NewGAN Facepack

NewGAN Facepack v1.3

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Hey guys - sorry if this has already been asked but im trying to get this on my game this morning but after 'installing' the NEWGAN MANAGER I can't find it anywhere to actually open and use?
Guys, did anyone figured out how to solve the stuck on "Map Player to Ethnicity"?

Following the steps structly but getting stuck there and that's it, nothing happens. :(
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when that happens it is most likely caused because the nation combination is unaccounted for so the NewGan app doesnt have a picture to map to the player. You have to compare your newgan log file to your RTF file and see which player it stopped at. The log file will contain the last successful player so you compare that to the RTF file. The next player after the successful player is the one causing the problem. You have to remove him.

Of course if you have thousands and thousand++ of newgens the bigger chance this can occur all through out your list. This is why people trying to do 50k newgens have so many problems. 1st its **** big, 2nd higher chance of weird nationality combo, and finally the unexplained.

Just wanted to say that I've spent a fair amount of time investigating this theory and I don't think it is the case when it happens.

I did a batch of ~4k regens > got stuck on Map Player to Ethniciry > checked the log > did single person face generation with the suspected trouble guy (who turned to be from Estonia with only 1 nationality and rest of the numbers, whatever they mean are 1-16-1, UD: 2000165278). Just to be sure, I did single person face generation with the previous person and the next person and all worked perfectly fine.
Hey Zea. Any news on the update that would come this week? Having issues with the "preserve"-option.
Maybe the temp fix for the preserve issue should just be pasted into the updates section so that people stop asking about it. It has been posted in here several times. After the app says finished, go to the config.xml file, open with notepad, use the replace all option to replace ".png" with nothing (leave the replace with bar blank) . Save it. Then do the reload in FM21, and it works as intended. Takes about 30 seconds extra then automatically but perfectly fine imo , pretty quick and easy fix.
Maybe the temp fix for the preserve issue should just be pasted into the updates section so that people stop asking about it. It has been posted in here several times. After the app says finished, go to the config.xml file, open with notepad, use the replace all option to replace ".png" with nothing (leave the replace with bar blank) . Save it. Then do the reload in FM21, and it works as intended. Takes about 30 seconds extra then automatically but perfectly fine imo , pretty quick and easy fix.

I'm sorry. Didn't really want to read through 14 pages and remembered that Zea talked about an update on reddit. But cheers! That'll do for now.
OK, so I need some help if anyone can. I have followed the steps precisely for installing and using the NEWGAN facepack mod. However, I have encountered an issue that's preventing me from wanting to continue with it, and that is the game appears to only export a maximum of 274 players at a time when using the Ctrl-P function from the scouting view.

Has anyone else encountered the same issue?
OK, so I need some help if anyone can. I have followed the steps precisely for installing and using the NEWGAN facepack mod. However, I have encountered an issue that's preventing me from wanting to continue with it, and that is the game appears to only export a maximum of 274 players at a time when using the Ctrl-P function from the scouting view.

Has anyone else encountered the same issue?

I might be wrong here, but once you have the view & list ready for export - select the first row, and hit CTRL+A to select all (for me, I always have to hit it twice might be my machine's problem). After that, CTRL+P but I still just use the drop down menu to Print Screen b/c I want to make sure I capture it all. That should solve your problem.
I might be wrong here, but once you have the view & list ready for export - select the first row, and hit CTRL+A to select all (for me, I always have to hit it twice might be my machine's problem). After that, CTRL+P but I still just use the drop down menu to Print Screen b/c I want to make sure I capture it all. That should solve your problem.

Thanks for the reply. But yes, I have ensured all players are selected (27k) and highlighted before hitting Ctrl-P

I created a new config based upon the new fm21 uid. Populated it out to around 1,250,000 records and it uses all of the 127,992 pics from this NewGan face pack.

the only other thing it required me to do was collapse all of the NewGan pics into 1 folder and use a bulk renamer on them to number them 1 to 127,992 in a completely random order.

If I was to zip that folder up and host it somewhere all you would have to do is drop it into your graphics folder and reload cache/skin. Making it a completely drag n drop mod.

I adore the this NewGan face pack but I just feel there is going to be a big part of the fm community that it's going to be to difficult to consistently use all the time especially in long lower league type saves.

My fm20 save was 10th tier I played 20 years it was largely newgens everywhere. I would have had to run this mod several times a year if I didn't want to see fm default newgen pics.

To me I rather give up ethnicity matching for simplistic sake. Let the nvidia gaugan AI pics shine. They are the star of the show.

Then for all the advanced users or people who are hardcore they would just use the pack with the ethnicity feature. Basically having 2 versions of the mod. 1 simple for general players and 1 advanced for the hardcore.

Great Idea. Could you please explain how you make the new config based on the FM21 uid or point me in the direction of the instructions
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Are you still having the issue when using the FM menu to Print Screen, instead of using CTRL+P?

It happens regardless of whether using the menu or the shortcut. It's as if the game isn't actually 'seeing' all the players that are selected (highlighted) as the file size output changes drastically despite having the same exact players selected each time.
Im having an issue with the text file capping at 17 pages so i cant generate face for all the newgens in the game anyone know how to fix this?
Faces have worked so far for me however young players from my own team still have their gen faces and not the real life looking ones. I went on player search and exclude and had my team name ticked and then unticked and neither worked to give my youth their new faces. Are you supposed to reload skin after ticking or unticking your team on exclude at the bottom of player search?

Is it meant to be ticked or unticked in order to include my youth team faces?

Any help appreciated.
Hi guys! Just a suggestion for those having the "mapping to ethnicity" problem that fixed it for me. Make sure you sort the search by UID in ascending order (arrow pointing down) before doing the CTRL+A, CTRL+P step. I also added a PA variable to the search so that only players with a PA >100 were included. Currently running a very large database >300,000 players and I'm in season 3. Hope this helps

THANK YOU, it fixed it for me :DD
I have a problem with the nemgan manager... it just doesn't open. any leads on how to fix this issue?
This is causing my game to crash.
Where can I remove config files, so I can start from scratch.
Are there any further instructions to adding extra faces after initial set.
I have done the player search, however there are players from my future transfers missing. I would like to add these too, but every time I try it deletes the previous batch.
As I scroll through my youth team I my game is crashing.