Post Your Frustations Thread

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Yes we should, just as I'd expect to pay for a cheeseburger and get a cheeseburger.

No one says we do, this is an assumption by you that some how you know better than the rest of us with your stirling Real Madrid team.

No, 1st its a frustrations thread so that is the point, 2, as a paying customer I have the right to complain, 3rd this whole thread is full of screenshots proving how the AI scores from 1 chance against a player having 30 chances. Not 1 chance against 6 or 7 but 30. If you cannot see a problem with this then you are a fool, I suggest you take your false pragmatism and jog on your apathetic easy life Madrid user.

Finally, no-one here seems to be blaming SIgames for world famine, terrorism, homophobia, racism or any of the other worlds ills, we are simply blaming them for releasing a sub-standard game at our financial cost so please, in fact pretty please with a cherry on top. Do one.

Seriously, come on here using Real Madrid in one of the most unbalanced leagues in the world and claim all is well? You muppet.

Yes, as I said, playing with Madrid is not what this game is all about, but the first save is only to get a good look at the game. I just don't think critising SI to the extent some users in here are doing is fair. Last year, just after the release, the match enginge was terrible, it really was. After a few patches it was better, but it was way too easy.. After two seasons, you'd win Premier League with almost any team, hardly realistic if you ask me. In my last save with Southampton I won the Premiership in the second season and the Champions league several years in a row. And everyone could have done that, God knows there are better players in this forum than me.

I'm planning a second save now, not sure who to start with, but looking forward to see if its "impossible" to win. Especially for me, as I'm a muppet.
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Frustrated for proper reasons, not silly issues about the choice of music or poor graphics here and there. If he didn't read them and followed your advice he would end up with a sub standard game promoted by those who are simply meandering apathy, bend over and take it from the heel types.

Re-read my post instead of talking utter nonsense. I mentioned the word " only" for a reason, warning him to listen too much on the rants

What did you think my advice was ?

And no, 90 % of the frustration is not due to the game being bad but that users just failing with it. 10 % of the posts are spot on though and makes the game much less fun to play than FM13 in its final patch.

edit: please stay away from calling (other) people a muppet.
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I feel bad now, really bad for paying huge money for a very early beta version of the game and I'm not sure if they manage to make it functional in the third patch as usual because the game needs so much work :(

1. players shoot from distance at every opportunity and i play with control, work in to the box and shoot less pi, there's nothing you can do about it
2. defence is ****, defenders just stand idle or run past attackers not challenging the ball
3. its impossible to play a pressing game (that alone is enough of a reason for me to quit)
4. even the best strikers cant finish one on ones (I wont describe all the silly things I saw just in the last 10games)
5. "distribute to {player}" doesnt work (why they put this in the game if it doesnt work ?)
6. player notes are bizzarre
7. tactic fluidity also behaves bizzarrely
8. While getting rid of bars might even be a good idea they have taken too many options away, for example target man options, now you cant play with a small target man nad play on the ground for him to hold the ball up or you cant tell your team to try to use the pace of your striker at every opportunity, another BAD choice of SI
9. Incredibly inconsistent games, you can easily beat Madrid and Atleti then loose 0-4 to Levante, it's yet another joke or you create 9CCCs and have 20 shot on target to their 1 and loose 0-1, IRL it happens like once a season not every other game
10. Players simply dont listen to you, you can set play out of defence, pass it shorter etc and they still hoof it even under no pressure...
11 Assistant manager feedback during the game is hillarious
12. There are even bugs in replays (for example at first it said the Iturraspe headed the ball but in the replay Iturraspe transformed into Laporte :o)
13. Players have no awareness, just a few minutes ago the ball was rolling slowly after a blocked pass and my player just run past it allowing the opponent to regain possesion
14. Why we still can't set up different formation in defence ? It's been proposed for years now ...

Well I guess that list will do, Ill be back when 14.3 comes out, hopefully the game will become playable then, See ya !
It's so weird reading through all these because I have barely seen any of these issues in my current save. And I just extremely luck or something? Or do I just have low expectations and expect the game not to be perfect?
It's so weird reading through all these because I have barely seen any of these issues in my current save. And I just extremely luck or something? Or do I just have low expectations and expect the game not to be perfect?

Under certain tactical settings ( mostly the attack strategy) the game produces far too many options for the players to take ( harmless) shots on goal. When they finally get the good chances, they fail since they frustrated/anxious I.e out of mental balance) and when they then also loose concentration, you concede more easily than would otherwise do.
Re-read my post instead of talking utter nonsense. I mentioned the word " only" for a reason, warning him to listen too much on the rants

What did you think my advice was ?
So what should he listen to? Objective types that require footy man to make profitable websites? Magazine reviews that say, "oooh, its the best yet." Then 2 pages later have a full page advert on the game?

The most unbiased information is on this thread, people that actaully paid for the game to find out it is nothing more than a cynical exercise in throwing out dross which we can fix by simply spending more money on cheats.

And no, 90 % of the frustration is not due to the game being bad but that users just failing with it. 10 % of the posts are spot on though and makes the game much less fun to play than FM13 in its final patch.

