Shogun II Total war

I think it takes away from the series. They are supposed to be historical games. So what is with all the stupid inaccuracies? Three Roman factions? WTF?

Mods FTW.

Right, but the acknowledge they're never going to get the history COMPLETELY accurate. It's impossible. So they've decided to sacrifice a little bit of history nerdity in favour of some fun. IMO, to an extent gameplay > history.

Three Roman factions actually represented how ancient Rome functioned prior to the Marius reforms and Rome's real rise to power (and after, but to a slightly lesser extent) and although they could've made it work better the theory was sound. Having three Roman factions constantly vying for dominance not only meant that Rome wasn't as unstoppable as it would otherwise be ingame (another instance of where gameplay > history. Sure, it'd be historically accurate to have the Romans steamrollering out of Italy and flattening everyone, but it wouldn't be much fun playing as the Gauls) but that it also reflects the precarious, volatile foundations Roman society worked on.
Right, but the acknowledge they're never going to get the history COMPLETELY accurate. It's impossible. So they've decided to sacrifice a little bit of history nerdity in favour of some fun. IMO, to an extent gameplay > history.

Three Roman factions actually represented how ancient Rome functioned prior to the Marius reforms and Rome's real rise to power (and after, but to a slightly lesser extent) and although they could've made it work better the theory was sound. Having three Roman factions constantly vying for dominance not only meant that Rome wasn't as unstoppable as it would otherwise be ingame (another instance of where gameplay > history. Sure, it'd be historically accurate to have the Romans steamrollering out of Italy and flattening everyone, but it wouldn't be much fun playing as the Gauls) but that it also reflects the precarious, volatile foundations Roman society worked on.
They where not separate entities though. The gameplay should be able to accommodate the history. Look at EB or RTR. EB has one Roman faction, as it should be and the gameplay is the best I have ever experienced in a TW game or mod. It is slower than the default game (4 turns per year instead of 2), and it is all the better for it IMO. CA could really learn something from the modding community.

Like I said, getting off topic (K)
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Demo out at 5pm GMT, I want to play it now :'(
Demo out at 5pm GMT, I want to play it now :'(

Nathan you deserve a medal for telling us that, just like u deserve 1 for your news on BF3 ;) I feared an angry mob rising up against me for saying it was out today when it isn't yet. Although if it's not released at 5pm today I will be leading the mob....
Should be out in 3 minutes time. Unfortunately not on the PC at the moment so can't get it myself but thought I would post to remind everybody interested.
Strange, the demo should be up now but I can't find it in steam even though on Twitter the official Total War said it was going up at 5pm.

Guess I better get ready to run away from the angry mob....
Up now peoples. I was refreshing it again and again, and it's just come up.
It's been downloading for 5 minutes and it's still at 0%. XD It's meant to be 5 GB, so yeah, lot of data. It will take a while.
1%! Woooo!

I am doing multiple stuff at once on a laptop, I shouldn't be too surprised.
rofl just tried to download and it said 'steam too busy' haha. 6Gb as well :S

working now 2% win download speed between 600KB and 1MB
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Those recommended settings are scary, think I'll have to give the demo a miss until I build my new computer. Doubt my E4500 has much chance here lol, was only meant to be a placeholder...
Wow shogun 2 is coming up thats a good news for me =).However the problem with total war is that I need to have quite powerfull graphic card to run a game :(.
I am big strategy fan aswell fm fan =D and I would suggest for some people to try Europa universallis 3 game aswell .It is very similar as total war games but you don't need stong graphic card to run a game.
However I can't wait shotgun 2 and compare it with Eu3
Download finished, time to load this beast up :p.
Download finished, time to load this beast up :p.

Give me details what is available on the demo. E.G: What clan can you be? How long do you get to play for? What restrictions are there?
swear it said on pc gamer we get a look at the campaign map?
only have to wait another 5 hours to play it XD