Guys, I've got something more beasty and won't create new thread so old Oblivion have to go! ;)

Welcome new Oblivion! ;)

I'll soon update filter attributes recommendations to suite V2.

Download Oblivion V2 -


DUDE!!! I rly hate u! I cant even finish single season with one tactic and u create another one! Why u doing this to me? ;(((
DUDE!!! I rly hate u! I cant even finish single season with one tactic and u create another one! Why u doing this to me? ;(((

Sorry, mate... ;) can't do nothing with myself if I see that new tactic works more efferent I just lose interest to previous. :)
Sorry, mate... ;) can't do nothing with myself if I see that new tactic works more efferent I just lose interest to previous. :)

m8, does this version also oriented on top or middle teams or there's some chance to win in lower and regional leaues? :)
m8, does this version also oriented on top or middle teams or there's some chance to win in lower and regional leaues? :)

Mate, I'm sure you will be overachieving with any team who suits this tactic no matter middle team or top but how much and would be it enough for you I really don't know your expectations. ;)
Won EPL with my beloved Tottenham. ;) Thanks! Used V2 all the way.


Your filters do not correspond well with the required players stats in the first post.
Which is more relevant? The filters or the required stats in the post?
Amazing tactic! Just destroyed Barca 5-2 in CL final!
hello guys. This is my first season in Southampton with Oblivion V1 and V2:

View attachment 372696 View attachment 372694 View attachment 372691

I'm in shock. At that moment I have 2nd pleace and by the end of the season I was one game ... with Chelsea (leader) hehe :)
keep your fingers crossed !

PS. I think that the V2 is better, perhaps much better than V1, moreover, seen in screenshots.
Great tactic - wide men must have good finishing though. What I like in particular is that once you have a wellgelled squad it performs in the dreaded second season as well, as it does not rely on the counterintuitive 'drop deep and hassle opponents' that is great in the first season. Will report back with results.
Gonna try this with Bournemouth in first season! Have been thoroughly impressed with the Perfection and Unreal tactic, keep up the good work !!!