I couldn`t agree more! I have exacly the same issues! My CD`s just stand and watch their strikers run past them and score! My CM`s have 7-9 shots on goal pr. match ( even when longshots is rarely ) while my strikers are hardly in the game ( Rvp and Rooney have less than 7.0 average rating after 14 games, Rvp scored 5, Rooney 1 ) The only positions that seems to somewhat work decently is the wingers ( ive played Kagawa as a AP on the left and valencia as a winger on the right ). valencia has like 12-15 crosses into the box but nooen there to score! Im gonna take a break from the game, huugly dissapointed to be honest, feels like wasting time playing right now.. Hope things get better..
** This was a reply too Helloiamanewlow **
** This was a reply too Helloiamanewlow **