Prisoners Who Should be FREE

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That's not the sole reason. Maybe they are keeping him in because they feel he is still a danger to society. After all, he did kill someone who he claimed to be a fan of?

You don't know the things he says while he's in prison to people, or things he's done. He should stay there until he lives in a coffin and no sooner.

God forbid it ever happens, but if someone murdered someone you love, whether it be a child of yours, or a lover or whatever, you would want that person to feel your pain. You would want them dead, or to serve life imprisonment, where life means life. Just because you may have not felt any pain from John Lennon's death doesn't mean others didn't. He was a very well loved man. All those close to him would want the man to die for what he's done and it's only fair he gets the punishment he deserves.. death.

In some countries, they chop off someone hands if they are convicted of stealing. Or chop off a man's ***** if he is convicted of rape. Things like that, may be harsh but they are deserved because of the crime they have committed. You will never know the pain people go through until it effects you personally.

that is the reason why decisions are made by people unaffected by the crime, people who have been emotionally involved will not make a fair and rational decision.
So you could understand the emotional trauma it would cause for anyone the murder would affect, the outcome of the murder trail is decided by people with no emotional attachment for good reason.
You only get one chance in life, some people don't deserve another chance (murderers, paedos ect), but honestly 30 years for stealing is a bit too far.
wasnt just stealing, he was convicted of wounding with intent, wounding, criminal damage, grievous bodily harm, false imprisonment, blackmail and threatening to kill.

also this from his wiki:

Bronson has served all but four of his years in prison in solitary confinement due to a number of hostage situations, rooftop protests, and repeated attacks on prison staff and on other inmates.

  • In 1983, Bronson took hostages and staged a 47-hour rooftop protest at Broadmoor, causing £750,000 of damage.
  • In 1994, while holding a guard hostage at Woodhill Prison, Milton Keynes, he demanded an inflatable doll, a helicopter and a cup of tea as ransom. Two months later, he held deputy governor Adrian Wallace hostage for five hours at Hull prison, injuring him so badly he was off work for five weeks.[4]
  • In 1998, Bronson took two Iraqi hijackers and another inmate hostage at Belmarsh prison in London. He insisted his hostages address him as "General" and told negotiators he would eat one of his victims quickly unless his demands were met. At one stage, Bronson demanded one of the Iraqis hit him "very hard" over the head with a metal tray. When the hostage refused, Bronson slashed his own shoulder six times with a razor blade. He later told staff: "I'm going to start snapping necks – I'm the number-one hostage taker." He demanded a plane to take him to Cuba, two Uzi sub-machine guns, 5,000 rounds of ammunition, and an axe. In court, he said he was "as guilty as Adolf Hitler", adding, "I was on a mission of madness, but now I'm on a mission of peace and all I want to do now is go home and have a pint with my son." Another seven years were added to his sentence.[4]
  • In 1999, he took Phil Danielson, a civilian education officer, hostage at Hull prison.[3] He can be seen in CCTV footage singing the song "Yellow Submarine", walking around with a makeshift spear[citation needed] (after having caused havoc inside the prison) and causing the wing to be locked up for over 40 hours.
  • In 2007, two prison staff members at Full Sutton high security prison in the East Riding of Yorkshire were involved in a "control and restraint incident", in an attempt to prevent another hostage situation, during which Bronson (who by now needed spectacles) had his glasses broken. Bronson received £200 compensation for his broken glasses,[11] which he claimed were made of "pre-war gold" and given to him by Lord Longford.
Sounds like a nice guy, defiantly someone who should be allowed back into society :S:S
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that is the reason why decisions are made by people unaffected by the crime, people who have been emotionally involved will not make a fair and rational decision.
So you could understand the emotional trauma it would cause for anyone the murder would affect, the outcome of the murder trail is decided by people with no emotional attachment for good reason.

