3 of our playstations. I'm fine with that.
I was having fun earlier despite my previous post. I decided I'm definitely not worrying about my K/D anymore, and after that revelation; I started doing some mad rush games involving throwing knives and riot shields.

Needless to say, my kills were low, but the amount of assists you get with a shield is insane.
crash and overgrown were not even the most popular maps? on the polls backlot and ambush always came out on top, chinatown was my favourite, though it related in no way to cod
Backlot was my favourite with Crash a close second, Overgrown wasn't far behind so I'm pleased.
Are there any trailers for what the new maps are like?
Funny video, I'm sure you all have a friend like this.

[ame=""]YouTube- Modern Warfare 2 Parody - CoD MW2[/ame]
[ame=""]YouTube- Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 - Infinite Ammo Glitch![/ame]
Yeh I've been in a lot of them.Mostly because one of my friends does a lot of modding:S So hard to control your shooting on them
Everyone run's past each other or where they hit something fast they fly on top of buildings its chaos
I was on one in Afghan,I had No Falling Damage on so I ran and jumped off the top of the cliff and landed near the big bunker:O