Shogun II Total war


May 17, 2010
Reaction score
Since there was a Rome total war thread I thought I would make this thread for the fellow lovers of the total war series. Shogun II is going back to what started this amazing series of games, shogun total war. With the successful remake of Medieval total war this was a no brainer and hopefully if this too is a success then Creative Assembly and SEGA will remake the best of the series. Rome total war. Basically for those who don't know Shogun II total war is:

It is the middle of the 16th Century in Feudal Japan. The country, once ruled by a unified government, is now split into many warring clans. Players take on the role of one Daimyo, the clan leader, and will use military engagements, economics and diplomacy to achieve the ultimate goal, re-unite Japan under his supreme command and become the new Shogun – the undisputed ruler of a pacified nation.
Shogun 2: Total War will feature enhanced full 3D battles via land and sea, which made a name for the series, as well as the tactical campaign map that many refer to as the heart and soul of Total War. Featuring a brand new AI system inspired by the scriptures that influenced Japanese warfare, the millennia old Chinese “Art of War”, the Creative Assembly brings the wisdom of Master Sun Tsu to Shogun 2: Total War. Analysing this ancient text enabled the Creative Assembly to implement easy to understand yet deep strategical gameplay.
Take charge of any of the nine major factions of Japanese feudal history, from the mighty Oda to the more delicate but well positioned Tokugawa clan. All of these clans could rise to take the position of Shogun under your leadership.
9 Playable clans ranging from the large and powerful to the tiny and weak.
Pre-Battle speeches with Generals inspiring their men before engaging.
Much improved terrain and environments, mountains in battle and new environments.
The four seasons on the battlefield. Autumn leaves to summer sun.
Total War Encyclopaedia, an archive of all the units and history in the game accessible from the menu.
Five stage castle sieges, breaking the outer walls of the toughest castle is only the start.
Morale boosting buildings, capturing temples on the battlefield offers reward.
Famous battles such as Sekigahara will be included for the player to test their mettle against history’s greatest tactical challenges and feudal Japans greatest adversaries.
Unique Hero units. Single men on the battlefield able to carve through the enemy.
Coastal battles; fight naval engagements of the coast of Japan navigating islands and land.
The main reason I am making this thread now is the fact that the demo of shogun II is out tomorrow on steam (22/02/2011). So I am majorly looking forward to playing it tomorrow and everyone can post their experiences of the game here. System requirements can be found here for those wondering if they will be able to run it

Released yesterday (15/03/2011). here is a link to its steam page (yes you have to use steam to play it)
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Nice. I didn't know the demo came out tomorrow. The Dragon Age 2 demo comes out tomorrow as well :D

I probably won't buy it when it comes out though for two reasons:
1. I need to upgrade ;)
2. Total war games tend to be quite buggy at release - more so than most games since they are quite complex and ambitious in terms of scale. I will wait until it has had a couple of patches.
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I wish I had a computer that could run it. I'll buy it anyway, of course, bought every Total War game to date and I'm not missing this one. Maybe I'll cadge a regular use of his computer off my brother.
see how you guys run the demo. Usually you can run the full game better than the demo so if you can run the demo decently then you should be fine
Will be downloading the demo, hopefully it won't be as buggy as Empire and Napoleon were.

My PC will probably die trying to play it anyway, needs an upgrade badly.
demo is usually a bit buggy but at least it gives you the chance to see the game. FYI guys I would expect that Shogun will be less intensive than Napolean and Empire was due to there not being loads of explosions from guns. So if you can run those games I think you should be fine. Also Shogun II got 92/100 rating from PC gamer
Ive been waiting for this. I ******* love Total war series. Only problem is, I have exams this month and I cant play anything :(
demo is usually a bit buggy but at least it gives you the chance to see the game. FYI guys I would expect that Shogun will be less intensive than Napolean and Empire was due to there not being loads of explosions from guns. So if you can run those games I think you should be fine. Also Shogun II got 92/100 rating from PC gamer
I think it was actually more to do with the smoke. Especially if you where like me and had a mod that made the smoke linger in the air for longer.
I don't have much trust in reviews anymore. If I recall, Empire got good review as well - and look how that turned out. :S
Been watching youtube video's of this. Looks awesome. Only ever had Rome Total War and that came out years ago so this game will be insane.

Sadly, like GC, I will have to invest in a computer capable of running it.
I think it was actually more to do with the smoke. Especially if you where like me and had a mod that made the smoke linger in the air for longer.
I don't have much trust in reviews anymore. If I recall, Empire got good review as well - and look how that turned out. :S

ye that's what I mean, all of the gun effects and stuff that won't be in shogun as much (you can still get guns at some point). Empire wasn't great but wasn't horrific either. Doesn't matter about reviews since it's a TW game, I'll buy it anyway! (H)
I was well miffed when CA brought out Medieval 2 instead of Shogun 2 back in the day as I'm a big fan of the Kurosawa cannon of movies, but in hindsight this was perhaps a good thing; they've now done ETW & NTW & hopefully learnt a thing or three about getting the best out of the 3D battle engine, & not shoving out a buggy mess of a game ( ETW ) before they've removed MOST of the glitches.

Roll on 15/03/10 - I got a new rig before xmas so I'm laughing.
OMG. Demo out tomorrow.

I :wub: you Jak.
I heard recently about Shogun II total war and I am really keen on playing it, but does it work for mac and will also be released for PS or something like that
I heard recently about Shogun II total war and I am really keen on playing it, but does it work for mac and will also be released for PS or something like that
No, it is PC only.
Will run smoothly on our desktop computer. My laptop won't get anywhere near it though.

Very pleased with this. <3
I :wub: this thread. Didn't realize demo was out tomorrow.
Will be downloading it straight away, and already got it pre-ordered on steam :)

Anyone want a game when it's out?
man is it gonna download slow 2morrow :( Btw guys if you haven't preordeed and you want to, I would recommend You can get the limited edition for £26.89 and shopto is usually good at delivering early/on time (doesn't matter if they deliver early though since you will only be able to play when it is available on steam).