
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score

Game Save

Club balances & Managers

Monopoly winners

All 3 Leagues
Stonecold - Leipzig, Bordeaux, AC Milan


Grand Slam - Inc Champions League & Europa League & Domestic Cup
Stonecold - Leipzig

1 trophy away
Liam - Wolfsburg - German League
Linecoign - Leverkusen - Champions League
Hampus - Dortmund - Europa League


Hampus Silverholt - Dortmund - 19/20,21/22, 22/23, 23/24, 24/25, 25,26
Stonecold - RBL - 19/20, 21/22, 22/23, 24/25, 25,26, 26/27,
Linecoigne - Leverksen - 20/21, 22/23, 24/25, 25,26
Liam88 - Wolfsburg - 26/27

League Winners
3* Stonecold - RBL - 19/20, 24/25, 26,27
2* Linecoigne - Leverksen - 20/21, 25,26
3* Hampus Silverholt - Dortmund - 21/22, 22/23, 23/24

Cup Winners
1* RVP20 Stuttgart - 17/18
2* Linecoigne Leverkusen - 18/19, 24/25
1* Hampus Silverholt Dortmund - 19/20
1* BCFC1 Mainz - 21/22
1* Liam88 - Wolfsburg 22/23
2* Stonecold Leipzig 23/24, 25/26

Liam88 - Monaco - 23/24, 24/25, 25/26, 26/27
RVP 20 - Lyon - 23/24, 26/27
Hampus Silverholt - Toulouse - 23/24, 25/26, 26/27
Stonecold - Bordeaux - 23/24, 24/25, 25/26, 26/27
Linecoigne - Nice - 26/27
Bcfc1 - Marseille - 26/27

League Winners
3* Liam88 - Monaco - Monaco 23/24, 25/26, 26/27
1* Stonecold Bordeaux 24/25

Cup Winners
1* Hampus Silverholt - Toulouse 22/23
3* Stonecold Bordeaux 23/24, 24/25, 25/26
1* Bcfc1 Marseille 26/27

Stonecold - AC Milan - 24/25, 25/26, 26/27
Hampus Silverholt - Inter - 24/25, 25/26
bcfc1 - Fiorentina 25/26

League Winners
3* Stonecold - Ac Milan 24/25, 25/26, 26/27,

Cup Winners
1* DPorter8999 - Sassuolo 24/25
1* 2* Linecoigne - Napoli 25/26
European Cup
2* Stonecold - Leipzig 23/24, 25/26
1* Liam88 - Wolfsburg 24/25
1* Hampus - Dortmund 26/27

Europa League
1* Stonecold - Leipzig 21/22
1* Linecoigne - Leverkusen 22/23
Liam 88 - 1* Monaco 23/24

Random Team Draw
Earlier i ran all the current chairmen in a random draw to decide what order we pick our clubs. and here is the outcome

If anyone chooses to leave the we will all move up a spot. Post in here your team but only once its your turn. If your not coming back to the save PM me and i'll take you out.

What is a chairman game
For those who don't know what a Chairman game is, it's essentially a game where 20 people become the chairmen of all the clubs in one league, and they become responsible for setting budgets, changing managers, making key transfers, and managing certain aspects of the club. Everybody who takes part will run their changes through me, I will confirm when/if they are OK and edit them into the game, and then that "chairman" can announce what they have done in the thread via a Press Release.

Chairman Monopoly
Europe is ran by teams dominating there domestic leagues
Italy has Juventus, Germany with Bayern and France have PSG
Its time for this to end!

Starting the Game with any German team we then first try to take over from Bayern but its better than that. All you need to do if finish ahead of Juventus and you will unlock the 2nd league, France where after guiding a team to finish ahead of PSG you can move onto Italy to take down Juventus

The name of this game however is Monopoly so its not just about beating the dominant force then move on to the next country, you will keep ownership of your previous team so you could end up having control of Inter Milan, Dortmund and Lyon with the ultimate goal of winning all 4 domestic leagues in the same season so clearly its important to get through the leagues quickly to get the pick of the teams.

To Play
1) To sign up you must have a copy of FM18. This is because I will be running my game on so you need the same version to ensure that transfers are done correctly.

2) You must be able to regularly check the thread for updates. I plan on posting

. End of August Update only
. Post the save on January 1st for the transfer Window for 48 hours
. End of Season Update and request players team transfers ect for the next season, Player Transfers 48 or 72 hours

General Rules

1) You may sack your manager after any update. Doing so will require you pay the remainder of their contract in full.

2) Unemployed managers are first come first serve.

