A few more I've noticed.
So, I have a great header of the ball in Mitrovic and a nice corner routine to suit - which brings goals when he gets the service. So why does my corner taker insist on playing a short corner that never comes to anything half the time, despite me playing very rigid? It's so incredibly frustrating watching this when 50% of the time the short option plays a one two then they get tackled, the other 50% results in passes outside the area to lose it or sky a shot
Why do my wingers never ever play the simple ball into my ST who is standing there 8 yards out unmarked, and insist on taking shots from ridiculously bad angles? They have good decisions. Why are they not deciding to play a less than 10 yard pass to my free, unmarked player? Everytime.
Why am I hitting the bar once a game? Never the post either. I understand that you can pull all sorts of statistics up showing how occasions like club x in season x they hit the bar x amount of times, but this has happened now for the past 3 seasons consistently.
Why are 50% or more of the A.I goals totally dubious? From my player pausing mid run in a 50/50 for the ball, giving the A.I that second time to win the ball and score. Or A.I players performing on the field WAY above their stats - long shots under 10? 25 yard goal. Bad corner taker? Perfect curled ball to a 5'6 dude with under 10 jumping and heading. 1-1 in a important game and my DC ''coincidentally'' decides to handball in the box for a penalty? Or, the GK completely going crazy glitching on the spot while the A.I has a free shot after ? I would be fine if it at least LOOKED legit. These goals never happen for me, I NEVER see this on my highlights.
Why do I get a injured player every single game? And at least 2 of my players have been knocked down to 60% before the first half is over. Also, whenever I change things up and chuck on 3 subs, one of my players will be injured 2 minutes after - every. single. time.
And finally...
Why does the winning goals for the A.I always come after 85/90 mins? I never concede early and lose. It's always extremely late, which the frequency of goals after 90 minutes is insane. I still have a screenie from early on in another career where I conceeded about 15 late goals after 90 minutes in one single season.
It wouldn't bother me as much if I was equal or below the quality of the sides I face, but I'm PSV aiming to raise the league rep and do well in Europe (got the idea from some dude who made Denmark a awesome league on fm13 I think) so my team is like Barca in the championship. I have developed so many players like Mitrovic, Balanta, Zouma, Martins Indi, Quintero, Romero, Barbosa with Driussi and a couple others on loan and players like Capoue, Ekdal, Guatia, Romeu, Vydra also. Bakkali, Maher, Willems and Depay also have come on strong - I just declined a 32m bid upfront for Maher from Bayern and Utd. So I can't believe this quality of player can **** up against sides players outside my regular first 18 could probably beat.