Post Your Frustrations

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'Injured in a weights room session', they are so frequent in my games (FM10, 11, 12 and now 13) and normally are lengthy injuries! What do they do, smash each other around with the things?

another annoyance, purely a personal bug bare, but 10 seasons into my Frieburg game and the previous 9 seasons have all ended with an away trip to 'fierce rivals' Stuttgart. My final game this season being away... at Stuttgart... just wound me up as I just want to finish the season at home infront of the adoring fans as they chant my name whilst the players carry me round the pitch on a golden plinth on their lap of honour .. clearly an issue with the fixture generator on my FM :(
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Need to have a ****** rage moment. Severely ****** off.
So last season went on a great run in my first season of top croatian division after just being promoted casually. Finished 2nd, was neck and neck with Dinamo entire season, gave them their only two losses, then down towards the end of the season, BOOM lost all my form and players just didn't turn up, my striker who was 5 goals clear of leading goal scorer just wouldn't score and ended up losing by being level but having more played so finishing 2nd rather than first despite better rating and many more assists.
Notched a goal of the season too. However I quick 3 points behind Dinamo turned into a 15 point difference between us in a matter of around 7 matches..

Cue new season, things looking okay, smash Dinamo Moscow in a qualifying champions league position 5-1. Get two nice decent First Division wins. Main striker still nowhere to be seen. Cue a 7 match losing streak including a 4-0 pounding against Ajax. Did beat them 2-1 in the return though. 5-0 win in croatian cup, bit of a confidence boost, Nil all draw in first Euro Cup match, missed two open goals and had plenty of opportunities to seal it home, Dragged out a first division win and a win against Dinamo in the Croatian Cup thanks to them having not a full strength team And then cue a shoddy draw against newly promoted Zadar and a brutal 3-0 beating against Newcastle.
I just don't know what to do, my title winning and 2nd place tactics won't work, I've tried mixing it up with different tactics and style players and zilch. Tried letting my players sort themselves out. Was brutal to them, they got motivated at the end of matches but nothing to show improved performance later on. Was lenient with them and same story.
I just don't know what to do or what the **** is wrong with my beloved team...
7th in the first division and already 12 points behind Dinamo. So there goes my title hopes I guess as they're on form and look unlikely to drop it. So now rather than a comfortable second again I'll be battling it out.

Anybody have some ideas? Tips? Help? I really like the team I've built up so far over the 3 seasons and want to stick with them but the frustration of their lack of ability at the moment is really making it hard to motivate myself to push through and play. I'd be okay with it if I wasn't expecting much of them but 7th is not good enough and these pounding by teams we can easily contest is ruining me.

my full backs just can't find form and are constantly ******** up and hitting consistent 5 match ratings or low 6s but if I play with 3 centre backs, as I don't have any real natural wingers I just get hurt on the wings too bad.
hi all i have a lil problem when playing any fm after 5 mins or so it decides to minimize back to windows page so then i just click fm back to normal for 5 mins it does my head in any help would be fantastic :)

The 26/27 season was so disappointing. Been manager of Dag & Red from the start. Been playing in the Premier League since 17/18. Won everything except the Premier League, Super Cup, and Champions Cup. Man Utd. have been a dominate force such as winning the league title 6 years running and the Champions Cup and Super Cup more times than that. I thought I was finally getting close to toppling the unbeatable giant in the 25/26 season then I beat them in the league cup and my team completely collapsed eventually finishing 4th and Man Utd. winning the title with 4 games in hand.

In the offseason I made a classic FM mistakes. Made too many changes. Let my *** Man go as I thought I could do better. Sold my most highly valued players in an attempt to create a profit to direct finances towards facilities and feeder clubs. No problem I thought, I still have my two top goal scorers and plenty of depth. Little did I know it would all come back to almost destroy me. Those two top goal scorers got hurt in preseason or early in the season and are out for most of the season. My number 1, 2, and 3 goalkeeper all get hurt at the same time. I had to play a half star 16 year old in a Champions League qualifying match. Needless to say I lost that match but not because of his performance. As the pathetic season progressed any player that showed any sign of brilliance was soon knocked out with a long term injury. I thought I was going to get sacked around the holidays. But I did pretty good in the Europa league, FA cup, and eventually finished 6th in the Premier League and qualified for continental play that I kept my job. Finished the season against you know who, Man Utd. They beat me 0-1 and I did not even get one shot on goal. I ended up big in the red so I am back to where I was 4 seasons ago. Have to completely rebuild, again.

