Hi Nezza,
I have to congratulate you for your impressive tactic 3331 (updated).
I try it and i have some advice to give you for make it even better:
Run from deep = rarely,
mentality = 5 or 6. I can see it's better to have a DM who stay back, he give a solution when the middle is full on the last quarter but also for our three CB who have more passing solution and try long pass more rarely. Finally he's a mix beetween an anchor man and a deep lying playmaker. (exemple: Bender, Capoue, Bolatti...)
Mentality less offensive (15 or 16) Because we need them to give a little more solution backward and have more ball play. Like this there is some space created through the middle and more easyness to reach our CM.
Mentality more Offensive (15 or 16) There is also a lot of combination with him because his position is down (run from deep rarely) so if you give him more offensive mentality, he will try to finish the action more often.
In the team config:
Pass to the TM : on feet. It's Useless to put run on the ball for a striker who have run from deep rarely. And it's more efficient for the CM who not necessarly have great attributes in speed.
I hope it will be helping. And Sorry if i make some languages mistakes, i'm french