Up your own much? How wonderful of you to have the knowledge that 90% of people fail at the game, perhaps then you could take time out form your busy schedule of telling us how rubbish we are and dismissing our concerns and present us with a wonderfully articulate article on how to win at footy man 2014, perhaps you can show us how to activate "passionate" as a tone as advised by our coach only to find it isn't highlighetd and ergo not even a choice for example?

Maybe you could present an argumanet as to why all the uploaded tactics tend to based upon attack menatality? Some of us massive fails would think its due to the daft nature of the sub standard game and that we need to get 30-40 shots in to score a goal and that defending is totally pointless as 90% of us don't know how to, silly us thinking our players are worng to run away from the ball or not tackle or press, we should all bow to the superior and objective knowledge of Mr Website that requires footy manager love for profit, realise we are wrong and acknowledge our whole defense leaks goals at near post on corners because we don't put 4 people at near post like all proper managers do and the skilled 10%

edit: please stay away from calling (other) people a muppet.

I was being polite.
I feel bad now, really bad for paying huge money for a very early beta version of the game and I'm not sure if they manage to make it functional in the third patch as usual because the game needs so much work :(

1. players shoot from distance at every opportunity and i play with control, work in to the box and shoot less pi, there's nothing you can do about it
2. defence is ****, defenders just stand idle or run past attackers not challenging the ball
3. its impossible to play a pressing game (that alone is enough of a reason for me to quit)
4. even the best strikers cant finish one on ones (I wont describe all the silly things I saw just in the last 10games)
5. "distribute to {player}" doesnt work (why they put this in the game if it doesnt work ?)
6. player notes are bizzarre
7. tactic fluidity also behaves bizzarrely
8. While getting rid of bars might even be a good idea they have taken too many options away, for example target man options, now you cant play with a small target man nad play on the ground for him to hold the ball up or you cant tell your team to try to use the pace of your striker at every opportunity, another BAD choice of SI
9. Incredibly inconsistent games, you can easily beat Madrid and Atleti then loose 0-4 to Levante, it's yet another joke or you create 9CCCs and have 20 shot on target to their 1 and loose 0-1, IRL it happens like once a season not every other game
10. Players simply dont listen to you, you can set play out of defence, pass it shorter etc and they still hoof it even under no pressure...
11 Assistant manager feedback during the game is hillarious
12. There are even bugs in replays (for example at first it said the Iturraspe headed the ball but in the replay Iturraspe transformed into Laporte :o)
13. Players have no awareness, just a few minutes ago the ball was rolling slowly after a blocked pass and my player just run past it allowing the opponent to regain possesion
14. Why we still can't set up different formation in defence ? It's been proposed for years now ...

Well I guess that list will do, Ill be back when 14.3 comes out, hopefully the game will become playable then, See ya !

You must be one of the 90% that fails like me, if only some great and "objective" power would show us the error of our ways rather than simply telling us we are wong with out actually proving it.
So what should he listen to? Objective types that require footy man to make profitable websites? Magazine reviews that say, "oooh, its the best yet." Then 2 pages later have a full page advert on the game?

The most unbiased information is on this thread, people that actaully paid for the game to find out it is nothing more than a cynical exercise in throwing out dross which we can fix by simply spending more money on cheats.

Up your own much? How wonderful of you to have the knowledge that 90% of people fail at the game, perhaps then you could take time out form your busy schedule of telling us how rubbish we are and dismissing our concerns and present us with a wonderfully articulate article on how to win at footy man 2014, perhaps you can show us how to activate "passionate" as a tone as advised by our coach only to find it isn't highlighetd and ergo not even a choice for example?

Maybe you could present an argumanet as to why all the uploaded tactics tend to based upon attack menatality? Some of us massive fails would think its due to the daft nature of the sub standard game and that we need to get 30-40 shots in to score a goal and that defending is totally pointless as 90% of us don't know how to, silly us thinking our players are worng to run away from the ball or not tackle or press, we should all bow to the superior and objective knowledge of Mr Website that requires footy manager love for profit, realise we are wrong and acknowledge our whole defense leaks goals at near post on corners because we don't put 4 people at near post like all proper managers do and the skilled 10%

I was being polite.

You need to calm down. Perhaps I should have written "90 % of the different issues" raised in this frustration thread ( not including the bugs thread that is full of bugs ) which is why I adviced him not ONLY to look in here.
I am not defending the game, I am just stating the truth, also saying that its not as good as FM13 in its final patch.

Basiclly, I am agreeing with you. Both regarding the game AND that members on this forum should not ONLY listen to one side of the argument, but to both.

And yes, I have a huge advantage over most user as I am often able to see WHY one struggles, what is an engine flaw and what is not.
Just had one of my players get a straight red in a friendly within 2 minutes of the match kicking off.
But that's it, I simply won't come on this thread anymore to try to help those actually wanting help.
After a few patches it was better.

You mean in February, 4 months later than release date. Well that's okay then.

After two seasons, you'd win Premier League with almost any team, hardly realistic if you ask me. In my last save with Southampton I won the Premiership in the second season and the Champions league several years in a row.

