You obviously did coz he wouldn't have one name and be able to play every position. I bet your name is joe.
And a player wouldn't have 10 rating in most of his stats, unless he was unbelievably average.

And it doesn't matter if your name is Jeff, Joe or Jimikakulay. You made this player.
Haha Dont you smell something ... It comes from a bulls ****

and anyway havent we all done it :L
I did find 1 a while back but i deleted the file, This 1 wasnt created, Sadly Inter signed him
oh well :p it was worth a try :) I did create him :p

is want this guys head. Max, JP wherever you are

so obvious

anyway, check out this immense gen for our level

i am playing as Stettlen 08 in the 7. Liga Gruppe 11
Mike said:
On a more serious and genuine note, look at this German I found. Top notch stats for a teenager.


He is quality but it's lucky he's ultra quick coz he's really small 5' 4'' lol
He's quick, he's small, he's good at 'off the ball' - Klaus Ballot, Klaus Ballot! :D

I'm actually chuffed with that. XD Pah!

He's also wicked sexy. :wub:
is want this guys head. Max, JP wherever you are

so obvious

anyway, check out this immense gen for our level

i am playing as Stettlen 08 in the 7. Liga Gruppe 11

I'm jealous.

On a more serious and genuine note, look at this German I found. Top notch stats for a teenager.

A Black German huh? Hitler would be turning in his grave.
He's quick, he's small, he's good at 'off the ball' - Klaus Ballot, Klaus Ballot! :D

I'm actually chuffed with that. XD Pah!

He's also wicked sexy. :wub:

Haha.. Quality stuff.. How long did dat take you ta come up with?
Haha.. Quality stuff.. How long did dat take you ta come up with?

I literally made it up as I typed it. It was only supposed to be something like 'he's quick, he's small, he's sexy', but it just randomly came to me :D
Haha.... Fair play.. Emm... i dont really c wats so sexy about him tbh.. Iv seen sexier regens..