I dont want to be rude but, could you stop this? shutdowning tactics and creating new every week with 3 billions different version?? Stick to one and stop that
I dont want to be rude but, could you stop this? shutdowning tactics and creating new every week with 3 billions different version?? Stick to one and stop that
um mate the tactics keep on getting better and better so why would he stop.
If you dont agree with TTF's tactic creation dont look at them. I appreciate the effort put in what is a challenging game this year.
I dont want to be rude but, could you stop this? shutdowning tactics and creating new every week with 3 billions different version?? Stick to one and stop that

I would think the reason he shuts them down is because he continually thinks of new ideas and if his old threads were running he has his mail/quotes/likes etc. flooded with things that might not be relevant anymore. I don't see why you'd knock someone for being creative and so would assume you have a problem with him locking down tctics? My thought would be he just feels that tactics reached all it can be and he'd rather not get updates on it
it not work properly in FMC due to the tactic being based highly on OI's

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Trying it now on FMC with Everton and excellent results so far. only draw was against Arsenal and at 3-1 up I changed the mentality to defensive, won't do that again.
View attachment 377963
Definitely suggest trying this out, had 11 CCC's in my first game with Atletico

With the previous tactics i had barely around 3-4, will post pics in few hours after i test it out more!

Keep it up TFF, appreciate all your work!
More so than Supremacy as I had good results with both?

all his tactics are highly based on OI that's y they are pre set.. I'm not saying it won't work but its highly likely that it will have a negative effect if not used that's all .

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Excellent work,

I think you should make an inquiry. put all the tactics on the page, and everyone votes in just a tactic. to see what the most voted.

what do you think?
i agree with his tactics, i just dont get why he shuts down the posts... Since i tried all of his tactics and they are doing well, but they are doing the same way as the previous, not better, not worse... And with the new tactic, you cant pass the mid season "adaptation"
Since weirdo, abomination, awesomezilla, supremacy, supremacy sistem, perfection, and others... and people vote. only an ideia.
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Excellent work,

I think you should make an inquiry. put all the tactics on the page, and everyone votes in just a tactic. to see what the most voted.

what do you think?

He is a genius for sure. But the supremacy system won my Sevilla a treble. Thank God, I had saved the screenshots of that OP showing which tactic to use against which formation. Deep down I knew the thread will be closed soon :D
Can somone upload to another file share please? Cant use meadifire for some reason.
how are u guys training players individually ?? do u just let *** man do this ?
I would love TFF9 to do an Atletico Madrid style 4-4-2(DM), love that formation!
Thanks for feedbacks guys! ;)

Hi TFF will save game be available to download as you usually do?


It was available when I created OP. Download link just above results screenshots.
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Seem to be struggling with Crystal Palace, how do you go about teamtalks?
Good tactic, but there are mixed results: WWWLDLWWWLLDWWW (Liverpool).