started as sunderland, got into champions league as i finished fourth!

but season after my squad was definitely stronger but i was playing a wierd tactic and i just dont think the players coped well with all the fixtures as we kept losing leads late on so only managed 7th in the league as well as semis in both league and fa cup, knocked out at group stage in champs league (had bayern, benfica and ajax

i somehow got offered job at juventus and aside from losing a few players before i signed i only signed mussachio and won the league, got knocked out of the uefa cup by inter when we had a bad patch but won the league and italian cup, just started the fourth season and won the super italian cup against inter 3-1!
aside from mussachio not signed anyone, giovinco is awesome as a playmake/trequartista on the left wing, ah yeah i got rafinha from barcelona free when his contract ran out and i got tafer for a couple of mill but they will be back ups first season, training rafinha as a trequatista and tafer will hopefully take over from matri when hes too old!
going for the league and champions league as well as updating the youth facilities so i can pretty much rely on the youth in the future!
how well do you have to do to become a club legend?