If your manager gets sacked. If this happens the owner will get the choice on the next appointment or keeping there current manager. They cant poach another players manager but can buy them similar to a C2C deal if both managers can agree a fee

3) You can set your transfer & wage budgets to whatever you like, (for your AI manager)

4) Facilities may be upgraded at any time, however at a cost:
1,000,000 per 1,000 seating increase, Max of 5,000 a season
2,500,000 for a minor improvement to your youth system.
3,000,000 for a minor improvement to your training facilities.
2,500,000 for a minor improvement to your Junior Coaching.
2,500,000 for a minor improvement to your Youth recruitment.
Buying a unowned stadium will cost £1m per 1000 seats

If you go through a whole season without any posts ect for a whole season i will message you before the final table update and a failure to reply will lead to you loosing your team and we'll for a new manager to take you spot

Transfer rules

First of all:
There are 7 different types of Signings:

-MON Monopoly transfers - Transfers between all the teams you directly control
-C2C (Chairman to Chairman): Basically signings between controlled teams.
-DOM (domestic - CPU controlled and lower league teams)
-FGN (Foreign): Signing players from abroad,
-u18 -(Aged 18 or under)
-EXP -(Pre Contracts arranged in January)
-FREE (Free signings)

Just for note for FGN & U18 transfers priority goes in last seasons league order so for the first season goes like this
RB Leipzig
Borussia Dortmund
1899 Hoffenheim
1. FC Köln
Hertha BSC
SC Freiburg
Werder Bremen
Borussia Mönchengladbach
Schalke 04
Eintracht Frankfur
Bayer Leverkusen
FC Augsburg
Hamburger SV
Mainz 05
VfL Wolfsburg

1) To sign a player from player controlled team you must contact the Chairman of that club and agree a value with them. You can then calculate their wage using the rules below.
Both Chairmen will then need to PM me with the agreed amount and quote the message showing you have agreed the transfer/loan, and once I have confirmed it then you can announce the transfer.

If more than 1 club bids for a player in a the FGN, U18s & DOM deal it goes to the club with the league position in the most recent full season and the loosing club will get a second shot to use the slot on another


Each club has 2 expiring contract offers (EXP) spots on there team. You can use it on ALL PLAYERS in the final 6 months of a contract.

3) The price & number of players that you can sign is limited per season to the following:

Monopoly Transfers - Players Value
Transfers - 2 per team
Loans - 1

C2C - Agreed by chairmen
Transfers - Unlimited
Loans - 1

DOM 1.5x Player Value
Transfers -2

FGN - 2x player value
Transfers - 3
Loans from foreign clubs - 1

U18 2x Player Value
Transfers - 3

Offers per season - 2
You just need to enter what wages you will offer. Highest bid wins

Free signings - 3 per season
You just need to enter what wages you will offer. Highest bid wins

NOTE: If a player is transfer-listed for a particular value in game or has a release clause, it is possible to sign said player by paying the required amount. If both a transfer fee and release clause exist, the player can be signed by paying the lesser of the two amounts.

All loans will be for 3 per season at 100% wages. 1*FGN, 1*DOM, 1*C2C
Player must be either loan listed or be back up or worse in his squad status. No loaning Messi for the year!

You can cancel 1 loan a season, C2C loans must be agreed that both sides want to cancel before and agreement ends

Player Wages
Ages 20 or under = x1.5 current wage
Aged 21-30 = x1.5 current wage
International players aged 21-30 = x2 current wage
Ages 30+ = x1.25 current wage
Chairman & Monopoly sales - No change

Unemployed managers rate based on reputation
World wide or Continental - Current managers rate x2
National and below - Current managers rate x1.5

If the AI sacks a manager then you will be able to choose a replacement or resign the old manager at the January or summer transfer window.
Current International Managers can not be used

Transfer template to complete, Must be filled in for EVERY transfers you plan to make, if two teams make a offer the team with the highers rep will always win

Transfer Type - Player Name - Current Team - New Team - New Wage - Transfer Fee

Trf Type - Player Name - Current Team - New Team - New Wage -Transfer Fee
FGN - Saul - Atletico Madrid - Inter - £42m

If you wish to sell players then you need to post them in the thread as available. Other Chairmen can then make offers for them if they wish. If they are not sold to another Chairmen in the league then I will set them as transfer listed in the game, this does not guarantee that they will be sold however.

I am very open to making changes,additions or cuts to the rules as i've jut copied the base rules that are used in chairman saves but made changes i think will make it a better save

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Omg hahaha TheNotSoSpecialOne there goes your "good number" that you were hoping for XD
Meh - I will take 5th - glad that Atalanta manager came out on top as getting them to finish 4th in Italy was some achievement!!!

Would like to have come 2nd mind you!!!!!
Waiting on Hampus (the lucky b*stard) lol
Thinking that since we could be waiting a while for people to post there teams if its coming up for you pick you can PM me teams in order you would like and i could announce them for you to try speed things up?
Was just gonna say, really hope everyone sees this quickly so we can pick our teams and get started! Would be really annoying if no one saw this until the end of the week or something XD

Not a chance. i want the transfer window to open tomorrow night. Everyone was due to be logged in for the end of the transfer window tonight so i'd say 30 hours is more than enough!
stonecold - I'll send you my list of 13 teams in order HAHAHA!
If he doesnt pick Dortmund I will be amazed!!
Are we playing with the original database or the January database?
That £285 million balance to start with should be a nice change from Atalanta for you XD

I hope he helps the person who started his job at Atalanta for him and gave him Coman to save him from relegation and then finish 4th lol.
i might go for not such an obvious choice, then ive got an excuse to miss champions league for a change