You should test JPWoody's new 352.

I'm looking for another 2-3 newly created/tweaked 13.2.3 tactics.
Lemme know if you come across any.
So far I have:
- Conbob (Conbob85s 352)
- Gourcuff (3-7-0 La Masia Philosophie)
- Jassar (hit man jassar)
- JP Woody (2 Conte tactics (13.2.3)
- Kunaguero (4-3-3 kun^^ v1.3)
- MrLangvatn-Lordofavp (Testing V2)
- Nezza (super 442 to be proud off)
- Raikan (Complete Madness 433 classic)
- Tuckermax (#No 9.5)
Some are new, some are old tactics I'm yet to test.