Jesus Christ.... ad personam arguments(u don't have knowledge, etc). CA145 is underdog team
... Underdog team scoring most goals and the tactic will not work in big club
Aaa, I see, testing save is not for everyone! Classified
. And why you insult people? Random, simply thinking. Hmm, u must be working in SI, because you're such genius and best tester(in your mind) on this site. I understand
. Will correctly named that kind of people.
P.S - And all I wanted is simple file
Lol? What part? I want to check this randomness(it's 10 or 20% difference in points?) on that kind of trial/test. I want to test my tactic also, and I want retest some of the tactics. Simple.
No discussion, only wild attacks... I don't understand you.
P.S - Now, I'm worried about credibility of all your tests. Will from the start is uploading his database and/or testing save game.