Yes that's true, but if you take someone's life at say the age of 19, and you get a 20 year sentence. You're only 39 when you come out of prison. Still got a long life ahead of him and yet the family of the person he killed are still without a loved one. Some child may be without a father. Two elderly people will still be without their son/daughter. How is it justified? It's not. If you kill someone, then why should you have the right to have a life if you have taken somebody elses?
wasnt just stealing, he was convicted of wounding with intent, wounding, criminal damage, grievous bodily harm, false imprisonment, blackmail and threatening to kill.

also this from his wiki:

Bronson has served all but four of his years in prison in solitary confinement due to a number of hostage situations, rooftop protests, and repeated attacks on prison staff and on other inmates.

  • In 1983, Bronson took hostages and staged a 47-hour rooftop protest at Broadmoor, causing £750,000 of damage.
  • In 1994, while holding a guard hostage at Woodhill Prison, Milton Keynes, he demanded an inflatable doll, a helicopter and a cup of tea as ransom. Two months later, he held deputy governor Adrian Wallace hostage for five hours at Hull prison, injuring him so badly he was off work for five weeks.[4]
  • In 1998, Bronson took two Iraqi hijackers and another inmate hostage at Belmarsh prison in London. He insisted his hostages address him as "General" and told negotiators he would eat one of his victims quickly unless his demands were met. At one stage, Bronson demanded one of the Iraqis hit him "very hard" over the head with a metal tray. When the hostage refused, Bronson slashed his own shoulder six times with a razor blade. He later told staff: "I'm going to start snapping necks – I'm the number-one hostage taker." He demanded a plane to take him to Cuba, two Uzi sub-machine guns, 5,000 rounds of ammunition, and an axe. In court, he said he was "as guilty as Adolf Hitler", adding, "I was on a mission of madness, but now I'm on a mission of peace and all I want to do now is go home and have a pint with my son." Another seven years were added to his sentence.[4]
  • In 1999, he took Phil Danielson, a civilian education officer, hostage at Hull prison.[3] He can be seen in CCTV footage singing the song "Yellow Submarine", walking around with a makeshift spear[citation needed] (after having caused havoc inside the prison) and causing the wing to be locked up for over 40 hours.
  • In 2007, two prison staff members at Full Sutton high security prison in the East Riding of Yorkshire were involved in a "control and restraint incident", in an attempt to prevent another hostage situation, during which Bronson (who by now needed spectacles) had his glasses broken. Bronson received £200 compensation for his broken glasses,[11] which he claimed were made of "pre-war gold" and given to him by Lord Longford.
Sounds like a nice guy, defiantly someone who should be allowed back into society :S:S
So......what's your point?
Be realistic, in todays age you rarely get a LIFE sentence meaning LIFE, its often 15 + years. That depending on what state in USA, or in UK.
My point is many people who have killed serve there time, and come out rehabilitated, but in Chapman's case they are keeping a rehabilitated man behind bars solely on the reason it was Lennon.

No.. they get a life sentence. Murderers are very rarely released 'early' if at all.

How on earth do you know if Chapman is rehabilitated? How do you know if anyone is? What do you base that on? I thought he had mental health issues as well, and 20 years is a minimum, not a maximum, so they have every right to keep him behind bars if they feel he is too dangerous or whatever to be released.

Many people who have killed, go to jail, come out 30 years later and kill again, their minds just work like that and it's not often not possible to completely rehabilitate people.
No.. they get a life sentence. Murderers are very rarely released 'early' if at all.

How on earth do you know if Chapman is rehabilitated? How do you know if anyone is? What do you base that on?

Because I'm Chapman.....And I'm coming to steal your toaster<)
wasnt just stealing, he was convicted of wounding with intent, wounding, criminal damage, grievous bodily harm, false imprisonment, blackmail and threatening to kill.

also this from his wiki:

Bronson has served all but four of his years in prison in solitary confinement due to a number of hostage situations, rooftop protests, and repeated attacks on prison staff and on other inmates.

