Second leg - Liverpool (0) - (1) Atletico.

Mascherano RB against an in-form Simao who loves playing at Anfield? Could be a long night for the Argentine...
Im just hoping all the players have a fun time^^)
But I would be dissapointed if 'Pool got through, once they beat Chelsea Sunday I don't care really
Anything BUT Liverpool win. Anything to affect their morale ahead of the weekend.
2-1 athletico....benayoun scoring first, then simao and forlan....I think I may cry if liverpool get through....i'm pretty sure fulham will beat hamburg, and an all english final would be sooo dull...I'm still peeved off about the draw though...all of the best teams have been on the same side of the's ridiculous..I wanted valencia to win this....but anyway, now i'm hoping for fulham, they deserve it after the juve win
Atmosphere absolutely amazing. Liverpool's 12th man and Liverpool will win 2-0 I think.
Liverpool deserve something out off this season so lets see this british team do well (A)
Atletico have finally got themselves into the game.|)
Great chance for atletico.:O

Gutted hamburg are winning.:(
FFS, why are you going to show a magpie for, now everyone watching will get bad luck.
Thanks Channel 5, thanks.
as their isent a thread the hamburg goal was possibly goal of the tornement sensational freekick from petric.