Frustrating thread is about things that happen in game that makes you wanna destroy the PC, not knowing who is responsible, like getting 2 goals in the last minute of the game when playing against 9 and all your players are rated 10. It happens in real life, so it can happen is simulations like this. You can't have a solution to this, it's what makes football the game it is, right?
Knowing that the AI/ME is not working properly it's the problem, so you have a solution! Every time there's a problem, there's a solution, or you couldn't call it a problem. So, or you stop playing the game and wait for a new patch that solve the problem, or you quit the game and go back to fm13 and sell this game to a friend! It's simple.
And if you think it's a bug, go to the SI forums and report as one.
But flooding the thread with posts ranting SI will not make the game work. Ranting on SI staff will not make the game work. Do you think they will work faster if you scream to them?
With this, im not saying that they are not responsible for their product, and that you are not right, by all means! But i imagine the amount of huge work that they need to do to work the code so well that the game will work better. Maybe a fix on the shoots will make transfers go berserk!
So please, be more mature and conscious about what you write, will help us all.