Mw2 Xbox 360 tournament

  • Thread starter Deleted member 79730
  • Start date
  • Replies 193
  • Views 13K

Will it be core or hardcore?

  • Core

    Votes: 27 77.1%
  • Hardcore

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters
Captain King is what they call me, get on your knees *****. :$
scotts team was the hardest to choose as chris is regular aswell, and what the **** why did duncan get himself banned!! :mad:
scotts team was the hardest to choose as chris is regular aswell, and what the **** why did duncan get himself banned!! :mad:
Think he had an argument on a thread or something, think he's back in like 2 days though
I am the captain wahey. Right Troops. lets be ready
Luke and Andy added you, Team 7 when you wanna play? :p

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ----------

We may aswell just make every match TEAM DEATHMATCH, its basic and everyone should be decent at it?
As I am captain Foxy, I will ask Joe, and will send you a Pm now
Luke and Andy added you, Team 7 when you wanna play? :p

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:52 PM ----------

We may aswell just make every match TEAM DEATHMATCH, its basic and everyone should be decent at it?

Foxy iv got you as a friend already ;) There's issues with times because of Joe living in america. I might have to drop out or swap with someone else

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:25 PM ----------

I might be able to play this afternoon around 3PM GMT if Luke, Aannddyy, foxy, Joe and ChrisHill can make it :p
I can make it today anytime, except when the chelsea game is on :)
ChrisHill isn't very active so going to be a prolem if he doesn't respond :S
Account name is UK Mackie

Frankie and Paul Add me please.
To every one in this tiurnament thing.

A few people have me added as C o N o R M C x, that is my backup account, my main one is

xMcFADDZx LTFC, If you could add me on that one it'd be easier for us both :)

---------- Post added at 07:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

Team 4 FTW!!!

---------- Post added at 07:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:47 PM ----------

Johnny Biy what is your GT?
Hey Max what time you gonna be online? Just send me a message on here when your ready to play.

Also that Philbus is hardly ever online so I don't know what were gonna do about him.
Why me as a captain honestly?? Ah well. I am free from now until next weekend I suppose, minus school times obviously. Actually I won't play with anybody today as I am absolutely shattered after last night and can't make sense from anything
Tiraths, Joe - I'm about for the rest of the day so can play whenever you want.
I think that's our game ready then? Just Foxy to say he's in..

Chrishill what's your gamertag?