Dec 10, 2013
Reaction score
This tactic is better ------>>>


Tactic has preset OI(Opposition Instructions) inside it so make sure you don't ask your Assistant Manager to set OI for you .

IMPORTANT: ML should be left footed or rating for the left foot is "Fairly Strong" / "Strong"
MR should be right footed or rating for the right foot is "Fairly Strong" / "Strong"

Download filters for all positions - (UPDATED TO SUIT V3)

Download the tactic - (UPDATED TO V3)

alternative download link -



This is awesome attacking tactic. It's based on possession and pressing high up field. The same time it's enough solid at the back to have excellent ration between chances you create and your opponent creates.


1st Season, Southampton, Predicted to finish 9th.

Download game save - TFF_OBLIVION_TEST___

Guys, I've played only 10 games for test to show results and I know this is small sample but I don't want spend more time on it because I've played with this tactic in my long term saves more than 4 seasons and I know what it capable of.



Heh... matches like these always make me worry for my monitor.;) Won it only by 1 goal but had +5 CCCs 7+ Half Chances.









- Finishing 14+ *****
- Technique 14+ *****
- Off The Ball 14+ *****
- Anticipating 14+ *****
- Passing 13+
- Agility 13+ *****
- Flair 13+
- First Touch 13+
- Decisions 13+
- Creativity 13+
- Composure 13+
- Dribbling 13+ *****
- Acceleration 13+ *****
- Pace 13+ *****
- Strength 11+ *****


ML should be left footed or rating for the left foot is "Fairly Strong" / "Strong"
MR should be right footed or rating for the right foot is "Fairly Strong" / "Strong"

- Dribbling 15+ *****
- Acceleration 15+ *****
- Agility 14+ *****
- Pace 13+ *****
- Flair 14+ *****
- Technique 14+ *****
- Off The Ball 13+
- Crossing 13+ *****
- Passing 13+
- First Touch 13+
- Decisions 12+
- Anticipating 12+
- Creativity 12+


- Work Rate 14+ *****
- Teamwork 14+ *****
- Technique 14+ *****
- Passing 14+ *****
- Creativity 14+ *****
- Flair 11+
- Anticipating 13+ *****
- Positioning 10+ *****
- Marking 10+ *****
- Off The Ball 13+ *****
- First Touch 14+ *****
- Decisions 14+ *****
- Dribbling 11+
- Composure 13+
- Agility 11+
- Acceleration 12+
- Pace 12+
- Strength 10+


- Work Rate 15+ *****
- Teamwork 15+ *****
- Positioning 14+ *****
- Tackling 13+ *****
- Marking 11+
- Strength 12+
- Jumping Reach 10+ *****
- Anticipation 14+
- Passing 14+ *****
- First Touch 14+
- Technique 13+ *****
- Decision 13+
- Creativity 13+ *****
- Composure 12+


DL must be left footed, DR must be right footed

- Work Rate 14+ *****
- Teamwork 13+
- Technique 13+ *****
- Passing 12+
- Dribbling 11+
- Positioning 12+ *****
- Tackling 14+ *****
- Marking 12+ *****
- Anticipating 14+ *****
- Aceleration 14+ *****
- Agility 13+
- Pace 13+ *****
- Flair 11+ *****
- Off The Ball 11+ *****
- Strength 10+
- Crossing 13+
- Composure 11+


- Positioning 15+ *****
- Marking 15+ *****
- Tackling 15+ *****
- Anticipation 15+ *****
- Strength 15+ *****
- Jumping Reach 14+ *****
- Work Rate 14+
- Aceleration 14+ *****
- Pace 13+ *****
- Concentration 13+
- Technique 10+ *****
- Composure 11+
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dude u r EPIC! u must be the most motivated guy playing this years fm version (which sucks hard) and trying to do soemthing with it. Hats down to you bro! great work once more...Should i even tell you keep it up? dont think so ROFL ;)
hey TTF, no offense but don't you think it's a bit stupid to be releasing tons of tactics instead of testing them and sharing the successful ones? I think you released like 10 tactics in the past 2 weeks.
hey TTF, no offense but don't you think it's a bit stupid to be releasing tons of tactics instead of testing them and sharing the successful ones? I think you released like 10 tactics in the past 2 weeks.

