Scoutmeister - Beta Out

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dunc
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  • Replies Replies 369
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well done to *******, cheating's not my thing but i may give it a whirl =D
Some people questioned the designers ability and awesomeness, *cough* INickStuff *Cough*

We all knew this bloke had it in him.
I have a suggestion,

1.Show the date.
2.Show what they best position is.
another sugestion would be to have the players value and sale value included like it is in gemie scout, so for example i want to sign a player, he is worth 2 mil and if i want to sign him his sale value is 5.75 mil so i know that i will have to bid 5.75 mil in order to sign him
I downloaded this last night. Absolutely love it. Still in a basic stage but it does all that I need. I used genie to find out PA/CA so I am sorted. Thanks Big Man.
How do you know its a him? :P

read below the post by dunc gives it away that its a him, Unless its a comspiracy to make us think that oO)

If anyone has anything they would like to see in the software, feel free to make suggestions and I will pass them on to the developer, although he may well see them himself.

great job to whoever created it him or her should take a bow. (H)
I think when your on a team squad page like you could use that to see who has got the higest potential in the team
Would like to send a massive thank you to NUFC_Tony who made this software possible ;) hehehehehe.

Looks good, and so much easier than Genie[Lame]Scout.
It is still in testing atm, so won't be up for download untill the developer is completely happy.

He/she/it has just told me that he/she/they are very happy with the prodcuct so you can probaly go ahead and make it available for download now.
:O how come I wasn't invited...:( Great big ***.

Sorry. All the 'cool' mods were invited ;)

And Alex, I would rather they told me directly that they want it up for download, rather than going against their wishes. :)
Why keep something exclusive to us when you can put it on FM-Britain and make millions!
Looks good, and less of a 'cheat' than Genie Scout since it only identifies potential and current ability, not every single aspect of their psyche and physique, as well as exactly how much money required to buy them. I'd suggest to Anonymous Dev that if they do go on to further develop this into having more of the geniescout style features that they also releases 'lite' versions like this.

Can't try it out as I don't have FM11 yet, should change soon though.
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