Paul Gazza Gascoigne...

  • Thread starter Thread starter TamMcCann
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Nov 5, 2010
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Yeah so you could say my life up until now has been....Turbulent!
Most of my life I have batteld with the Booze, Food disorders,
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Bipolar(manic depression)
Depression & Oh yeah Gambling too...

My Recovery

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Ever since "The Kettering Town shambels", I've wanted to get back into managment. Amature, Semi pro It's all the same to me, Football is my passion without it I really think I would be dead by now. Infact I am lucky to still be here, my life has been full of ups and downs...Will I ever recover from the Drink and my other disorders? Maybe...but once an Alcoholic, always an Alcoholic. Will anyone even consider hiring me as Manager of there Football Club, would you...? I'm still visiting my Therapist (Johnny) and we are still working towards my recovery but I'm determind more than ever to get my life on track and make my Family proud of me again, I WILL RECOVER!

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Live Interview with Gazza!

Interviewer: Hello Paul so how's things?

Gazza: Yeah things at the moment are fine thanks.

Interviewer: So we've heard stories that you are rumoured to be interested to get back into management, is it true?

Gazza: In an ideal world I'd love to, Football is my passion but whether someone will allow me that chance is remain to be seen.

Interviewer: Paul...Don't take offence but surley the states you have been in the chances will be slim...?

Gazza:....Now hold on a minute I'm not saying I deserve to walk into a Top Job, I know it will be tough to get a Job due to my Circumstances but I'm determind more than ever to prove people like you wrong, and YES I do take that Offence so go **** YOURSELF!

Gazza lets himself down again!

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Why do I always **** things up! I'm never going to get back into management, Oh well the drink wins again.....

Will Paul get back into Managment or will he relapse?
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This is my first story, good or bad feedback welcome!
Sorry about any bad spelling :).​

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Theripast: Take a seat and relax Paul.

Paul: (Sigh)...It's over, I've ****** it up haven't I Johnny?

Theripast: Like everything else Paul, it's a setback, what was the last thing you said to me last time?

Paul: I'm going to proove the doubters wrong...

Theripast: Well...Are you? Or will you give..

Paul: NO! They will not win, not this time!Theripast: That's right Paul, show them the real you, show them you CAN change!

(Phone starts ringing)

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Paul: Sorry Johnny I need to take this its my agent...

Theripast: Ok...

Agent(Jimmy): Hello Gazza?

Paul: Hello mate, Whats up?

Jimmy: Want the Good News or Bad News first?

Paul: Any, My life is ****** up as it is!

Jimmy: Paul... I got you have a Job Interview!

Paul:....Shut up Jimmy I'm not in the mood mate.

Jimmy: No serious you have, It's in Two days Time.

Paul: What Club?

Jimmy: This is the bad news as your still recovering and getting help in the UK, Sarawak Fc in Malaysia!

Paul: I'll go, Jimmy I've been waiting so long for another shot and I'm not letting this one go, book the flight.

Jimmy: Ok mate, phone you later witht the details.

Is this really good news for Paul? Could he cope all by himself out in Malaysia if he gets the Job?

Keep going mate I'm reading.... What the **** is Sarawak FC haha. He better take old Jimmy 5 Bellies!
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It's happened...not Ideal but it's happened, I have my first Job Interview, I'm starting to get very nervous...I hate flying, nothing that drink can't solve, I'll just have a little Vodka and Coke...

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Still got an hour to waste before my flight. I'll just have another drink then that'll be me, I'm getting funny looks of people, They must know me...know Gazza the "Alcoholic", **** them I can control the drink! I'll show them...

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Paul: What are you staring at?!

Woman: Nothing sir(walks away with her kids).

Paul: Yeah, WALK AWAY!

Passer By: Gazza...

Paul: **** off, I can drink as much as I want!

Passer By: I think you have had too

Paul: **** off!!

Police Officer walks up: Calm down Sir or we'll have to remove you.

Paul: Do you know me?, I'm Paul Gascoigne!

Police Officer: Yeah, now calm down.

Paul: Mmmm(Out his face) do you know me, I'm Gazza...

Police Officer Radios through: Paul Gascoigne has passed out...******, no surprise, lets get him out of here.

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Will Gazza ever learn? What's next? It's looking like another Trip back to Cottonwood(The AA Clinic) for him.

View attachment 225429"Gazza looses Plot"Yesterday afternoon Paul Gascoigne was at Newcastle Airport to fly out to Malaysia for talks with an Unknown Club we can reveal. We spoke to Staff at the Airport and one said "Gazza had one drink too many, he just lost the plot"! Another person said "He looked very unstable from the start, it was bound to happen". Paul Gascoigne has had drink problems for several years now and it looks like nothing will change for the Former Newcastle and England Legend.View attachment 225430Jimmy: Paul....Paul, Wake up!Paul: (Wakes up dazed and confused) What? What happened?!Jimmy: You hit the bottle hard mate...brought to mine by the Police.Paul: I'm ruined Jimmy, I'm better of dead!Jimmy: Shut up, we will sort you out!Paul: I will phone Johnny( Gazza's Therapist) later, see what he thinks I should do. I just want to relax today, see what **** they have on the news today about me!
McCoist Walks!

