Scottish Referees to go on Strike

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1 .Lennon just can take defeat ! inexperience at the moment
2. always someone's fault except Celtic or him !
"its a conspiracy"
Why did you call them names? What did they do?

They gave a penalty that wasn't a penalty, overturned it, which was right and everything was fine...
Oh no, it was Neil Lennon's team that lost the decision, so their was **** to pay. They now fear for their safety, and Celtic want them all to quit and be replaced by John Reid and the Celtic board.
Sir Walter Smith though has remained respectable throughout ;)
Good for the referees. Their treatment is a disgrace.

The only issue is the Dougie McDonald one, where I think he should resign. Making accidental errors is fine, but lying is not.

I think generally referees are badly treated. They do their best to referee fairly, despite what all the biased and paranoid fans think, and end up getting abuse nearly every game. Who knows why they do it. I've got nothing but respect for most referees, except McDonald.
1 - he was saying how rangers fans cant criticize celtic fans because your actions are worse than ours :D
2 - the referees need to learn to ref properly, then they will gain respect
3 - that is because refs in england know how to referee and dont tell "white lies"
4 - No, we have done nothing wrong

Our actions are worse than Celtic don't make me laugh the game aginst Aberdeen says it all with your banner about poppies that was the most shamefull act i have ever saw in a football ground
Why did you call them names? What did they do?

Long story. Celtic fans think the referees are against them just because a few decisions have not went their way, they think it's a conspiracy which is hilarious because it's a well known fact that almost every referee prefers either celtic or rangers. They're now throwing the toys out the pram and slating referees every week, leading to the referees now going on strike.
Fair play to the refs though as most of them still give 100% but they are attacked collectively every week.
To be honest, they are really, really poor at refereeing though..
They gave a penalty that wasn't a penalty, overturned it, which was right and everything was fine...
Oh no, it was Neil Lennon's team that lost the decision, so their was **** to pay. They now fear for their safety, and Celtic want them all to quit and be replaced by John Reid and the Celtic board.
Sir Walter Smith though has remained respectable throughout ;)
lol serriously, get your facts right. Lennon had a meeting with McDonald and Crainey after the game they explained that crainey said that the goal keeper got a touch on the ball and Lennon accpeted that end of story. Then the papers ran the story that said there was no evidence to say that Crainey spoke to McDonald and then celtic where wondering what really happened as they thought that the orginaly story was the truth. Then Crainey told his story in the sunday people and opened up the worms that resulted in Hugh Dallas, McDonald and Flemming held responsible for the shambles of not providding the correct information to celtic at the time.
Good for the referees. Their treatment is a disgrace.

The only issue is the Dougie McDonald one, where I think he should resign. Making accidental errors is fine, but lying is not.

I think generally referees are badly treated. They do their best to referee fairly, despite what all the biased and paranoid fans think, and end up getting abuse nearly every game. Who knows why they do it. I've got nothing but respect for most referees, except McDonald.

He lied? About what, and to who?
they are a disgrace anyway :)

Well, because of this strike, im quite a bit of pocket, when you include hotel, and travel and ticket costs for the dundee utd match next week. Of course all this money would've been put to us had the referees not been forced into a strike by the actions from celtic. My hatred for Celtic grows with every passing day, it has to be said :)
To be honest, they are really, really poor at refereeing though..

Exactly, they can't take it's inability, not conspiring against them!

Also, Craven (Not Crainey Brido) spilled the beans, but i think Celtic are being very childish indeed :(
Our actions are worse than Celtic don't make me laugh the game aginst Aberdeen says it all with your banner about poppies that was the most shamefull act i have ever saw in a football ground
yes because a peaceful protest is worse than ripping up manchester oO)

Why did you call them names? What did they do?

lennon and reid called for mcdonald to resign or be sacked as he told lies and blamed his assistant and is in general a ****.lennon also said that refs are agains celtic
Don't watch much Scottish football but I always see Neil Lennon ******** about something. <)
He lied? About what, and to who?

Basically, Mcdonald gave a penalty for Celtic, then, correctly for the record, changed the decision. There was then a whole fiasco over a cover story the officials came up with, Lennon wanted him sacked. SFA stood by Mcdonald, and then Celtic go on about a conspiracy, and an agenda against them oO)
yes because a peaceful protest is worse than ripping up manchester oO)

lennon and reid called for mcdonald to resign or be sacked as he told lies and blamed his assistant and is in general a ****.lennon also said that refs are agains celtic

So you agree that they should disrespect our nations war dead that is a new low
Basically, Mcdonald gave a penalty for Celtic, then, correctly for the record, changed the decision. There was then a whole fiasco over a cover story the officials came up with, Lennon wanted him sacked. SFA stood by Mcdonald, and then Celtic go on about a conspiracy, and an agenda against them oO)
He Lied and let someone else take the flak. If that was any other job in life you would be sacked for one ******* up as bad as he did and then blaming it on someone else. The guy has made his own bed as far as i am concerned and has to deal with it.
He Lied and let someone else take the flak. If that was any other job in life you would be sacked for one ******* up as bad as he did and then blaming it on someone else. The guy has made his own bed as far as i am concerned and has to deal with it.

I'm not saying Mcdonald shouldn't have been reprimanded, but the whole

" Everyones pyoor agaynst us and a'rat " thing is quite frankly embarrasing and laughable. Every team gets decisions against them, you might actual win something if you look at whats wrong with your team, and not blame everyone else (K)