FM13 seriously tests my willingness to keep playing. I had to step away for many days and even weeks at time before I came back to play. It should not be this frustrating. A part of me wants to keep playing to see what happens next, and another wonders what the F#@* are you doing hitting the play button.

I use to think the injury issue was a bug. It is not a bug it is intentional to make the game more difficult directed at the people who only play the big boys with near unlimited finances. But to the people that want to play the minnows, it is extremely punishing. It should not be easy for me to win the league with a small club, but it also shouldn't take me over twenty seasons either.
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I should really upgrade to 14, FM13 is a joke. Just played a game where my team played like they were throwing the match. Constantly passing to the opposition players standing right in front of them, refusing to tackle, dumb attacking where they ignored the entire tactical set up, woeful shooting which felt more like they were just passing back to their keeper (honestly, every shot from range was side footed!). What made it worse was that we should have gotten an undeserved point in the last minute, but the thick linesman decided to rule it out for offside despite my player being played onside by at least 3 of the opposition defenders. Pfft.
Well, at least the game recognised it was a howler in the post match press conference, but that doesn't make it any better. I lost two players to injury too. They barely got tapped and they're out for a week.
Well, started playing again after a couple of months away from FM13 and the break has done little to calm my utter frustration at this game.
And from what I read the players of FM14 are having so much fun playing a worse version than FM13.

Seems to me SI are more concerned with how the game looks than how it actually plays.
How many more versions of the game until SI fix bugs that have existed since FM11?
Reputation, you are a cruel mistress...

I know it's a bit too late to add to this thread, as most people will have moved on to fm '14, however, as fm '13 is by far the most infuriating version I've played, I am going to have myself a little rant:

To put things into perspective, I bought the game some 8 months ago, but after reading how dreadful the ME was, I really didn't give it a serious try until a month ago. So, I started with Bath City, as always, trying to get it/them to the dizzying heights of EPL. With fm '11 & '12 that was not really a problem: hit the sweet spot between tactics and players, and it was (almost) plain sailing, with a bit of three striker tactic when you invariably got Man U in the fourth round of the FA Cup. Reputation grew as you grew, you could more or less sell players for a profit and replace them with free agents or cheap regens.

Problems there were many, which I will tackle briefly. These problems have not disapeared in fm '13...oooooh no....

First of: I have managed to get Bath to League 2 in just two years, pretty decent run of victories, just a few ties and one or two defeats, even managed to get to 4th round in the FA cup the second year, where I was creamed by Arsenal (not Man U for once) and won the FA trophy twice in a row. Have gone professional, the board is upgrading the stadium and training facilities and despite having to spend almost 2mill in all the upgrades, the balance is still in the black (barely, but I'm hoping that season ticket sales will boost it up a bit). However, my REPUTATION is still one star....really? local? and ****** Grimsby has gone to one and a half....ok, they got promoted via play-offs, but for God's sake, they haven't won a **** thing in two years and they get more reputation than I do? I mean, having broken the goals and points record in the BSP (but not in the BSS) would at least merit a 20 second comment on the news, wouldn't it? Well, it seems it doesn?t, and we are still a local non-entity who cannot aspire to sign even a one footed left back with a PA of 55 as he is not interested in playing for us.

