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The referee not blowing the ******* whistle when a player is laying injured on the field..

I'm really starting to dislike the referees. Another case is when they blow for 20-30 fouls in a game and only give out 2 yellow cards, in what universe is that realistic?
Playing as Fiorentina, first choice right winger is Adem Ljajic, worth £18m. Take him off with 20 mins to go whilst whopping Juventus 4-1 and put on Davide Lanzafame, worth 3.5m, who plays about 3 games per season. Lanzafame gets injured (no big deal, I'm thrashing them). Post-match press conference 'who will you replace Lanzafame with? answer Ljajic. 'do you think Ljajic has a chance of displacing Lanzafame in the team'. what is all that about?
Sick and tired of opposition players breaking my players' legs and getting away with it, not even a ****** yellow card. It's ****** ridiculous.
One of my roaming scouts in South America found a very promising 15 y.o. I have him scouted by a few more scouts and finally decided to sign him for my youth team, when suddenly this happened:

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I made an initial 200,000 euro bid for this player who hasn't made a single appearance for their club and who hasn't valued yet by the game (value is set at " - "). The club rejected the bid after this happened. Five other big European clubs showed interest in him and I have to follow up my initial bid with a 500,000 euro bid to prevent other those other clubs (who spy'd on me to know this discovery of mine) from interrupting further negotiations with me.

I really thought 500k is too much for a player who hasn't played a single game but the leak ruined my chance of signing him for a cheaper (and fairer) transfer fee.
Going in to a league game against a newly promoted side, who have played six, scored none and conceeded 14, while we were first, 6games in 18points, with 19 goals and 2 conceeded, outcome; 1-0 defeat, wtf?!
When you have once again missed a ccc and the commentary says "how did he miss that". Feel like breaking my laptop in half each time it happens.

---------- Post added at 11:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

this is the last time I am ever going to waste my money on the fm series. It seem to me as the engine is getting worse and the amount of red cars, missed ccc, stupid goalkeeping, stupid referring is destroying this game for me. I am going back to playing fm09 the last decent game in these series.
Methinks someone has been taking potshots from long distance there...
When the board accept a bid because it is to good, then the fans complain At you for selling him and your team sucks cause you cant get a replacement thats good eneugh.
Aseeem, maybe you underestimated them and played a weeker team and didnt scout them.
When you start a new game you always get given a 2 year deal and was wondering why when you get given a new deal if u do well why u can never click the 'delay until end of season option'.
All my players wanted by club.. wtf? and some of them like Van der wiel and Vertonghen are unhappy and they want to move to a bigger club.

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The thing that disappoints me and not want to sell my players is the AI Clubs that bidding for all players a very low offer e.g Van Der Wiel for $5Million, If I negotiate to $15Million they will withdraw the offer and now The Van Der Wiel agent wants an Improved contract appears which is unfair, When Im managing other clubs and not managing Ajax e.g Newcastle, Tottenham and I want Van Der Wiel, Ajax will not accept less than 16Million for the player, that's okay, but the problem is the other AI Clubs interested in the player will also bid the same fee I bidded which is $16 Million.

So why didn't they bid for $16Million when Im managing AJAX?
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That's just the nature of managing Ajax. I have a save with them and have managed to win the Champions League twice, but I'd estimate around 70% of the game is used rejecting offers for players. The Dutch league is awful so the players generally want to join bigger clubs.

The transfer fees thing is just one of the annoying features of FM. It's like when you try signing a player and they want £200k per week with £6m signing on fee and £85k appearance bonus, which you can't afford so cancel negotiations. But then he'll join someone else 2 weeks later and you'll look at his salary and it's £65k per week with £8k appearance bonus, total BS.
On a side note, after my loss to Arsenal even though i bossed the match. My Wolves side have lost in 4 straight finals.... (FA cup, league cup and 2 europa leagues)
That's just the nature of managing Ajax. I have a save with them and have managed to win the Champions League twice, but I'd estimate around 70% of the game is used rejecting offers for players. The Dutch league is awful so the players generally want to join bigger clubs.

The transfer fees thing is just one of the annoying features of FM. It's like when you try signing a player and they want £200k per week with £6m signing on fee and £85k appearance bonus, which you can't afford so cancel negotiations. But then he'll join someone else 2 weeks later and you'll look at his salary and it's £65k per week with £8k appearance bonus, total BS.

Yeah, I have seen that in wages too,

I was managing AFC Wimbledon, I wanted to sign free agent King Gyan, so he wanted £2k per week wage and I can't sign him due to board restrictions until he decided to withdraw the talks. Then at that same time Newport County offered him a contract, he agreed to join Newport county and after I saw his contract at Newport County, Im shocked! I saw that his wage are just £725 per week.

I would say FM is not really good at Transfers and Contracts between the Player and AI Clubs
My crazy team!!

Ok i started with maidenhead(crazy!!) in three seasons FA trophy and play offs. well doncaster come and ask me to be there manager in the 2013 season yea.
What happens nearly all the players hand in tranfer requests so ok bye bye.
then xmas top of the league 1 johnstone paint trophy finalist and 4th round of the fa cup. contract time and all the old team mate who stayed nolen,billy sharp,shawn jalal now dont want to entertain a new contact or asking for stupid wages!!!! ahhhhhh sack the lot. oh brought a player called carlos Aranda amazing.
So any idea out their for help on keeping my greedy up starts?

---------- Post added at 12:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 PM ----------

Ok i started with maidenhead(crazy!!) in three seasons FA trophy and play offs. well doncaster come and ask me to be there manager in the 2013 season yea.<br>What happens nearly all the players hand in tranfer requests so ok bye bye.<br>then xmas top of the league 1 johnstone paint trophy finalist and 4th round of the fa cup. contract time and all the old team mate who stayed nolen,billy sharp,shawn jalal now dont want to entertain a new contact or asking for stupid wages!!!! ahhhhhh sack the lot. oh brought a player called carlos Aranda amazing.<br>So any idea out their for help on keeping my greedy up starts?
More injury moaning - why is it that players have to be subbed off when they get a gashed arm or leg? What are plasters and bandages for?