all his tactics have worked well enough for him to post them, so you should thanks to him, cuz he provides rly good tactics with different formations, u take a team over see ur players at ur disposal, and chose the tactic, easy...he does all the work to be easy for u to play in this **** ME, what u want more...jeez...cant understand this lazy ppl :/
Using thid midway through my juventus season working nicely and defensively solid
all his tactics have worked well enough for him to post them, so you should thanks to him, cuz he provides rly good tactics with different formations, u take a team over see ur players at ur disposal, and chose the tactic, easy...he does all the work to be easy for u to play in this **** ME, what u want more...jeez...cant understand this lazy ppl :/

he could still be more professional about it. stop constantly making threads and just put them all in one thread, also answering questions when people ask them.
he could still be more professional about it. stop constantly making threads and just put them all in one thread, also answering questions when people ask them.

it would get very messy im sure of it, i look to jassar thread, which is well done, but still so many tac. and everyone speaking about diffrent tac. at the same least like this u go to the thread where the unique tac. is placed, about answering questions, most of time he does answer, dont know why u complaining about it
it would get very messy im sure of it, i look to jassar thread, which is well done, but still so many tac. and everyone speaking about diffrent tac. at the same least like this u go to the thread where the unique tac. is placed, about answering questions, most of time he does answer, dont know why u complaining about it

TFF i look like ur attorney ;)
Don't see why people are moaning, if he wants to upload a new tactic then let him, he's the one doing the work.
Keep it up TFF
Guys, redownload the tactic . I've just noticed that I uploaded version without proper corner, free kick and thrown-ins setup.

P.S. I strongly recommend redownload because current set pieces are full garbage. Also full backs have one wrong PI.
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TFF9, ask Si to put 11 slots for tactics so we can use them all, as they all are great!.

Btw, the only thing that is constant is the OIs, players filters, team and player instructions.

So, it does not matter the tactic, only what you tell the players to do. Is it that "simple"?
Thanks mate! ;)

Not sure I understood this correctly. What do you mean?

It means that you had 3-5-2, 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1, 4-5-1, etc, and they all seemed to worked, right?

What didn't change was the OIs like man marking and pressure, specially the opponent defenders, the team instructions to press high and not so high tempo, and player instructions to cross, and others.

So, i conclude that you can play with whatever formation your teams suits for, even the players (i didn't follow your filters and im in January only with wins...), but the instructions that you give when they are attacking and defending are making the difference!!

And if you do this for big clubs to win the highest of the competitions, the right OIs and PIs should make your uderdog raise to be champion!

A guide?
It means that you had 3-5-2, 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1, 4-5-1, etc, and they all seemed to worked, right?

What didn't change was the OIs like man marking and pressure, specially the opponent defenders, the team instructions to press high and not so high tempo, and player instructions to cross, and others.

So, i conclude that you can play with whatever formation your teams suits for, even the players (i didn't follow your filters and im in January only with wins...), but the instructions that you give when they are attacking and defending are making the difference!!

And if you do this for big clubs to win the highest of the competitions, the right OIs and PIs should make your uderdog raise to be champion!

A guide?

The options what you can do with OIs are very limited and I think I found most efficient way to use it so there's no point to changes something. ;)

Filters and attributes recommendation different for every tactic. For example, if position in tactic isn't supposed to do "dribbling" stuff so there's no point to invest its CA in Dribbling attribute and it would more efficient to invest it in something else or let's say position is supposed to contribute to defense so player who plays on this position must have reasonable Workrate, Teamwork, Position, Marking. Efficient spending of players CA adds great to final result and that's why I always post filters and attributes recommendations because I'm sure it hardly possible to get good results even using great tactic but wrong player on every position.

I don't use many TIs because I like pinpoint tweaking through PIs. I use TI only for things I can't do by PI like Offside, D-Line, adding more Pressure, changing Width so that's why it always mostly the same.

PIs are different from tactic to tactic and what works good in one tactic not necessary would works in others. Even small changes in PIs for position can make big difference. For example, good amount of positions in this have unique set of PIs which I didn't use before in previous tactics. ;)

Great Tactics as always, Just a quick question,when ever you started a new tactic you closed down the others and linked ti a new one, the others are still open, so are you still working on them or not anymore?
Just wanted to know where your at with them and which is the latest/best to use.
Thank you for all your hard workas always.

Great Tactics as always, Just a quick question,when ever you started a new tactic you closed down the others and linked ti a new one, the others are still open, so are you still working on them or not anymore?
Thanks mate.
Heh... I'm just too lazy to shut it down. ;) Currently I'm playing with Oblivion and find it as most efficient. Btw, if you have team which suites Unreal you can switch for Oblivion without any problem.