Which takes me two my second point: interaction. This game is supposed to be a "real football manager real life real real" simulation, right? or so I am led to believe by all those who defend it to the quick and bash us casual gamers. So, riddle me this: my star striker is whining to sign new contract; fair enough, I'll offer him a new one, he'll still cut it in L2 and then I hope I can sell him for some decent cash......but, surprise, surprise, he's fallen under the clutches of the typically "evil-greedy-I-will-bleed-you-dry-but-accept-any-other-team's-offer-even-though-it's-half-of-what-I-was-asking-of-you", start the negotiation, start the fun. He's asking way over what I can offer....not even maxing out goal bonus, appearance fee (dead against my principle, but what can I do, this is real life, isn't it?) and saying the player will have a golden statue dedicated if he scores one goal in a friendly against Assville F.C. does he give in...before I get the red screen of unfriendliness, I back out from the negotiations, but now I know the player will come crying because he has not been offered a new contract as promised. You ****** **shole...

In real life you could have the option of:
a) tell the agent to **** off...or if you were feeling reasonable, to f*ck off...or really, saying, "look, buddy, my chairman is a cheap, disgusting businessman who won't let me give in to your ridiculous demands, what I am offering is the max I can give, so no need to go all "unfriendly" on me if you think the offer is not good enough, just tell me you think your client can do better in another club and we'll start moving the possible transfer"

b) And/or go to the player and say "hey kiddo, this is the contract I've offered your agent, which he's used as toilet paper and now he won't even talk to me 'cause he's in some kind of pms-contract denying syndrome. It's as high as I can go: I've fulfilled my part of the deal, so if you even think of going to the press crying about how hard life is and that you are unhappy because you haven't been offered a new contract, I'll flay you with your own training vest and use your ungrateful hide to perform arcane rituals in which I wish for the death of all agents."

c) Take the agent out for a nice lunch, some drinks and later to a house of ill repute (if you know something of real football negotiations, you'll know what I'm talking about) so he won't be the tight-arsed b*stard he usually is when negotiating with you.

Reputation, you are a cruel mistress...II

So, yeah, interaction....that covers agents, more or less, but then we come to footballers not wanting to sign for your team, Ha, ha!! really real real life this is....

"Hi, I am the manager of the team that has gone in an unbeaten run for the last 28 months, we've managed to get promoted despite all the odds and have even won two minor cups in the process and scored a zillion goals too, would you like to....I'm not interested in starting negotiations with your, but, listen, I've got this off...I'm not interested in starting negotiations with your club....yeah, I know, we're pretty small at the moment, but you're 5 years old and have been without a club for the last 30 years, so why not....I'm not interested in starting negotiations with your club.....look here, you're based in Cardiff, we're Bath City, we'll pay travel and lodging, just come over and give it a trial run for a week or tw....I'm not interested in starting negotiations with your club...look, we'll even relocate your pet goat, pay for your granny's university fees and rename Sunday as "Unknown-player-with-no-reputation-to-speak-of-who-thinks-he's-Zidane" day...I'm not interested in starting negotiations with your club...very well, f*ck you too and good day"

So really, a guy who's been without a club for more than a year, based in the UK, being contacted by a relatively successful team and he won't even let me offer him a contract? Or even come and train with the team to see how things work out? He does love football, he does. He'd rather rot at home instead of playing competitive football....yeah, sure...There's not even the option of saying: "play with us for the time being, and if any team playing two divisions higher than ours comes for you, you can go for a jar of peanuts and a signed poster"; what is more likely, that you are going to be spotted playing competitive football or that some scout is going to walk by your house and detect the PA waves of 150 you are giving out?....yeah, scouts do carry around a handheld version of Genie Scout, a la geiger counter, right? pfff....

I'll agree that a Croatian 15 yr old will not come to play for an "reputationally" obscure L2 team (after 2 FA trophies and two straight promotions, unknown, really? sight) : new country, new language, no family ties, no pet goat, etc. But having a UK-based-out-of-contract snotty imbecile treat me as a telesales-man is ridiculous: "hello, I'm calling to change your life...cling...beep-beep-beep...hello? heeeellooo?...he wasn't interested in starting negotiations with your club..."