  • In 1983, Bronson took hostages and staged a 47-hour rooftop protest at Broadmoor, causing £750,000 of damage.
  • In 1994, while holding a guard hostage at Woodhill Prison, Milton Keynes, he demanded an inflatable doll, a helicopter and a cup of tea as ransom. Two months later, he held deputy governor Adrian Wallace hostage for five hours at Hull prison, injuring him so badly he was off work for five weeks.[4]
  • In 1998, Bronson took two Iraqi hijackers and another inmate hostage at Belmarsh prison in London. He insisted his hostages address him as "General" and told negotiators he would eat one of his victims quickly unless his demands were met. At one stage, Bronson demanded one of the Iraqis hit him "very hard" over the head with a metal tray. When the hostage refused, Bronson slashed his own shoulder six times with a razor blade. He later told staff: "I'm going to start snapping necks – I'm the number-one hostage taker." He demanded a plane to take him to Cuba, two Uzi sub-machine guns, 5,000 rounds of ammunition, and an axe. In court, he said he was "as guilty as Adolf Hitler", adding, "I was on a mission of madness, but now I'm on a mission of peace and all I want to do now is go home and have a pint with my son." Another seven years were added to his sentence.[4]
  • In 1999, he took Phil Danielson, a civilian education officer, hostage at Hull prison.[3] He can be seen in CCTV footage singing the song "Yellow Submarine", walking around with a makeshift spear[citation needed] (after having caused havoc inside the prison) and causing the wing to be locked up for over 40 hours.
  • In 2007, two prison staff members at Full Sutton high security prison in the East Riding of Yorkshire were involved in a "control and restraint incident", in an attempt to prevent another hostage situation, during which Bronson (who by now needed spectacles) had his glasses broken. Bronson received £200 compensation for his broken glasses,[11] which he claimed were made of "pre-war gold" and given to him by Lord Longford.
Sounds like a nice guy, defiantly someone who should be allowed back into society :S:S

He has been in solitary for 30 years, were as we have Pedro Lopez who killed over 300 girls a free man after serving 14 years of a 16 year sentence. ( Although this was in Ecuador who are not as developed as us, but the country is inhabited by humans not prime apes)

doe sent that ring alarm bells to you about inconsistency, the incident in 2007 was minor with Bronson, other than that his last incident was in 1999.
He has been in solitary for 30 years, were as we have Pedro Lopez who killed over 300 girls a free man after serving 14 years of a 16 year sentence. ( Although this was in Ecuador who are not as developed as us, but the country is inhabited by humans not prime apes)

doe sent that ring alarm bells to you about inconsistency, the incident in 2007 was minor with Bronson, other than that his last incident was in 1999.
pedro lopez wasnt punished enough, others shouldnt get it easy just because he did
He has been in solitary for 30 years, were as we have Pedro Lopez who killed over 300 girls a free man after serving 14 years of a 16 year sentence. ( Although this was in Ecuador who are not as developed as us, but the country is inhabited by humans not prime apes)

doe sent that ring alarm bells to you about inconsistency, the incident in 2007 was minor with Bronson, other than that his last incident was in 1999.

Did you read what Shay Given posted? Why should he be free? Because he's served his time? You posted a link to his wikipedia page but didn't seem to actually read it if you didn't realise the amount of **** he has done.
Of course he shouldn't be out. But you're not asking that. You asked, who should be FREE.

He shouldn't be free, but he is. I'm sure he's under a very close watch and probably can't go anywhere.
Rumours are also very bad. I strongly doubt that he actually killed 300 girls. He probably killed a fair few, but 300 is a very high figure.
How can you say that a murderer should be freed?

Murderers should never be freed. He took someones life, the only punishment for that is for him to have no life either. He should remain under lock and key until the day he dies!

It really depends on the circumstance.

If two people got into a fight and one of them got hit, fell down and smashed his head on concrete and died, do you really think the person who hit them deserves to spend the rest of their life locked away? Clearly not intended to kill them, but he/she will be done for murder.
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