R.i.p ps3?

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This is nothing to do with red light of death or yellow light but,

I kept getting lazer burn on all of my games on my 360. And the guy at game station must of been pretty fed up of me coming in each week to get it removed so he said " I was reading on the microsoft website Tips about Xbox. It said not to have your xbox standing it. Lay it flat. As this is what causes 7/10 lazer burn problems" My disks have been ok ever since.

Also. The rap it in a towl thing works. Ha. The mate done it. Then he broke his xbox by kiking it and throwing it around the room. ( Its now in a landfill site )


1. it doesn't matter if its stood up or led down. that just microsoft trying to get people to stop sending their xbox's because they've lost so much money off them doing so.

2. don't be an idiot and wrap it in a towel it just leads to more long term problems
You dont sent xboxs into microsoft about lazer burn? Its on the disk...

Game station remove it for £2.

Plus my lazer burn is gone now. My disks dont get it no more
You dont sent xboxs into microsoft about lazer burn? Its on the disk...

Game station remove it for £2.

Plus my lazer burn is gone now. My disks dont get it no more

Im sure you only get lazer burn from moving the xbox whilst its on and the game is running, thats how I got mine and my xbox raped the disc so hard that Game station couldnt fix it :'(
Ha Ha. Lucky mine wasnt that bad. I felt like that when fifa had it. But thanks to the Punk man in game station every thing is fine.
When I was on campus at uni, we hated a game so much that we deliberately wanted to ruin it.

So we put it in the 360, booted it up, and then picked up the XBox, twirled it 360 degrees in mid-air, heard the most horrendous sound you'll ever experience from a games console, and put it down.

Needless to say, when we ejected the disc... blimey, what a mess.

Oh, the game was Prince of Persia.
When I was on campus at uni, we hated a game so much that we deliberately wanted to ruin it.

So we put it in the 360, booted it up, and then picked up the XBox, twirled it 360 degrees in mid-air, heard the most horrendous sound you'll ever experience from a games console, and put it down.

Needless to say, when we ejected the disc... blimey, what a mess.

Oh, the game was Prince of Persia.

That is a piece of genius and justice all rolled into one glorious mess.
Seemed to work fine for the remaining 4 months we were there.
Why is it the more advanced these consoles become the less reliable they also become? If you ask me they are under too much pressure to come up with the next step in gaming they are bringing stuff out rushed and too early thats not truly ready to go on sale to the public.
From the article I linked earlier on in the thread the consensus seems to be that they are simply overheating and causing the motherboards to warp over time until it gets to the point where it needs fixing.

A decent heatsink and cooling system would probably fix 99% of the problems people have. Considering the size of the PS3 you would of thought they would of had room to fit one in somewhere.
I rang sony earlier & they said basicaly the same as Lee, and the update has nothing to do with it as its a software update whereas the problem was to do with the hardware.