And then we come to team meetings, private talks and in-club meetings: "we've been playing really can say so boss, we're beating everything that comes our the way, any news on when I'll get my pet goat delivered?....that is the reaction I was after....345 players reacted badly" What???? they make absolutely no sense. I take them as a necessary evil, have one every other week to get everyone's arrows straight and green, but the "speech" options are moronic. Why not add something like "hey guys, if you ever let the opposition score their one goal in the last 3 minutes of the game, and so end up winning 2-1, as in the last 2,134,875 games, I'll be serving roast kid as an appetizer for the foreseeable future"

But seriously, having the captain tell you we're having too many team meetings? sorry pal, I'm the boss here, and we got to talk tactics...ooops, you're right, I can only state the obvious: we're on a good run, are we? I'll say so, we got promoted in October...but still that makes your little arrows all go green, doesn't it?...give me a break

Team talks should be used to discuss really important matters. We're conceding too many goals from corners: ok guys, we're training defending set pieces this week, but still, I want you to be extra concentrated every time we're defending a corner, otherwise, Snow white and her seven dwarfs are going to cream us with their outstanding heading and jumping ability. Or how about this? guys, you know when you just follow a guy from touchline to touchline without even trying to get that white and black round thing he's kicking around from him? well, try to get it off him or I'll have you running from touchline to touchline until you wear off your legs to the knee.

Or pre/mid/post match team talks: I loosely base my talks in Wolfsong's guide, which I find is still valid for this version, but the reactions are just plain stupid: "C'mon guys, we're up one goal, don't get complacent"...seemed confused...really? confused? does the neuron you don't use to kick the ball around gone into meltdown? have I started speaking arameic without me noticing? am I talking to your freaking pet goat? don't you understand that if they, the other team, i.e. the team that is not us, that is, them, score one goal then they equalize, draw level, get one point and we loose two, do you speak-o English-o?

Confused? Ok, let us assume that is the case. In real life you, the manager, would wallop him round the ear and send him packing, or otherwise, get out the blackboard, do some complicated arithmetic and demonstrate that in modern football, the team that scores one more goal wins the match, but that may be asking too much of some footballers....I'm not interested in starting negotiations with your club...yeah, heard you the first time....

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Reputation, you are a cruel mistress...III

And what about the players reactions to after-match talks? hey, you've scored fifteen goals, stopped thirty penalties, saved a stray kitten and managed to bring peace to the middle east all in one match, well done....I don't think I did that well....aaaaand his little green arrow goes all floppy....where did I leave that machete?....

Or, better still: hey, you've misplaced 2,345 passes that lead to goal, you beheaded the oppositions striker in their own area and then carried his head to our own so the ref could award a penalty, plus you shot our goalie when he stopped the said penalty and then pushed the ball in yourself....with the chopped from the remaining striker....your defensive work was not good enough: I think you're being unfair....really?...I swear I had the a machete lying around here somewhere....

Regardless of professional score, pressure, likes or dislikes, some reactions are just not logical, or, admitting the players are a bunch of flat brained morons, which mostly they are, and they will discuss anything you tell them, wouldn't it be nice to grab them by the ear (or rip off their ear, whatever you feel like) and take them in front of a TV and replay the exact minute in which they started running away from the ball so that the other team midfielder with a dribbling of 2 and composture of -25 (basically, he would pee himself if attacked by a hamster) could just run circles round our team, his team, the 2000 odd spectators and score? And tell them: see, sonny boy, this is what I mean about bad defensive work, you run towards the ball, not away from it....confused? gone arameic again? understand-o English-o?

Anyway, enough about the player interaction. What about cup draws? Swear on my pet goat I've never, ever, in some couple of hundred hours spent playing this game (for it is a game) had more than 5% favorable cup ties in the third or fourth round....and by favorable I mean either teams playing in my same division...and I'll even stretch it to include teams one division up but being half table or lower....either I get teams two divisions up (BSP - L1, BSS - L2, L2 catch the drift) or if I've managed to get to EPL, I'll certainly get one of the big ones earlier on, which I will be playing the week after, or the week before, or both....yes, yes, I know probability dictates that that can happen, and that a team from Slovakia played 132 games against the same opponent in just two weeks, but every year? this save, first year in BSS, got BSS and BSP teams...once bigger teams got in, third round, I think it was, got Colchester...which, incidentally, was my parent club.
BSP: BSP teams, L2 team (that was a stroke of luck, could have been L1) and then, whambamthankyouArsenal...nice thing is I only lost 2-1 and got a chunk of the gate money which allowed to upgrade facilities and turn Magda Rigby into a bad copy of Scrooge McDuck....tight fisted b*stard that he is.....