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Ally McCoist has sensationally walked away from the Rangers Job. Reports are suggesting he's left due the the state of Rangers Fc and his very unhappy with the Ibrox Owner Craig Whyte whom seems a very dubious figure.

Favourites for the Job:

Billy Davies 2/1
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Stuart McCall 3/1
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Paul Gascoigne 10/1
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Whoever gets the Job at Ibrox faces the tough task of rebuilding the Ibrox Club who at one point was one of the biggest in Europe, now Rangers Fc are a shadow of what they were.

Jimmy: Paul!

Paul: What?

Jimmy: You have been linked with the Rangers Job!

Paul: Yeah right, Coisty's there.

Jimmy: No, he's walked out, turn it to Sky Sports.

(Gazza turns it over & see's Coisty has left)

Paul: ****** **** that's a surprise!

Jimmy: I can get a hold of Craig Whyte if you like?

Paul: Oh yeah as if he would even consider me!

Jimmy: Leave it to me.

So Jimmy thinks I'd be in with a chance for the Glasgow Rangers Job haha! Not a chance....

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Gazza gets Rangers Interview.

Jimmy: Are you ready for this Paul?

Paul: Listen Jimmy theres no chance I'll get this but I'll give it my best shot.

Jimmy: Good, Now go in there and prove why you are the man for the job !

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So I walk in and there was Craig Whyte, Gordan Smith, Ali Russel & two other men, think it might be the Administrators. I'm ******** myself! Why will they want to hire me! Yeah I might be some sort of "Rangers legend" in my time here to the fans but that surley won't be enough.

Whyte: Hello Paul, take a seat.

Paul: Hello, Thank you.

Whyte: So Paul you are interested in becoming Glasgow Rangers next Manager, why?

Paul: Rangers are a club which is close to my heart and it hurts me seeing them like this, I feel they have more potential than it's showing despite the lack of funds I think I'm the man to change it all!

Whyte: Ok Paul I'd like to ask you something.

Paul: Sure...

Whyte: IF you managed Rangers, how can I trust you due to your recent behaviour and your health problems.

Paul: Ok...Football means the world to me, since I stopped playing I have been getting worse I admitt that, there's a gap missing in my life and managment is that, I enjoyed my time at Kettering and I was off the Drink..Life was looking up until Imran(Kettering Chairman) made **** up about me drinking all the time etc, which was bullshit. I'm dying to get another shot and If it's here I WON'T let you down Mr. Whyte!

Whyte: Thanks Paul, we'll be in touch.

Paul: Thanks for your time.

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I think I did ok, better than expected. Well it's over, just have to wait now. At least I made this interview this time haha...

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Ring Ring!!

Paul: Hello?

Craig Whyte: Hello, Paul?

Paul: Oh hello Craig, is this you going to break the Bad News!

Craig Whyte: No..No Paul, Congrats you have the Job!


Craig Whyte: Paul?

Paul: I can't believe it, it would be an honour Mr. Whyte!

Craig Whyte: Great, we'll wrap up the Deal today, I'll arrange transport to get you to Glasgow to finalise the deal, see you soon Paul, Oh and Welcome BACK to Rangers Fc!

Paul: Thank you so much! See you soon.

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The Private Jet for Gazza!

I can't believe it, I'm going to be Glasgow Rangers Manager! It still hasn't sunk in yet. I better tell Johnny!

Johnny: Hello..

Paul: Johnny, I got the Job! I'm going to be Rangers Manager!

Johnny: Congrats Paul, you deserve this chance!

Paul: Come to mine, transport is being arranged, we'll go to Glasgow together.

Johnny: Ok Paul, see you soon!

So that's Johnny here and my transport to the Airport will be here any minute, I can't wait to Sign the Contract for Rangers Football Club. I must admit I feel like a drink...Not this time, I'll not let my addiction beat me this time!

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Ringgg Ringgggg....

Paul: Who could that be (says to himself)?

Paul: Hello?

??: Is this Paul Gascoigne?

Paul: Yes, who is speaking?

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Johnny: Paul there is your life to the Airport!

Johnny: Paul?.....Paul!

Johnny: Paul! Where is he?(Says to himself).

Gazza's BIG Decision !!

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??: Paul before you say anything I've heard you are about to become Manager of Glasgow Rangers but I'd like to make you an Offer right now to become Manager of Newcastle's Mike Ashley here.

Paul: Wh....What? Really?

Mike Ashley: Yes Paul, I'd like to give you the chance to manage Newcastle Utd, the fans and players are needing a boost after the sad news about Alan.

Paul: Oh yeah Sorry to hear about that, so sad!

Mike Ashley: Yeah I know, I asked for permission from his family to appoint someone so quick and they agreed. So Paul will you become the Newcastle Utd manager? Think about it Paul, it's a much more attractive offer I can assure you....

So here I am...Two clubs close to my heart and I have to pick! The stress is getting to me, I want a drink! No...No Paul now think, what is best overall?

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DONT quit mate. Ive just read this all, and its brilliant. The thing is, when people see how much you update your story and how many pages there are, more people will follow... It just takes time....I'ts a fantastic story and something new..It would be such a shame to throw this away.