Based on this outcome, I probably know the answer to this question but I'll ask anyway: when using this tactic do you ever find that your players perform terribly but manage to win anyway? I don't know if it's a consequence of my team having used the 4-1-4-1 Rock Classic for five seasons but using the 2-5-3 leads to a lot of awful performances from my team. Sometimes they'll start brightly but I've notice a significant increase in the number of times I have to rage at them at half time to pull their fingers out.
I don't know if it's possible to blame something like that on a tactic or if, like I said, it's based on the sudden changes (although the tactic is fluid). Maybe my team is just tired of me now and they're finding it hard to get motivated. I'm still winning more often than not but draws and even losses have crept in and even the wins are sometimes incredibly hard-fought.