But this is so much part of the game already that I've learnt to live with it. I know that if I ever get into the Champions Cup, by some freak accident I'll get Real Madrid, Barcelona, Man U & City, Chelsea, Bayern and whichever surprise team is doing well that year all at once, in the same group, and only one classifies for the next round, and I've had a sudden attack of plague among my players, and the ones not quarantined are out six months with a broken nail....

Which brings me to injuries: 5 weeks for a twisted ankle? what is this, the Middle Ages?, do I have physios or witch doctors? are they using leeches to cure them? how far has he twisted his ankle, up to his ear? Either they start grading the injuries or really, start doing some competitive sport so they realize that you can be back from a twisted ankle in two weeks tops...unless you break or badly strain some tendon, but then say it's a grade III twisted ankle, for crying out loud....and yeah, as someone said, player X has broken his chest muscles in the gym...hmm...I'm a skinny 120 pound striker, lets see if I can bench press the weight equivalent of a small car...hey no, I'm your fitness trainer and I say that's unsound....but then again, as my reputation is obscure that means I have no common sense and I'm dumber than a couple of dumbbells...go ahead boy, let's see you lift a VW golf with one hand....give me one further break, please....

And don't get me started on the mid-season crisis, or the start of the second season slump, or the way the AI knows how to wring every last cent out of your transfer budget but then offer to buy your best player for a song and a screw you....and your player will still ask for a better contract as you broke up negotiations....I swear to God, never can find the machete when you need it.....

Anyway, rant time is over, steam blown and time to close this overlong post.

I'm currently managing Valencia and i ended the season (won La Liga, Copa del Rey) and i was expecting to win almost all the possible awards (referring to the league). But i was mistaken... Although i won 2 times in a row Manager of The Year and having Rond?n winning the top scorer of the league award (i don't remember how is called in EN) i lose all the rest awards. Some of them must be a bug: my two goalkeepers (i like to rotate the keepers) conceided combined 17 goals but the player that won the goalkeeper of the year conceded 31 goals!!!!View attachment 429903View attachment 429901

other thing i think is odd is the team of the year: i only have 2 players on the starting 11 but the remaining players of that award have lower rating than my players for that position: View attachment 429900View attachment 429899

is this normal?
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And what about the players reactions to after-match talks? hey, you've scored fifteen goals, stopped thirty penalties, saved a stray kitten and managed to bring peace to the middle east all in one match, well done....I don't think I did that well....aaaaand his little green arrow goes all floppy....where did I leave that machete?....

Or, better still: hey, you've misplaced 2,345 passes that lead to goal, you beheaded the oppositions striker in their own area and then carried his head to our own so the ref could award a penalty, plus you shot our goalie when he stopped the said penalty and then pushed the ball in yourself....with the chopped from the remaining striker....your defensive work was not good enough: I think you're being unfair....really?...I swear I had the a machete lying around here somewhere....

Regardless of professional score, pressure, likes or dislikes, some reactions are just not logical, or, admitting the players are a bunch of flat brained morons, which mostly they are, and they will discuss anything you tell them, wouldn't it be nice to grab them by the ear (or rip off their ear, whatever you feel like) and take them in front of a TV and replay the exact minute in which they started running away from the ball so that the other team midfielder with a dribbling of 2 and composture of -25 (basically, he would pee himself if attacked by a hamster) could just run circles round our team, his team, the 2000 odd spectators and score? And tell them: see, sonny boy, this is what I mean about bad defensive work, you run towards the ball, not away from it....confused? gone arameic again? understand-o English-o?