Yes we could, simply because we got used to the team talk effect, we all knew when to be calm and when to be assertive, when to issue warnings etc, but that's like any game, Dark Souls is easy afer a while, that's just practice and the sucess is reaping the rewards from practice, its getting better at a game. We don't currently have this, what we have is bug fixing on behalf of a company that should have done it already.

For all the Sigames defenders I have yet to see one good reason as to why the game is this bad? Why do they bother making a new skin? How much time wasted on that in development and design? Who needs it? Of all the things we wanted who actually gave a flying... about the skin? Umpteen versions of the game and still no single click to dismiss all backroom advice but woopee a new skin everytime. Pointless but easy, unreal injuriy probelms exist in every version upon release but seemingly cannot be fixed for 4 months oh but wait, this year they cannot fix it in our actual game price but its okay, we can pay extra for it. Cynical and exploitative. I tell you what happens, for months on end they spend time developing new colour schemes for skins we don't care about, months developing new ideas for transfer negotiation screens yet never simply fixing the ****** game and having it ready for release.
I swear if Szceszny concedes another goal at his near post when he's standing right next to it I'm going to staple him to the ****** thing!!! GRRRRRR!!!!

I'm enjoying the game, but it really is quite bugtastic at times.
Don't let a few people get to you when there are so many of us out there who actually apriciates and NEED you're advice.

Everyones entitleed to their own opinion, but discussions should not be personal, and the dissagreements should not end up with furiouse rage and words chosen when the assistant manager forgot to tell people to "you need to calm down" :)

I love you're opinion Halfy, and im sure the "90%" that struggle along with me with certain aspects of the game does aswell.
Don't let a few people get to you when there are so many of us out there who actually apriciates and NEED you're advice.

Everyones entitleed to their own opinion, but discussions should not be personal, and the dissagreements should not end up with furiouse rage and words chosen when the assistant manager forgot to tell people to "you need to calm down" :)

I love you're opinion Halfy, and im sure the "90%" that struggle along with me with certain aspects of the game does aswell.

I meant that I won't try to assist people on this particular thread. With this said, I also recommend people actually wanting help to open a thread of their own as well( explaining their issue) as well as post in here.
Woah it's all gotten a little out of hand on here tonight hasn't it?? :O

I think to sum up a lot of people's frustration with SI; it's that they consistently release a game that is months away from being ready and, as other people have suggested, does not improve until jan/feb (and even then there are still little bugs creeping around). In fairness to those 'frustrated' customers I think SI have a duty to really think about this before they release FM15.
Take a game like Halo, I for one have never come across anything that would inhibit my playing of it and it is an epic game - a LOT of work goes into making it. If they can do it for Halo, for CoD, for GTA, for any number of console games why not FM??

I know there are variations because each computer is different whereas consoles are the same but in some instances with FM we are talking about big issues in game-play not conversion problems. SI are not a two-man job in a dusty bedroom anymore, we're talking about a big company and I think it's a case of sorting priorities - as someone said, not fiddling with new skins and adding more journalist questions when there are still problems with the ME.

I personally don't buy FM till Jan and I guess if want a ready made game that is the answer. I also think that FM peaked when it was CM 97/98 - it was pure fun, now it's a bit of a headache.
Woah it's all gotten a little out of hand on here tonight hasn't it?? :O

I think to sum up a lot of people's frustration with SI; it's that they consistently release a game that is months away from being ready and, as other people have suggested, does not improve until jan/feb (and even then there are still little bugs creeping around). In fairness to those 'frustrated' customers I think SI have a duty to really think about this before they release FM15.
Take a game like Halo, I for one have never come across anything that would inhibit my playing of it and it is an epic game - a LOT of work goes into making it. If they can do it for Halo, for CoD, for GTA, for any number of console games why not FM??

I know there are variations because each computer is different whereas consoles are the same but in some instances with FM we are talking about big issues in game-play not conversion problems. SI are not a two-man job in a dusty bedroom anymore, we're talking about a big company and I think it's a case of sorting priorities - as someone said, not fiddling with new skins and adding more journalist questions when there are still problems with the ME.

I personally don't buy FM till Jan and I guess if want a ready made game that is the answer. I also think that FM peaked when it was CM 97/98 - it was pure fun, now it's a bit of a headache.

Spot on. And the biggest difference between FM and the games you are mentioning( along with all games containing monsters and magicians ) is that in FM, you have something to compare it to, something that exists in real life. I loved Oblivion and did not care if the movement of the monsters where flawed or that the direction of my blasted fire balls looked dodgy since they don't really exists. Plus, I love football but I don't love monsters.
Don't let a few people get to you when there are so many of us out there who actually apriciates and NEED you're advice.

Everyones entitleed to their own opinion, but discussions should not be personal, and the dissagreements should not end up with furiouse rage and words chosen when the assistant manager forgot to tell people to "you need to calm down" :)

I love you're opinion Halfy, and im sure the "90%" that struggle along with me with certain aspects of the game does aswell.

Give an example please.