Potential European Stars Shortlist

Potencial KID

Bruno Zuculini very god player is not so god in first season but you see the money you spend in this kid compensastes
I have put together a quick shortlist of young European players on FM 10 that should have bright futures. There are about 500 players on it at the moment (depending on your database size etc...)

Obviously I will have missed out lots of players who deserve to be on it. So any major omissions please let me know and they will get added for the next version.

Installation Instructions

Mate is it possible to make it a pdf or write it as a list file instead of shortlist as I dont want to hange my shortlist and I'm not currently on the PC I play fm on thanks.
the best youngsters for my wolves team im in 2013 and i have james rodriquez from banfield who i signed for 2.4 million and romelu lukaku from anderlecht
how do u get that thing that shows details about ur club like it says top scorer and that
I've download it and its on my game, but why do I only have 60+ of them on my shortlist? I have choosen a large database.