Anyway, enough about the player interaction. What about cup draws? Swear on my pet goat I've never, ever, in some couple of hundred hours spent playing this game (for it is a game) had more than 5% favorable cup ties in the third or fourth round....and by favorable I mean either teams playing in my same division...and I'll even stretch it to include teams one division up but being half table or lower....either I get teams two divisions up (BSP - L1, BSS - L2, L2 catch the drift) or if I've managed to get to EPL, I'll certainly get one of the big ones earlier on, which I will be playing the week after, or the week before, or both....yes, yes, I know probability dictates that that can happen, and that a team from Slovakia played 132 games against the same opponent in just two weeks, but every year? this save, first year in BSS, got BSS and BSP teams...once bigger teams got in, third round, I think it was, got Colchester...which, incidentally, was my parent club.
BSP: BSP teams, L2 team (that was a stroke of luck, could have been L1) and then, whambamthankyouArsenal...nice thing is I only lost 2-1 and got a chunk of the gate money which allowed to upgrade facilities and turn Magda Rigby into a bad copy of Scrooge McDuck....tight fisted b*stard that he is.....

But this is so much part of the game already that I've learnt to live with it. I know that if I ever get into the Champions Cup, by some freak accident I'll get Real Madrid, Barcelona, Man U & City, Chelsea, Bayern and whichever surprise team is doing well that year all at once, in the same group, and only one classifies for the next round, and I've had a sudden attack of plague among my players, and the ones not quarantined are out six months with a broken nail....

Which brings me to injuries: 5 weeks for a twisted ankle? what is this, the Middle Ages?, do I have physios or witch doctors? are they using leeches to cure them? how far has he twisted his ankle, up to his ear? Either they start grading the injuries or really, start doing some competitive sport so they realize that you can be back from a twisted ankle in two weeks tops...unless you break or badly strain some tendon, but then say it's a grade III twisted ankle, for crying out loud....and yeah, as someone said, player X has broken his chest muscles in the gym...hmm...I'm a skinny 120 pound striker, lets see if I can bench press the weight equivalent of a small car...hey no, I'm your fitness trainer and I say that's unsound....but then again, as my reputation is obscure that means I have no common sense and I'm dumber than a couple of dumbbells...go ahead boy, let's see you lift a VW golf with one hand....give me one further break, please....

And don't get me started on the mid-season crisis, or the start of the second season slump, or the way the AI knows how to wring every last cent out of your transfer budget but then offer to buy your best player for a song and a screw you....and your player will still ask for a better contract as you broke up negotiations....I swear to God, never can find the machete when you need it.....

Anyway, rant time is over, steam blown and time to close this overlong post.


haha i'm sorry but this is gold and is so true
I lost 3 players to injury within the first 20 minutes against Sevilla in the Europa League. I then lost my striker on 50 minutes which meant I was playing 4-4-1 with a DM upfront. Then on 58 minutes I lose a CB and am forced to play the remaining 35 minutes with a 4-4-0 formation with a LB playing CB and my DM playing LB.

I've stopped buying players for my first team now, instead I am just signing decent youth players to play when my entire 25 man squad is injured.

Oh, and I still won the game 1-0. I guess it'll be 6 injuries in the next match to make me lose. It's a ****ing joke sometimes.
hey all can some 1 help me im trying to take a screeny but have no screen shot folder ive try making 1 still no joy is there away round this?
I'm managing Real Vicenza (2027/28); Reaching 3 European finals in my career (1 Europa League final and 2 Champions league finals) and losing every time, yet, domestically, we've won the title 4 seasons in a row, and extremely comfortably (90+ points a season).
The silly injury that turns my world-class striker into Emille Heskey overnight. Because of course it happens in real life, just look at Sergio Aguero, just look at Lionel Messi!! Turned to **** as soon as they got their first medium-term injury, didn't they?
God **** it with this game! Lost to Fenerbahce with Man City after Arturo Vidal punched a midfielder out of frustration before the tenth **** minute. 1-0 Every shot went to the post or to the keeper. I hate this thing.
GoalTycoon is a strategy game, in which you have the possibility to convert your virtual currency into real money. It is an online browser game, therefore you do not need any other programs installed in order to play. It is one of the few football manager games where you are rewarded for your daily activity. For register: